Snow removal Challenge



  • lknorthstar
    lknorthstar Posts: 132 Member
    I too am blessed with a ton of snow. I have drifts taller then my horses! But I am lucky to have a husband with a skidloader and a snow blower behind the tractor. Of course I would maybe be in better shape if I shoveled it! javascript:add_smiley('laugh','post_body')
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm with you! I'll be out there today, live in Michigan and we got hit last night, still getting hit actually!
  • LizardIsANerd
    It's still coming down here in Southern Illinois (As in almost KY/IL border) but we don't even have what we would consider a full dusting on the ground yet... Not even sure I *could* get it into a shovel!!
  • imcanadianangel
    imcanadianangel Posts: 40 Member
    Already spent 75 mins shoveling and still more to go!!!
  • shedingtears
    I love shoevling the snow....Detroit got a few im going to join u & let my teenager cleab the kitchen lol
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I wish I could join you on this. My 3-year-old son hates playing in the snow, so it's impossible for me to shovel because I can't leave him in the house without supervision. He WILL eat anything he finds on the floor. And probably flush some toys down the toilet. :laugh:
  • doutri2
    doutri2 Posts: 186 Member
    I am usually the one who wears the "snow pants" in our house, but since my husband is home, he feels the urge to shovel the 18 inches on our driveway. Since we are expected to get more snow on Sunday, I'll probably get to shovel that while he watches the Superbowl.
  • fatt_tony_13
    We have about 2ft of snow to shovel here. I spent an hour and made it 20 ft. Another hour and Ill make it to the driveway. Thats where the real fun starts.
  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    I have about 30" of snow on the ground and it's about 4 feet in some places because of drifitng. I'll be outside today burning calories by removing snow from my sidewalk and driveway. Who's with me?

    Good luck on removing all that snow.
  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    I'm just north of Chicago and went for a nice walk this morning. Took 45 minutes just to get around my apartment building -- drifts up to my hips at times. When I got too tired to keep going, I made a snow angel. It was fantastic!

    I logged it as 45 min. of cross-country hiking and then had a nice, hot breakfast with zero guilt. I wish myfitnesspal had some activities designated as summer or winter, though. I guarantee I worked harder hiking through snow up to my knees than I would hiking on dry ground!
  • mayree678
    mayree678 Posts: 9 Member
    1 hour down several more to go before I actually get out. crazy snow
  • peabody18
    DH just headed out to shovel. He was getting suited up and I said, "don't forget the path to the lp gas cylinders, the delivery man is coming today" Don't you know that's just when he came. I'd shoveled yesterday and tamped it down with snowshoes but it had snowed more, and I watched the poor guy drag it down the half filled in path. That's one guy who's getting his exercise today.
    I'll go shovel too but we've got half the storm to go. We'll do enough to make it easier next time. We'll go cross country skiing through the neighborhood later.
    I enjoy shoveling when I am in shape, and I'm in shape enough for an hour or so now. It's been light and fluffy snow this year, a pleasure to deal with.

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  • peabody18
    ande-Log it as snowshoeing!
  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    I have steps to shovel, but right now were just in the begining of the storm
    Instead of going out right now, I guess I could catch up on some housework.. but I dont want that either haha
  • justahorsen
    I put on my HRM and burned 421 calories shoveling and walking around the house.....we have to do an area by the back door so we can let the dog (Shih Tzu) out....she loves the snow but not when she disappears in the drifts....So I shoveled the porch and steps and the Hubby used the snowblower to make her a "yard" to play if the blowing would just stop or it will all be filled back in again....
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    Not me either it is way too cold here for snow!!! we are at -4 with windchill it is -18!!!!!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Believe it or not, I wish I was home shoveling snow. I was working last night and some knucklehead decided we had to stay open until 10pm, which was the peak of the storm (chicago). I tried to leave, but got stuck about 5 times in the first 1/4 mile, plus I couldn't see 10 feet in front of me. I decided it was best to ride it out back at the fitness center so I made way back (almost) and have been holed up here ever since.

    My wife started shoveling our driveway about 30 min ago--they SMSd some pics -- Wow. It's 2-3 ft deep.

    As much as I enjoyed working out in my private fitness center this morning (and stealing Zone bars out of the pro shop), I'd much rather be home with the family.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I spent over an hour this morning shovelling. My driveway always gets the drifting snow so it was 2' in places.
    I like shovelling snow though and will head back out later this afternoon for another workout. It's still coming down here on the Mich/Ont border.
  • sweetangelfor20
    Have been out shoveling already bright and early this a.m.! Gotta keep my sidewalk shoveled for my childcare families and then only one showed up! Oh well, i get to enjoy a less busy day! Havent seen big drifts like this since i was a wee one, it still amazes me! It was hard to find the sidewalks, the drifts were up to my thighs and im 5 '9! Be safe on the roads!