My 7 year old daughter...

asked me if she could workout with me this weekend! Little stinker. Unfortunately my gym doesn't allow children so I told her we could go bowling as a family and we could all get exercise. I also told her once the snow melts we could go biking together. Makes me feel good that my kids are picking up on my healthy habits!


  • ✿KẙMb529✿
    Awe! That's great!! I know what you mean, my 2 1/2 year old told me he's going to "run when he gets big" =D At least we're doing something right!
  • blbradford87
    tell me about it! my 2 year old who hates all vegetables has started eating carrots! She sees mommy doing it and thinks she should too! i am so thrilled!
  • BeGreat25
    That is so adorable! My fiance will text me while I'm at work and he's home watching my daughter that she picks up my dumbells and says, " I'm going to work out right now." She's 7 as well.
  • crystaltrejo
    crystaltrejo Posts: 263 Member
    yes my 5 year old talks about calories all the time, mommy eat this it has calories....then the other day (posted on this one) he was playing Wii Fit kids by Nickelodeon and my daught said Lucas you better get moving...Mom would kill you at the gym, ahahahaha, I felt like superwoman at that one very moment. Love it.
  • nilisabel
    YAY! that's wonderful news! Did you know kids as young as 9-10 get eating disorders and children are suffering from obesity and type II diabetes? As a future nurse, that makes me so happy that you are encouraging your daughter's health, simply by being healthy yourself!! Congratulations, what a wonderful parent you are.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    My 9 & 10 year old will work out with me when I do a fitness DVD. My 10 year old son actually motivated me. He would be watching tv and the next thing I know he would either grab my 3lbs weights and start doing arm curls or he would drop to the floor and start doing push ups. Right in the middle of his tv show. I would sit there like why aren't I doing that. So now when I'm watching my shows I'm doing floor exercises.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    My daughter is 13yrs old and she does cross country and thinking about doing track.She does the treadmill to stay in shape.