Zija ????

Does anyone know anything about this product??? Used it???? I worked the Healthy Living Expo and a couple of their folks were trying to sell me on it. OK - #1 - the "starter kit" is over $200 - OUCH!!!!!!!!!! and then if you continue buying the "pills" they are $69 for 30 capsules. I'm not a believer in taking "diet pills" and after looking at the website - that's indeed what they look like. I told the women that talked to me that I had IBS and Thyroid issues and they "assured" me that they had friends/clients with IBS and this product "helped" them. It has caffeine and Ephedra - how can that possibly be good for anyone?! Much less someone with IBS. Also there is NO info whatsoever on what's in the "detox tea". This does get me to thinking though. Has anyone else out there with IBS issues tried a detox tea or detox of some sort and had any success???


  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    In my opinion, all this stuff is just a load. Ephedra? Really? Hasn't that been banned? People need to stop with all these weird pills and just eat healthy. Your body will do what it needs to do with proper nutrition, that's just my two cents. There are no magic pills. Our bodies weren't made to process weird chemicals. They were made to get their fuel from nutritious foods.
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Don't waste your money or risk your health! Stick to MFP, stay in you calorie target, and keep your bod moving!

    If you want a "boost" try adding B vitamins, drinking green tea, and increasing the number of people in your support team :)
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    Also, for what its worth, the best "detox" is eliminating processed foods and chemicals from your diet and eating as cleanly as possible....add in food with a substantial antioxidant count, green or white tea, and lots of water....our bodies are more sophisticated than we give them credit for, and if we give the body the correct fuel, nutrients, and exercise, it will respond by eliminating toxins, excess weight, and as a result perform optimally.

    Good on ya for asking the right questions though, instead of just falling for the sales pitch!
  • beckijtn
    Thanks for the responses so far Ladies. And yeah, I'm no dummy. Dealing with IBS and Thyroid issues, I would NEVER put any kind of diet pill, detox drink, or detox tea in my body if I didn't know EXACTLY what was in it. If they had told me that that product had caffeine and Ephedra in it - I would have laughed in their faces. How ridiculous!!!!
  • hemiltonfleming
    I want to take some effective supplement for weightloss. I am mainly looking for the Zija weightlossproduct as they are so effective for major effect. I am looking forward for the http://maxtransformation.com/ for these products.
  • hemiltonfleming
    I personally use Zija products and my Zija review is a positive one as the effect Zija products http://maxtransformation.com/ has had on my health has been a Godsend. I am on a mission to spread the word about the company and its products in hopes that it will help others as it has helped me.
  • petersimon786
    Zija is an all natural beverage that is like an energy drink, but supposedly suppresses appetite. It is also supposed to detox the body. It is made from the bark of a tree. I have forgotten where from- I think Africa.
