Proteins.. are mine set too low?

I am trying to understand what is up with the protein settings.

I struggle every day to not go over in my proteins, usually unsuccessfully, and I know I am making healthy choices.
I do admit I was surprised by just how little protein was being allowed.
I am regularly under in calories and carbs (and sodium but THAT's a good thing *LOL*).. and regularly over in protein.

But after browsing through a number of folks food diaries here, that seem to have same base goal as I do of 1200 calories per day, their protein allowances seems so much higher than mine even taking exercise into consideration.

What's up with that? why the differences?
Should I be manually adjusting my levels? Do I even need to?

Help? *LOL*

(my food diary is public if anyone wishes to have a look)


  • 3agirls
    3agirls Posts: 13 Member
    That is happening to me too! As long as it is the protein that is over and not calories or fat - I feel it should be fine!! I am curious what others say to that also.
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    i believe the default is 15%, this is WAY TOO LOW if you want to build lean muscle.... adjust!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    It certainly won't hurt you to go over on your protein, provided you don't have health issues that will be exacerbated by too much protein -- but if that were the case, you would more than likely know it by now. I would just not worry about it.
  • krsslim
    krsslim Posts: 191
    I had this problem, talked about it in another forum, and here's what I did:

    You can change your targets in your profile/goals section. I upped my protein cals by 5% and lowered the carb cals by that same 5%. As long as you are not going over 30% of your calories coming from protein, you should be good. That 5% seems to have made a big difference for me.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    Think of the protein as more of a minimum level that you should reach daily. The default setting is way low! You can customize it if you want. I've got mine set for 40%. MFP is set for 15%, I believe. Feel free to go over in protein, it's the fat and the carbs that should be somewhat limited.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member

    i love how this gets asked 4654375 times a day and now the resposes just get shorter and shorter xD
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    wow.. such useful answers! thank you so much everyone!

    makes me wonder... why does mfp have the default protein level set so low to begin if this is such a common question *L*
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    wow.. such useful answers! thank you so much everyone!

    makes me wonder... why does mfp have the default protein level set so low to begin if this is such a common question *L*

    I agree actually :] the RDA is 10-35% so it is definately more on the low side
  • bumblebee007
    bumblebee007 Posts: 4 Member
    I cant find the button for changing the protein setting? Where is it on the website? Hadn't realised it was so low!
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    just changed my protein from default (20%) to 25% (taking the extra 5% out of carbs)... and yay! i think that simple change will work for me..
    thanks everyone!