Calling out all mommys!



  • frogtox
    Any older moms out there?? I spent 38 years being fit and athletic. Two kids within 15 months of each other and my body is unrecognizable. I have to think being 43 isn't helping me lose weight a bit!
  • HaydonS19
    HaydonS19 Posts: 27 Member
    I have just started working out again...not easy with 5 kids sometimes. I haven't really noticed anything yet, other than I hate the way my body looks. Will try and update as I go along.
  • asm12707
    hello, i am a mother of a 3 1/2 yr old and a 3 month old. both were c-section :( so i know what u mean about a changed body lol. i have been working out for alomost 1 month, and it has helped my tummy a little.
  • Guinepig
    Guinepig Posts: 51 Member
    Awesome Ladies!!! Is there an easier way to communicate on here other than this thread? While it's awesome scrolling down the list to check out comments and encouragements... it's almost difficult to keep up and this site doesn't have 'notifications' like FB has for example... Ideas? Someone mentioned a group and that's awesome! How though?? Just continue the thread?

    I agree but I haven't the foggiest on how to start a group. I'm afraid if I just bumble around until I figure it out I'd just mess it up.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Oh how I wish that were true about improving your chest muscles and thus improving your boobs. I've done weight training consistently for 15+ years and through both pregnancies. I have a nice toned chest with flabby nasty boobs. In fact... having toned chest muscles makes it even more obvious how pendulous these puppies are. I've always been a full C but with the weight I've lost they aren't filling up my bra quite as much... not sure if that is good or bad. I come from a long line of big-chested women and I'd rather not be as big as they are...
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Ugh... aunt flo decided to drop by today. nice. I won't be getting on the scale again till next week... oh the fluid retention!!!
  • jenlouthoman
    I am a mom of 4 little sweeties 6 years old and under. Between each pregnancy I've tried to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, which hasn't always worked since they are so close together. Now that I'm done having kids, I'm really working hard to lose all of the pregnancy weight! Running, kick-boxing, soccer and pilates have all really helped me. It seems like after each pregnancy it was harder for my body to snap back, especially the tummy! It takes time, so don't lose hope!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I have two cutie kiddos a boy (5 yrs old) & a girl (3 yrs old). They keep me busy and they support my weight loss efforts just like my husband :happy: . I'm not afraid to try new things to challenge my body to lose my last 31.8 lbs of excess weight. I gained the exact same weight with both kids about 31-32 lbs from pregnancy and breastfed with both and lost the weight. I attempted Insanity last fall and now on the Jillian Michael's 30-day shred 2nd time (I did it in 2009 and had great results). I noticed after turning 30 yrs old it's not as easy to lose the weight. I have to completely alter my eating and manage my portions. My tummy is the most unflattering thing on me in my opinion and have the baby pouch :angry: . Hoping when I reach my weight goal (my wedding weight ~10 yrs ago) it will be possible to get rid of it.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Calories? I know that there are mathematical equations online that say how much your supposed to eat for your height and size and so on...but they don't alot for muscle composition.
    I'm 5'1, 109lbs and I am told to eat around 1500 a day with the inclusion of my activity level but it doesnt seem like enough. I feel sluggish. I tried a day or two where I ate what I wanted and I felt so much better the next day. I work out 6 times a week, three days at the gym doing weight training and Insanity and the other three are just Insanity. Am I not eating enough?
    I am fairly muscular but trying to lose the pooch and saddlebags. Only about 5 or so pounds of fat worth.

    I know, I know...cry me a river but this is almost two years of hard work. When does the hard work end and maintenance start. So give a girl a break...please.

    Check out this calorie calculator:
    If you click on the advanced options, there's a spot to change the formula to account for body fat %. Hopefully this helps you decide if you need more.

    I'm also working on my pooch. After 2 c-sections, it's tough. I almost had it back to normal after the first baby, then got pregnant again and had to start all over. My youngest will be 1 in about a week, and I'm going to try to be swimsuit-ready by summer. All my chub seems to be hanging on just on my belly. I'd actually fit back in my pre-pregnancy size 4 jeans if it wasn't for all the belly fat! With my first, I found that Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred really helped my core get back in shape.

    Good luck Mommies!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I have 2 kiddos. The oldest will be 4 in March and my youngest will be 2 in February. Two boys, Love em to pieces. The biggest thing that I have noticed while struggling with losing the baby weight is that my stomach 'chub' (definitely not the technical term but you get my point! *lol) has been the hardest to go. I dropped 15 lbs over the summer (and unfortunately located 5 of them since Christmas, sigh!) and I'd notice loss in 'the girls' and my butt but not at all in my stomach. And when I put those 5 lbs back on..where do you think it went?! Right to my stomach! It's a struggle staying on this weight loss journey and trying to restructure eating habits into good ones with kids on your hips! But I know we can do it!! It'll be awesome bringing our 'Mom sexy' back and it'll be so much easier keeping up with our adorable rugrats! ;-)
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Wanna hear a funny story? Last night I had a fiber one bar (gosh I love those things) as a treat so that I could meet my calorie requirements. Later when I got up I found a small piece of the bar (which happened to have a chocolate chunk) that had broken off and gotten caught in my shirt! You better believe I ate it! LOL Hey... those calories were counted... I owed it to myself. That was better than finding money in my pocket that I didn't know I had! I know... I'm so lame...
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    trying to post a picture of my kids....


  • capnananda
    capnananda Posts: 29 Member
    trying to post a picture of my kids....



    OMG, they are adoreable!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    My body has definitely changed since having kids. I had 2 c-sections and the stretching from that left me with excess skin that will never go back (I've talked to a plastic surgeon about this). My stomach muscles also separated and won't ever be "the same", but a tummy tuck (which I'm going to need) will help with the separation. I just need to lose the fat in the upper part of y body so tht it doesn't end up "falling" after a tummy tuck.
  • bfgalvan
    bfgalvan Posts: 13 Member
    I am mom to an almost 2 year old very active little girl. We recently moved to FL and I became a SAHM. I am needing to loose about 75 lbs to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I recently joined MFP and am loving it!

    My new favorite group fitness class is Body Pump! Its an hour of burn!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Oh how I wish that were true about improving your chest muscles and thus improving your boobs. I've done weight training consistently for 15+ years and through both pregnancies. I have a nice toned chest with flabby nasty boobs. In fact... having toned chest muscles makes it even more obvious how pendulous these puppies are. I've always been a full C but with the weight I've lost they aren't filling up my bra quite as much... not sure if that is good or bad. I come from a long line of big-chested women and I'd rather not be as big as they are...

    Bah boobs are silly there should be something we can do to make them look better besides wearing bras and surgery. Mine have always been saggy, even before pregnancy because they have always been DD but bordered on DDD during pregnancy >_<
  • redhottxozk
    i had my boobs done way before i had my daughter... was single... didnt plan on getting married and having a baby soooo soon.... wish i would have waiting had horrible problems with nursing... surgeon will say it doesnt affect breastfeeding... lactation consultants will tell you it does.... HOWEVER.... it is the ONLY thing that i actually like about my body now since being pregnant and not being able to get this weight off... have like 8 pounds to pregnancy and then about 15 prehusband to lose and it definitely isnt coming off as fast as i would like... hahaha