Working Nights

Hello everyone. It's been great reading everyone's posts. The ups and downs are very encouraging to read because we've all been there. Nice to know I'm now the only one trying to handle things one step at a time.

I am finding that I have a very tricky problem and maybe someone out there has some thoughts that can help me. If there are past posts on this, someone can direct me there as well, if that works.

I work straight nights. Not that big of a deal, I know, but I'm having a heck of a time trying to establish consistent eating times. Now a little glitch in my days and nights is that when I get off work at 7am, I sleep for an hour then have to get up to take my son to work. I head back to bed and try to fall back to sleep for another couple of hours, then have to go pick him up again. I think my biggest challenge is that I don't just come home and sleep for hours and have the same schedule every day.

I have a consistent 1am meal at work, which I've chosen to be 1 of 2 'bigger' meals to help me manage work the rest of the night. However, another little glitch in my system is that on my 2 days off a week, I don't have that 1am meal. I tend to sleep at night to catch up from not getting adequate sleep on my working nights.

I know it's all pretty confusing, but I'd appreciate any comments at all. Does anyone else have that kind of flexible or changing schedule and if so, how do you manage to work out consistent eating patterns? I have a LONG way to go and it seems like a mountain ahead, but I'm determined to make it work, 2 pounds at a time.

Any thoughts???


  • misspamyla
    misspamyla Posts: 46 Member
    Hello everyone. It's been great reading everyone's posts. The ups and downs are very encouraging to read because we've all been there. Nice to know I'm now the only one trying to handle things one step at a time.

    I am finding that I have a very tricky problem and maybe someone out there has some thoughts that can help me. If there are past posts on this, someone can direct me there as well, if that works.

    I work straight nights. Not that big of a deal, I know, but I'm having a heck of a time trying to establish consistent eating times. Now a little glitch in my days and nights is that when I get off work at 7am, I sleep for an hour then have to get up to take my son to work. I head back to bed and try to fall back to sleep for another couple of hours, then have to go pick him up again. I think my biggest challenge is that I don't just come home and sleep for hours and have the same schedule every day.

    I have a consistent 1am meal at work, which I've chosen to be 1 of 2 'bigger' meals to help me manage work the rest of the night. However, another little glitch in my system is that on my 2 days off a week, I don't have that 1am meal. I tend to sleep at night to catch up from not getting adequate sleep on my working nights.

    I know it's all pretty confusing, but I'd appreciate any comments at all. Does anyone else have that kind of flexible or changing schedule and if so, how do you manage to work out consistent eating patterns? I have a LONG way to go and it seems like a mountain ahead, but I'm determined to make it work, 2 pounds at a time.

    Any thoughts???
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    I work shifts... I understand your pain. Yes, sleeping consistently will help you put your body back together. Is there a way to get someone else to take your son to work? Also, it's not a bad thing to switch back and forth you just have to ensure you're eating enough, and often enough. Easy to forget to eat when you work nights. Just try to balance it out and eat really healthy.

    I don't know your specific hours but here is an example of when I work nights: I wake up and do a dinner meal with the fam, 5 pm (breakfast at dinner, yum). then snack at 9-10 pm, then lunch at 1 am (rice/chicken/veg), then snack at 3 (really lite cause I get sleepy!! Usually my coffee break too), then breakfast around 6am or if I didn't feel like it I would be woken up at 11 or 12 afternoon time to eat a bowl of cereal and head back to bed.

    Does that help?
  • nichols
    nichols Posts: 240
    hello misspamyla. i too work the nite shift from 6 to 6. i get home around 7 then catch a couple of hours of sleep, then back up and to the gym, then go home and catch another hour before getting back up and getting ready for work. average sleep about 4 hours a day. i also eat my main meal around 1 am. i have found it is easier to stay on the same schedule weather i am working or not. i rely mostly on protein shakes, fruits, salads, and quick soups that i can heat up. it is very hard to maintain a strict eating schedule and i dont ever seem to come close to eating my daily calories. my schedule is also very flexible but consistant at the same time. i work 2 days on 2 days off then three days on 2 days off then 2 days on then three days off for a two week pay period. i have asked this question before and got some really good ideas but couldn't implement them do to coming off the road and not being able to bring anything into the jail. i will find the the thread it might have some good ideas for u. GOOD LUCK
  • nichols
    nichols Posts: 240
    If u type in nite shift or nite time eating in the search it will give u alot of past post with great ideas. hope that helps. good luck and god bless.