Strep Throat sucks!

I came down with Strep again (2nd time this month, thanks kids!!). Last time it derailed me ... I barely ate, and I barely got out of bed. This time I've managed to stay at or above 1200 calories ... AND I snuck in a quick workout!
The point of this ... I'm the BIGGEST baby when I'm sick. So if I can get off my sickly (and biggish) rear to take care of myself ... there should be no excuse for anyone else! Take it one day at a time ... set backs are just that ... set backs! Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start tomorrow just how it is ... a NEW DAY!!
Good Luck everyone!!


  • kferg0312
    i know exactly how you feel! I too just got over having strep throat! It has completely drained me for the last week. Today is the first day I've felt semi normal since last Tuesday. But I'm starting to get back on track now and I'm excited
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I got strep last February with my daughter. I'd rather have another kid and go through labor than that again!
    Thank God for vicodin! It gives me a headache, but a headache was so worth getting rid of the aching to the bone hurt.