Resisting temptation?

How do you do it? I have a horrible sweet tooth around a certain time of the month (sorry guys...TMI I know). So it's SOOOO hard to resist grabbing a Reese Cup and scarfing it down every once in a while. Does anyone have a favorite go to snack when times like this arise? I like chocolate covered pretzels (and yes, they actually have nutrients!). It gives me a bit of the salty and sweet taste I am craving for about 130 calories (for a small, single-serve bag).

I have also found that in between meals...crunching on ice cubes helps me fight the urge to "graze." I'm not sure about the benefits for my teeth but there's nothing more satisfying then crunching down on a frozen piece of water to me! Hehe.


  • audreybeaner
    WHY do I keep posting my threads in the wrong place! ARGH!
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I always go for an apple first, most of the time that takes care of any craving I may have. If I am having a major sweet tooth, then I will slice the apple and drizzle honey on it, so good!
  • Eyvette1
    Eyvette1 Posts: 76 Member
    you can do it...just pick what is important to you.
  • audreybeaner
    I LOVE apples!! That does sound yummy, but I'm allergic to honey :( I wonder if there's a low-cal caramel? Haha..wishful thinking!! ;)
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Maybe it's just because the worst of my cravings come late at night, but I honestly find just not keeping any junk in my house works best. I know there are nights where I will just find myself staring into the fridge looking to mindlessly munch, and if it's available, I'll make the worst choice. So I don't keep it in the house, which means late night sugar attacks usually wind up being satiated by half a salmon sandwich and an apple. Which means I still go over on my calories once in awhile, but if it's not the fudge covered brownie I was craving, I feel much better about it =)
  • kelliekent
    Actually Marzetti's makes a fat free caramel dip. You can find it in the produce section at the grocery store and it is OH SO YUMMY!!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    PS Audrey apples are super yummy with peanut butter! Especially if you mix in some cinnamon and a little sweetener =)
  • ksk69
    ksk69 Posts: 2
    Hershey's makes a 100 calorie Pretzel bar made with real Heshey's Chocolate that is very good!!