27 year old Packer Fan from Wisco with ALOT of UPS & DOWNS

bpanter Posts: 10 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey there everyone -

I never thought that I would post on the message boards, but here we go... I am proud of myself for my accomplishment(s) thus far in my transformation. I am an avid waterskier, skiing in amateur, professional, and international events throughout the United States. Last year, my eating habits got the best of me, and after spending a few years at 175lbs, I jumped up to over 210. Affecting my knees and my abilities on the water - it was time for a change - both daily with nutritional habits & exercise, and with my weight.

I had issues in the past with brief stints of not-eating, etc. My first year in college, I went from the same 175 to 240 lbs and started taking Xenadrine when it was on the market. An appetite suppressant, Xenadrine forced me to not eat but still gave me the energy to run and burn calories - even when I didn't want it to. I was addicted. I had to literally lock away the pills and throw away the keys, and in the Fall of 2001 I went from 240 lbs to 162.5 in 2 months - at times losing 5lbs per day. This started a very long stretch that would affect the rest of my life, as my metabolism basically vanished.

After losing the weight, and starting to eat again, I met someone. Together, I decided to forget about any "healthy" lifestyle I was living, and went up again. This time to 235 lbs at the time my daughter Ella was born. We were married briefly, and got divorced... The divorce forced me in to a downward spiral of not eating and taking other drugs, such as Adderall, and I very quickly went from 235 to 175 in a matter of a few months. Holding on to that weight felt great. I fluctuated from 175-180 throughout the next few years, stayed away from fast food, treated my body right, and got back in to waterskiing. Then, I met another woman - my current fiance - and the eating struggle continued.

Beginning in October of 2009, I went from 179 lbs and gradually increased weight to the final point of 212 at the end of summer 2010. During that time, I was asked to ski for the United States in Beijing, China, and competed in many tournaments - regrettably not to my best ability... I look back at it now and wonder why I let myself go - and I told myself it was time for a change. I started P90x earlier that spring, and got through 60 days. I bulked up... Huge arms, and increased energy - no weight loss. While skiing throughout the summer months, I gave up on P90x. Insanity was the "new thing" on the market, and many skiers were taking to it and loving it. When I hung up my wetsuit at the end of the summer, I decided to give it a try.

Insanity is by far the best workout I have ever done. Although I haven't completely finished it or stuck to the structure, I did do 30-45 days and ended up losing 25lbs. It increased my energy, my metabolism, and my daily eating habits to allow me to get to where I am now: 180lbs. Losing 32 lbs the right way and feeling GREAT is the most amazing feeling I could ask for after all these up and downs. The key is that it was THE RIGHT way. I eat healthier. I exercise. And I took it slow. There was no starvation; in fact I probably eat more now than I have in a long time - just more of the "right stuff". Results can happen - I'm living proof.

In high school, even in my prime at the same weight, I was never able to run more than one mile at a time. One day, after 2 weeks of Insanity, I did 2. Then I did 3. Now, I do a daily 5k, and I can do them in 26-27 mins. I have also done numerous 5 mile runs in around 50 minutes, and a 10k in under an hour. My goal this year is to run a regulated 5k, and then a half marathon. I never thought in my life I would ever WANT to do that, let alone have FUN doing it.

Everyone... Stay dedicated, stay focused, and set GOALS. When you achieve them - it feels great... But it's alright if you don't. Just know that every day you're trying your best, and try to spice up your life with new activities you never dreamed you would be doing. Good Luck!


  • eamartin
    eamartin Posts: 216 Member
    Welcome! & Thank you for sharing your story!
    I'm also from Wisconsin :)
  • bpanter
    bpanter Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome! & Thank you for sharing your story!
    I'm also from Wisconsin :)

    Nice! What part are you from?
  • eamartin
    eamartin Posts: 216 Member
    Welcome! & Thank you for sharing your story!
    I'm also from Wisconsin :)

    Nice! What part are you from?

    I'm in Oshkosh.. I was just reading your post to my husband because he is thinking about getting insanity.
  • bpanter
    bpanter Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in Oshkosh.. I was just reading your post to my husband because he is thinking about getting insanity.

    Sending you a message to your inbox....
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