job search getting me down :(

I recently graduated business school and this job market is TOUGH! I've been networking like a crazy person, having more "coffee meetings" than I imagine, and applying to 4-5 jobs a day. Nothing is happening!

My days are spent alone at home, applying and applying, and getting discouraged. I'm so bored and defeated. I just want a JOB at this point- forget one I love!

Anyone else going through this? I'm seriously starting to get depressed.


  • peggybrant
    peggybrant Posts: 144 Member
    I have not experienced this but I have heard it's worth the money to hire a professional resume creator.
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    Well I graduate in june from high school and i have been putting in applications at different places just until i go to college and i put in like 30 applications and never heard back :( i get depressed too
  • prencesskl
    I know a lot of people who are doing this right now! Unfortunately with the economy the way it is, it's harder than it should be. Try taking internships and get some personal contacts, they help big time! Just remember, if your trying it will happen, and you never know when those coffee meetings and contacts will pay off! Keep your head up and good luck : )
  • riverkit
    riverkit Posts: 22 Member
    My husband is having that trouble. He's been looking for a job for over a year now. He's very depressed about it. And yes, he's doing the 4-5 applications a day, too.
    It took me 18 months to find one.

    You just have to stay positive. And keep at it! Don't let it hold you down. :) Harder than it sounds, I know. Just keep swimming. :)
  • namara
    I completely understand what you are going through. My husband graduated last May and still hasn't found a job. I am also unemployed, graduating December 2011 and am in a furious search to find a job. We apply to over 20 jobs per day, just trying to find something that can get us into an organization and then, hopefully be able to move around.
    There is the perfect job out there for you, its just a matter of it coming to the light.
    Good luck, keep your chin up and pray! :)
  • kpower1983
    kpower1983 Posts: 103 Member
    I have been a careers guidance professional for 7 years and it is tough out there. Idefinitely agree that you must consult a professional when witing a CV - it will make all the difference. You also need a great covering letter selling your best attributes.

    Start thinking like an employer, it's great that you have graduated but they want to know that you are employable this needs to be demonstrated by track record and providing examples of how you meet their criteria in terms of meeting their core competencies..

    The top three things an employer wants are honesty, reliability and enthusiasm -everything else can be taught.

    If in doubt go back to basics! You are 4 times as employable whn you are in a job so it's best to get something even if it's not the dream job.

    You will be fine and get there in the end - keep going!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    Try calling the person you interviewed with to see if they have had any openings, You never know you might get lucky. Then they will know you are a go getter also.:flowerforyou: Hope you find one soon
  • Lindsey72386
    You are not alone! I've had probably 3 interviews in the last month or so and one I thought I was actually going to get.....I had 3 interviews with this company then a week later found out they went with someone else! Now I have another interview Friday but i'm not going to get my hopes up because I have been let down 1 to many times! The stress of bills piling up is gonna be the last of me! BUT the positive side of being home all day is I work out as much as possible. I figure while I'm looking for jobs at home I'll be exercising as much as possible! Keep your head up though...I know its hard!
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    No I am not going through this, yet. I am still working on my bachelors degree and I got disappointing news from my advisor that I still have an extra 6 classes worth of units to complete ON TOP of the other 8 classes I have to finish this year.

    Keep your head up!! You will find the right position soon!
  • kitchentales
    The summer of 2008 I put out about 50 resumes and heard back from 1 employer. And I was applying for everything, I just needed a summer job. (I'm in Canada, I know we weren't hit as hard as the US.)

    Some advice I've heard before is to widen the job search - if you are looking for a specific industry (ex oil & gas), applying for any jobs in the oil & gas industry, even if it's not what you want to do right now. Alternatively, if you're looking for a specific job, applying in more than one industry. Example: I want to get into editing fiction books - there aren't many publishing houses in my city, so when the time comes, I will be applying to edit anything anywhere - technical editing, website editing, newspaper copy editing, etc.

    Not sure what exactly you want to do, but what I've done for my editing is start a website, and I'm taking on "side jobs" as a freelancer/contractor to help build my experience.

    Something I've done in the past is apply at temp agencies. They often do temp-to-permanent jobs, and they're really good at finding you work.