Fit By Summer - February



  • I just started on this site 2 days ago. My name is Ayla, and I am 19. My goal is to lose 25-30 pounds by summer so I can get back into my favorite sport. I was a kickboxer for 10 years before I injured my knee. Now I have lost some strength, gained a LOT of weight, and lost flexibility.
    I'd have to say the craziest thing that happened to me is a friend I used to hang out with became famous! Really. I didn't speak to her for a few years, and next thing I knew, I got a package in the mail from her, and it was their first CD. That was crazy :)
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member

    I'm Jennifir. I recently moved to Massachusetts and love it here and the active lifestyle. It has me more motivated than I have been in a long time. I would love to lose 15 pounds by my birthday in May and 25 by the end of the summer. I'd love to be comfortable in a bathing suit considering I live within 20 minutes of beaches now! I also want to pursue my desire to be a Zumba instructor and plan to be ready to look into that this summer..

    The most outlandish thing that has happened to me...not sure. I did meet and eat lunch at a mcdonalds with James Brown when I was seven. I'll never forget it!

    Crazy, I just moved to Massachusetts too!! Where did you move from? I hail from California, the weather has been totally harsh over here. I live in Haverhill how about you?
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hello friends and welcome to the newcomers!!! My name is Andrea, 24 year old in Massachusetts. My goal is to get down 20 pounds by my 25th birthday would be great, June 9th.

    Craziest thing that has happened to me? It's happening right now...deciding to take a leap of faith and move across the country from California to Mass. with my bf in one of the harshest winters to hit the east coast in awhile (from what I hear). I have got to say the experience has been fun so far.
  • jennifir
    jennifir Posts: 197 Member
    Hello friends and welcome to the newcomers!!! My name is Andrea, 24 year old in Massachusetts. My goal is to get down 20 pounds by my 25th birthday would be great, June 9th.

    Craziest thing that has happened to me? It's happening right now...deciding to take a leap of faith and move across the country from California to Mass. with my bf in one of the harshest winters to hit the east coast in awhile (from what I hear). I have got to say the experience has been fun so far.

    I did the same thing...but I moved And I live in Haverhill! I sent you a friend request...I think we need to hang out and help each other...maybe find a zumba class! I moved from asheville, nc
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    It's great hearing a little bit about each of you, keem em coming.
    I'd have to say the craziest thing that happened to me is a friend I used to hang out with became famous! Really. I didn't speak to her for a few years, and next thing I knew, I got a package in the mail from her, and it was their first CD. That was crazy :)

    Ayla, That's really cool, who is she?..I'd love to check out her music.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    jennifir can i ask what is zumbo? ive never heard of it before.

    Zumba is a high impact, most amazing dance aerobics. Once you try it you are addicted. It has a latino, hip hop feel to it. Check it out at or check out youtube because I'm sure there are videos of it. Iluvsparkles and I started zumba together a couple years ago!

    Do you do zumba through videos or did you enroll in a class?
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hello friends and welcome to the newcomers!!! My name is Andrea, 24 year old in Massachusetts. My goal is to get down 20 pounds by my 25th birthday would be great, June 9th.

    Craziest thing that has happened to me? It's happening right now...deciding to take a leap of faith and move across the country from California to Mass. with my bf in one of the harshest winters to hit the east coast in awhile (from what I hear). I have got to say the experience has been fun so far.

    I did the same thing...but I moved And I live in Haverhill! I sent you a friend request...I think we need to hang out and help each other...maybe find a zumba class! I moved from asheville, nc

    Yayy!! I sent you a message back, you have no idea how ecstatic I am about finding someone nearby!!! If you find a zumba class I am totally in I need it, I really want to get down to 200 pounds.
  • jennifir
    jennifir Posts: 197 Member
    does planet fitness have any zumba classes? I know Choice Fitness does.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I doubt it, it is really small and I haven't seen any fitness rooms besides the main floor.
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    jennifir can i ask what is zumbo? ive never heard of it before.

    Zumba is a high impact, most amazing dance aerobics. Once you try it you are addicted. It has a latino, hip hop feel to it. Check it out at or check out youtube because I'm sure there are videos of it. Iluvsparkles and I started zumba together a couple years ago!

    thanks ive heard of dance aerobics tried a couple and hurt my joints badly fab work out tho just wish i could handle the strain to my joints to do it more

    Zumba actually has a lot of "low-impact" options for most of the routines. All you need to do is tell the instructors that you have joint problems and they'll give you a variation of the routine. Everyone can do Zumba :)
  • i have tried it once - its good though. i have got dvds. enough free resources on youtube.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    jennifir can i ask what is zumbo? ive never heard of it before.

    Zumba is a high impact, most amazing dance aerobics. Once you try it you are addicted. It has a latino, hip hop feel to it. Check it out at or check out youtube because I'm sure there are videos of it. Iluvsparkles and I started zumba together a couple years ago!

    thanks ive heard of dance aerobics tried a couple and hurt my joints badly fab work out tho just wish i could handle the strain to my joints to do it more

    Zumba actually has a lot of "low-impact" options for most of the routines. All you need to do is tell the instructors that you have joint problems and they'll give you a variation of the routine. Everyone can do Zumba :)

    thru dvds we dont get zumba classes near me as far as im aware id never heard of it. i do like my sports trampoline tho i can jump slowly and it cushions some of the impact which is good but mostly i walk for exercise the usual cleaning and i go to a ladies and babies swim class monday mornings not much swimming but alot of walking my toddler widths across the pool
  • Hello! I would like to join the Fit by Summer! My name is Kelly and I would like to loose 10-15 lbs by June 9 (Bonnaroo!! -its a music festival I attend every summer). The craziest thing I ever did was quit my job in the midwest and move to NYC in the middle of the recession, but I fared pretty well and am living the urban life in style. I take spin and yoga classes, as well as starting a couch to 5K program 4 weeks ago. I'm signed up for a 5K program in April. I've lost of total of 2lbs in a month. Any suggestions from people who have been successful in losing those last 10 pounds? They are definitely the most difficult!!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Zumba does look fun.I do want to try it.I had a few days of rest and yesterday and today I did stretching and toning.I really need to start doing alot of aerobics soon too.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hello friends, had another bad eating day and got to get that under control!!! Need to plan my meals ahead of time because when I improvise I get in major trouble. Hope all is well, gonna force my butt to get to the gym tomorrow.

    How is everyone doing so far?

  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Anyone ever heard of Crossfit? My hubby does it and so he has been doing some modified workout of the day routines for me to do on my off days from Zumba. It is ROUGH! But I can feel myself getting stronger :)
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Anyone ever heard of Crossfit? My hubby does it and so he has been doing some modified workout of the day routines for me to do on my off days from Zumba. It is ROUGH! But I can feel myself getting stronger :)

    No what is it? I have had this 30 day shred dvd for about 6 months, it was a present from my sister who actually started doing it ..about 6 months ago and she has actually lost a ton of weight....SOOOO I think I am going to push myself to try to do it when I do not go into the gym (it can't hurt). I have yet to find an exercise that I like....other than using the elliptical to club music ( I like moving to the beat hehe).
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Hello friends, had another bad eating day and got to get that under control!!! Need to plan my meals ahead of time because when I improvise I get in major trouble. Hope all is well, gonna force my butt to get to the gym tomorrow.

    How is everyone doing so far?


    struggling to get back into dieting if im honest
    i starte dlast summer lost 12lbs using this site and exercising but then hit a plateau and xmas got close and i just stopped now me and my friend started again waite duntil feb 1st so all the xmas chocs etc would be out of the way but after no exercise and eating basically anything i wanted when i wanted im struggling i find myself at the end of the day 8pm feeling peckish and no calories left i could get my wii fit board out and earn some but by time ive done that and the exercise id need for a snack id probably be thinking forget it bedtime and i have already eaten a good sensible meal so its mor elikely to be boredom eating
    i need it to be monday so i can see a result on scale and feel all motivated because its working if that makes sense and i tried my loose jeans on today i couldnt fasten them :( incentive enough there i think roll on these last 20lbs gone
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    Helloooooo I'm Shannon and i would like to lose 50 pounds by end of July.

    Best of luck to all of us on reaching our goals!!
  • oysterboy
    oysterboy Posts: 31 Member

    Good to see so many people still with us :)
    So a bit more about me, I lost over 50lbs a couple of years ago and became addicted to running and am currently training for my 6th half marathon which is in March. I've put 20ish lbs back on over the last couple of years and my main motivation to lose it again is to get faster.

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