In and Out for Lunch??

I know I know, we shouldnt have burgers in our diets if we're trying to lose weight!!

But how many of you would have a burger for lunch today? I want a cheeseburger with this sooo bad??

or what should i get thats okay from in and out????

Is somebody else craving in and out for lunch. i want a burger!! should i satisfy my hunger??


  • getsexymarylou
    getsexymarylou Posts: 39 Member
    I know I know, we shouldnt have burgers in our diets if we're trying to lose weight!!

    But how many of you would have a burger for lunch today? I want a cheeseburger with this sooo bad??

    or what should i get thats okay from in and out????

    Is somebody else craving in and out for lunch. i want a burger!! should i satisfy my hunger??
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    I had three things of the $1 menu at Taco Bueno. Shannon told me it was ok.

    That's right....pass that torch sweetie!! :laugh:

    So long as you make up for it with a great workout session or nothing but green leaves, you should be fine! One slip up every now and then will not kill :wink: your diet.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    If you deny your craving it will just get stronger! maybe only eat half the burger?? can you get a side salad with it? Just do it and don't feel bad about it. :)
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    The burger itself isn't THAT bad, but all the crap on it is really bad, I.E. special sauces, mayo...etc. Also, the bread is probably white, not really a great option, if you can get away with something on whole wheat, that would be better. And the fries, yeah, those are pretty bad for you. You might want to skip that part. I don't know the menu on In and Out so I can't give you alternatives, but I know like Wendys has some healthier options. And Taco Bell has it's Fresco menu which is suppose to be pretty good.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I had a burger for lunch. Granted, it was homemade, but still. That's what we usually do anyway. Money has been tight lately and my son can't have wheat which makes it hard to go to restaurants and find something he can eat. So we usually have burgers at home with homemade french fries (baked) and that takes care of our cravings for fast food burgers.
  • getsexymarylou
    getsexymarylou Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for the advice.. maybe i'll get a baked potato from wendys and a salad...better..I know i won't be feeling guilty about it later:wink:
  • getsexymarylou
    getsexymarylou Posts: 39 Member
    I had a burger for lunch. Granted, it was homemade, but still. That's what we usually do anyway. Money has been tight lately and my son can't have wheat which makes it hard to go to restaurants and find something he can eat. So we usually have burgers at home with homemade french fries (baked) and that takes care of our cravings for fast food burgers.

    Mmmmmm, that sounds yummie and more tasty! maybe i should try doing that on the weekends=) it also sounds more healthier
  • MFS27
    MFS27 Posts: 549 Member
    You can get a burger from In n' Out - ask for "protein style" - where they subsitute the bun for lettuce. I don't eat at In n' Out (fast food is not my thing), but hubby loves it. Ask for no special sauce and no cheese (just ketchup, mustard and onions) and your calorie count should be pretty doable.

    The fries are not good for ya, but moderation is the key. And step away from the milkshake!!! Those babies pack a whallop!!
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    Actually, if you do have a sudden craving for some down n dirty burgers, I found that 2 small cheese burgers, and a small order of fries isn't too much to plan around. You just hafta make an adjustment in your exercise schedule to allow it. :wink:
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    You can get a burger from In n' Out - ask for "protein style" - where they subsitute the bun for lettuce. I don't eat at In n' Out (fast food is not my thing), but hubby loves it. Ask for no special sauce and no cheese (just ketchup, mustard and onions) and your calorie count should be pretty doable.

    The fries are not good for ya, but moderation is the key. And step away from the milkshake!!! Those babies pack a whallop!!

    WoW, I just realized ya'll were talking about an actual place! haha I just thought you were saying something about "in and out"!

    Obviously we don't have one! :indifferent:
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    WoW, I just realized ya'll were talking about an actual place! haha I just thought you were saying something about "in and out"!

    Obviously we don't have one! :indifferent:

    LOL I thought the same thing...I just figured that "in and out" was what some people call fast ya know, you're in a hurry so you need a place that you can get "in and out" quickly lol! We don't have one here either LOL!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Funny this is the subject. I went for lunch today to IN n Out Burger.

    I had two Hamburgers Protein Style with mustard and ketchup instead of sauce and a diet coke.

    Total = 320 calories.

    Really good too. I probably could have gotten by with just one, but I feel like I had a feast and the calories were really reasonable.