I hate veggies, but know I need to start eating them

hchristine Posts: 63
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I really can't stand eating veggies, but really want to eat healthy. Even if I don't think it tastes that bad I still get a gag reflex every time I try to put one in my mouth. Does anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions on cooking them a certain way that may help? Or maybe one that doesn't taste gross...lol. Any help would be appreciated.


  • I don't like veg either. Nor fruit. Never have, probably never will. I can tolerate some vegs when they're IN something else: finely diced mushrooms in marinara sauce, for example.

    Why force yourself? Life is too short to eat things you don't like. Take a multivitamin, find a source of anti-oxidants (some vitamins have them) and eat what you love. Don't waste the time, energy, money and GUILT trying to consume something you loathe.


  • I do not like them either but roasting them and grilling them can give a good flavor to them :) and you get more veg per calories. Really the trick is to make them tasty not a chore
  • You hate ALL veggies? That seems unlikely, since there are like 800 varieties of them...

    Surely you can find something you like, or some way of preparing them that tastes good. Everything tastes good with sauce!
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    @Kat...I like that thought process. :laugh:

    @hcchristine...I would see if you can mix them in with other things...like the marinara sauce that Kat suggested. You can puree all sorts of veggies that would mix right into a tomato based sauce without altering the flavor. Maybe try carrots or cauliflower as those seem to puree up the best and not have too much effect on the sauce.

    Good luck!
  • Do you like spaghetti? Have you tried those V8 splash drinks? Maybe you can drink a fruit smoothie with some greens thrown in. For example throw some watermalon in a blender with some strawberries then add some spinach to it, or add carrots(get those matchstick carrots) You will not taste the veggies, but if you use spinach the smoothie will be green.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I always eat my spinach/broccoli with Walmart's Marketside Salsa and some type of lean meat.
  • newjmf
    newjmf Posts: 78
    You can make a green smoothie with veggies and fruit. The fruit masks the taste of the veggies. Check out htis link: http://www.thebestofrawfood.com/green-smoothie-recipe-2.html

    I hope this helps!
  • My boyfriend hates them too! I am trying to find ways to get him to eat them! One way was to make spaghetti bolognaise and blend up mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers and other veggies in the sauce! He didn't even realise they were in there and said it was really nice! :) He also likes bubble and squeak but that is mashed potato with sprouts and parsnips and lots of veggies mixed together and fried. If you use low calorie spray it might be a nice way to add in some veggies into your dinner! Eventually you'll grow to stand the taste! I was made to eat them when I was little and now I actually like them, lol! Stuffed peppers might be another way (stuff them with brown basmati rice and some veggies and some low cal cheese on the top).

    Hope that helps you! :flowerforyou:
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    I maka a spaghetti sauce that I call Confetti Spaghetti. I make a marinara sauce and add steamed broccoli and cauliflower. It is so good. Also you can lightly steam some broccoli, toss it with a little oil and some balsamic vinegar and then roast. SOOOOOOO GOOOD. I have a ton of these things on my blog, the address is in my siggi.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,553 Member
    Hiding them in other foods is one good way to do it. Jessica Seinfeld (Jerry's wife) wrote a cookbook about this very thing. You could get it from the library and it shows how to hide stuff in foods her kids would eat. I second the V8 drinks. The v8 fusion pomegranite/blueberry is delicious and I use it to make smoothies. My kids love it and don't realize they are getting a serving of veggies and fruit every time they drink one. I'm not a huge vegetable fan (mostly because my mother subscribed to the clean plate club and forced me to eat all kinds of nasty canned veggies growing up) but have discovered as I have gotten older, there are some I actually do like. I force myself to try different things and different ways of cooking them (or not-sometimes raw is better) and I actually have a list of things I like now.
  • Oh yes and seeing another post has reminded me of green monsters! They're a smoothie with a banana, a cup of spinach and one and a quarter cups of soy milk in! It tastes like a banana milkshake but bam there you have a big portion of lovely packed full of vitamin drink!

    Go to this website (http://greenmonstermovement.com) and click on recipes and they have lots of different ones with different veggies and fruit in :)


    Oh and also mash parsnips into potatoes! Yummy :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I honestly don't understand this. I have seen several posts like this in the last few days. Didn't your parents ever make you eat good food? How can so many people hate fruits and vegetables? And no, you cannot just take a multivitamin and expect to be healthy. You need the nutrients, micronutrients, amino acids and fiber from fruits and vegetables. They are also full of plant sterols which help lower bad cholesterol and promote good cholesterol. Unless you want to be taking supplements and all kinds of expensive medications (barely tested drugs pumped out by the pharmaceutical industry) you need to suck it up and start eating right.

    If you honestly gag every time you try to eat a vegetable you may need to see a therapist who specializes in selective eating disorders. There's nothing wrong with vegetables that would make a normal person have that reaction.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    The more you eat them the more you will get used to it. I swear! Try to find some new ones yoyu haven't tried, but for goodness' sake DO NOT try to live your life without them. Supplements are great, but your body is much more efficient at absorbing the vitamins in veggies than in pills. Also, there is just no comparison for the amount of fiber you get from veggies, especially from such little calories.
  • I was never big on veggies. I just slowly started introducing them into my diet a little at a time and before I knew it I was craving them. Working this technique on my kids now and it seems to be working. I saw a TV program once that said it takes your mind and body about 10 times of trying a food your not fond of before you start to develop a taste for it. Just remember baby steps, find one or two you can tolerate and start from there. My stepson ate broccoli and sweet potato fries last night without one complaint. Couldn't get the kid to look at a veg a few months ago without gagging. :)
  • Thank you for all the ideas, very helpful. My parents always made me eat them growing up, and I just always hated them. :)
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I just found a jar of Prego Heart Smart pasta sauce in my cabinet and the label says "more than a full serving of vegetables". The roasted red pepper and garlic is DELICIOUS...even my 13 year old eats it and he doesn't really like pasta sauce.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I cannot eat a canned or frozen veggie to save my life...they are GROSS!! Growing up that is all my mom made and its no wonder I never liked veggies!!

    FRESH veggies are amazing!! Anything from sauteed spinach, sauteed zucchini, roasted anything (including broccoli which I used to DETEST) to brussel sprouts to asparagus...you name it I like it.

    You have to experiment to find the recipe that makes them taste the way you like them...for me it is roasted or sauteed with olive oil, lemon and garlic...mmmmmmm!
  • kkrupp
    kkrupp Posts: 20
    @kat- Someone who doesn't like fruit or veggies?! That is just to weird. Is there anything left to eat besides meat and dairy then? (Sorry I'm just sort of blown away at how you don't like either of them!)
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