Military Spouse Seeking Other Spouses for Support/Motivation

caseymcq Posts: 55
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I am a military spouse (USMC) who not only knows the stresses of military life, but I am a mother of 3 kids, who is super mom! Anyone else out there just like me? I have been a stay at home mom for almost 2 years now after I had my last son. I worked as a nurse and it's been a definite change from roaming the clinic floor all day to roaming my home all day! The change, along with moving with the military, year long deployment without my husband and having a newborn and a toddler and a school age child to raise on my own has added up over the past couple of years and I am not in the place emotionally and physically that I'd like to be. I finally put my foot down and decided that I no longer wanted to be in this unhappy and unhealthy state of being!! It would be GREAT to have some motivational people who can relate to me as we try to reach our fitness and health goals! Let's do this, people!!!

I joined on Jan.15 2011 and my goal is to wear a bathing suit on the first day of summer (June 22-I think) without wearing shorts and a t-shirt over it!! Summer has become my least favorite season because all the "cute" clothes are for smaller girls! And let's be honest, there is nothing cute about a big girl wearing the "cute" clothes...ya'll feel me?!?! LOL
Anyway, I would love some motivation and I would be glad to give it, too!!


  • Hi!, I'm a military wife as well, with two little girls. I'm trying to lose 30 pounds and I feel like I'm in the right state of mind, I'm trying to find people that in the same boat as me and we can share idea's and progress. I would love to saty in touch and keep each other motivated!
  • Awesome! Being in the right mind set makes a big difference! I am finally there, myself! Feel free to add me so we can keep track of each other's progress!!
  • 4Matt
    4Matt Posts: 26
    I'm a soon-to-be military wife. My fiance is in the Coast Guard as a reservist but is hoping to go active. No kids- just adjusting to the military lifestyle/thinking. I have at least 20 pounds to lose & hope to lose at least 10 of it before the wedding at the end of March. I hope we can support each other!
  • Good for you! You can do it! Mind over matter! The military lifestyle is truly unique and it seems (well for me, atleast) that it puts a little more pressure on the spouses to be in shape as well. I want to be as in shape as my husband since it's required of him! I don't want us to look "mis matched"...if that makes any sense! Again, best wishes on your weight loss journey!! You can DO THIS!!
  • Hi Ladies; New herebut so far have lost 2lbs can't wait to get back in shape and eat right. My 3 beautiful children 16 12 8 and my husband are going to be quite frustrated with me very soon We're fixing to go to clean eating( any food that will last for years because of preservatives shouldn't be in our bodies)
    My husband is currently an Army Reservist. We have been married for a year come this Feb 25 but been together for 6years. He's been home from his latest deployment for a year and I just found out last night that he is going to most likely be going to Afghanistan in about a year. He's asking to be attached to the unit he went to Iraq with last year.Deployment is the toughest thing I've ever had to deal with.Having to deal with children, house and everything else that comes up is tough but as I'm sure all yall do we surive and it makes us stronger women! I'm so glad there are women here that will all know what each other are going through and be able to support each other when we need it most from ones that know what we are going through
  • Military wife here of 19 years! My husband is active duty in the Air Force. We are currently stationed in GA. That is great that there is a forum for military spouses where we can relate and talk about something in common! I am looking forward to seeing us all meet are goal no matter how large or small it may be! As for myself I plan on losing 25 lbs! Weight i picked up while stationed in Germany and of course the PCS stress that comes with it ... I am not going to lie it has been very difficult for me to be back in the states again after living in Europe for the past 5 years. I am a group fitness/spin instructor so I know what I need to do to get my sexy back! My husband is very supportive. So I could not ask for anything better than having a partner that will keep me motivated during this journey! I look froward to reading everyone elses story out there and by all means you can add me or contact me at anytime! Ciao for now!
  • tiffanykeaton
    tiffanykeaton Posts: 17 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom as well..and understand the level of restraint you have to have being at home all day, with the kitchen nearby! i'm here to support ya!
  • jmyers1230
    jmyers1230 Posts: 67 Member
    Air Force wife (though our actual wedding is going to be in December this year). My wedding dress is a bit too small because I gained some weight since I went dress shopping. Slowly it is starting to come off. I actually just picked up my dress today and now it's upstairs. It's going to be hard not to go try it on a million times before December lol. My goal is not to have to do any alterations on my dress (except the bustle), or to have to take it in!

    My husband/fiance, whatever you want to call him lol, has watched me track my food for a couple weeks now and just decided he would join too. We're both planning to look great by our wedding!

    Feel free to add me.
  • downtownstazi
    downtownstazi Posts: 143 Member
    I am also a young military wife. My husband has been in the Air Force for five years and we are stationed in Alaska. (brrr..)
    Since I've been married, I thought I could eat like my husband and be okay..well I was wrong..I want to lose fourty...I've lost ten so far.

    Feel free to add me and we can join a coalition of military wives! Woo! heehee.
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