Vent Page



  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    My vent today - having someone question a reply I put on a post in a very aggressive manner. I was asked "by what authority". My authority was extremely sound, informed, and educational. I later read her other post and she had so many contradictions.

    Examples - hates when people count calories they burn for more food, senseless, blah, blah, blah
    but...later says when she overeats one day she does extra training the next

    trains like a person on a mission, doesn't take breaks from it, obsessed with working out
    amusing...she says she works with addictions, well I think she has one

    recommends a person not buy a particular brand of shoe
    then states in another place that a person can't tell another what shoe to buy or not to buy, you have to see
    a professional

    It goes on, but this rant has gotten me over that hump.

    Thanks for letting me vent!

    Since you made it so obvious who you meant (and thank you for checking out my profile for the extra details), I thought I'll respond just to clarify...

    a) I asked for your evidence after you made an implausible statement. Is that not ok?

    b) I don't always eat my ECs, I have done so but it didn't work for me. I generally say each to their own and advocate that people do what works for them. Is that not ok?

    c) Since you're not my friend you would have absolutely no idea when I take rest days. I also don't think you would know about the training schedule for long distance triathlons. Please don't imply that because I train hard I have a screw lose. That's not ok.

    d) The shoe thread wasn't by any chance the recent one where a number of people posted it was the most comprehensive response they had seen to a frequently asked question they had seen in a while? i.e. this one:
    If it was I guess your opinion was different. That's fine.

    e) I graduated with a PhD in Clinical Psychlogy from the University of Cardiff in Wales and currently work with people with co-occurring mental health and substance misuse issues. I have never brought this up in any post as I don't see what relevance my job has to do with any of this. But as you mentioned it perhaps you can explain.

    I hope you feel much better after that rant.

    Next time you have any questions you're very welcome to message me.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Oh I'm peeved!!! My heart rate monitor, that I've had for two months, decided not to work anymore. I bought it online, and I don't have the receipt or the original packing anymore, so here I have the POS sitting on my table. The calorie count was way off, and I didn't realize it until today, so I ate way more than I should have the past two days, and I worked my *kitten* off! I worked out for almost an hour each day, sweating like I've never sweat before, and my counts are off! How the frick am I suppose to get skinny when my monitoring devices suck! So I found a chart online, hoping that it's somewhat accurate, and I'm going to use it from now on, screw the HRM, they're a waste of money!!! I'm so angry! It's not like I have a ton of money to dump on stupid crap like a HRM!! I'm so frustrated! I'm already on the verge of throwing in the towel!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    My husband's pop habit is annoying me! We could save about $10 each week, which would add up in a month, if we could not buy all his pop. I've seen him drink 5 cans in a day. Sometimes more. He won't drink anything else either. Gahhh.
    And the cans pile up at his computer desk. Right now I count 10, at a glance.

    Refuse to buy them unless they are on sale. Diet Pepsi fiend hubby over here. I tried a 3 a day limit on him but it often goes to 4. Considering we eat so healthy I spend a maximum of $150 a month on groceries & essentials ($40 of which is Diet Pepsi on sale) on average $80-110 a month its no big deal. There are worse habits to have but its $3 a 12 pack or NO POP FOR YOU!! (If you got the Soup Nazi Seinfeld reference there, thanks!

    Here’s the mini fridge we put into our theatre room (4th bedroom) but don’t show your hubby, he’ll get ideas LOL!

    How do only spend 150.00 a month on groceries? What am I doing wroung ? Please tell

    Ok, let me come up with a regular shopping list;

    20 granny smith apples = $4 (.77 lb No Frills)
    3kg box of frozen chicken = $28 (Costco)
    Low-fat meatballs = $5 (No Frills)
    Frozen vegetables (2 kg) = $4 (Walmart)
    Tuna (11 cans) = $7 (Shoppers Drug Mart)
    20 red/green peppers = $8 (No Frills/Walmart always price matched to Chinese grocery stores which sell peppers for .40-60 regularly)
    Baby spinach bucket = $3 (Walmart)
    Cottage cheese (2 tubs) = $4 (No Frills)
    Fresh pineapple (2) = $3 (No Frills)
    Brown Minute rice = $5 (Walmart)
    Diet pepsi 7 x 12 cans = $21 (Shoppers Drug Mart - this is a sale price, the only time I'll buy)
    Whole wheat crackers (3) = $4.50 (Walmart or No Frills max $1.50 each)
    All-Bran or Fiber One (2) = $7 (Walmart)
    Cheerios = $3 (No Frills or Walmart or other cereal hubby will eat that’s on sale)
    Onions (bag) = $1 (No Frills)
    Celery = $1 (No Frills)
    Zucchini (4) = $2 (No Frills
    Garlic cloves (3) = $0.50
    Yogurt (16) = $4 (No Frills)
    Whole wheat pasta (1) = $1 (No Frills or Walmart)
    Pasta sauce (1) = $1 (No Frills)
    Canned beans (4) = $3 (Wamart, Great Value brand is always .78 great!)
    Whole-wheat bread (2) = $4 (No Frills)
    Soup (6) = $3 (No Frills or Walmart, I buy 10+ when it’s on sale for .49)
    Calorie wise salad dressing = $2
    Milk (4L): $4
    Bananas (10): $2
    Broccoli (7): $7 (Walmart)

    That’s $141.

    My protein powder is $29 and lasts 2 ½ months so I didn’t add that in. I have a protein shake for breakfast, fiber one in yogurt for snack, tuna and frozen veggies for lunch, apple or cottage cheese/pineapple for snack, chicken stir-fry for dinner or some other chicken/rice/veggie creation and some fruit/yogurt for dessert + other protein source if I work out (I go to the gym at 8:30pm) like milk or cottage cheese.

    *** Take advantage of price matching and don’t drive all over town wasting your time and gas. Walmart and No Frills do it here so I take flyers from other stores so I can do all my shopping at one place. Walmart is usually the best since there is a Supercentre <1km from my house, its completely empty since its pretty new (opened in September) super helpful employees and cashiers are trained on price matching so there is no calling of the manager or other tedious delays at the register.

    Good luck!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Oh I'm peeved!!! My heart rate monitor, that I've had for two months, decided not to work anymore. I bought it online, and I don't have the receipt or the original packing anymore, so here I have the POS sitting on my table. The calorie count was way off, and I didn't realize it until today, so I ate way more than I should have the past two days, and I worked my *kitten* off! I worked out for almost an hour each day, sweating like I've never sweat before, and my counts are off! How the frick am I suppose to get skinny when my monitoring devices suck! So I found a chart online, hoping that it's somewhat accurate, and I'm going to use it from now on, screw the HRM, they're a waste of money!!! I'm so angry! It's not like I have a ton of money to dump on stupid crap like a HRM!! I'm so frustrated! I'm already on the verge of throwing in the towel!

    I totally feel your pain. Have you only had the HRM for 2 days? If so, then I'm sure if you contact the company - or find the receipt they sent you in email form - you might be able to still get it replaced or refunded. Can I ask which HRM you purchased so I know to stay away from it?

    Hang in there. People managed to lose weight fine before HRMs came along. As long as you're burning more than you're eating every day you will lose weight and you'll get to your goal. Use the chart online to estimate your calories burned - that's a fantastic idea! But hang in there. You will make it :)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Oh I'm peeved!!! My heart rate monitor, that I've had for two months, decided not to work anymore. I bought it online, and I don't have the receipt or the original packing anymore, so here I have the POS sitting on my table. The calorie count was way off, and I didn't realize it until today, so I ate way more than I should have the past two days, and I worked my *kitten* off! I worked out for almost an hour each day, sweating like I've never sweat before, and my counts are off! How the frick am I suppose to get skinny when my monitoring devices suck! So I found a chart online, hoping that it's somewhat accurate, and I'm going to use it from now on, screw the HRM, they're a waste of money!!! I'm so angry! It's not like I have a ton of money to dump on stupid crap like a HRM!! I'm so frustrated! I'm already on the verge of throwing in the towel!

    I totally feel your pain. Have you only had the HRM for 2 days? If so, then I'm sure if you contact the company - or find the receipt they sent you in email form - you might be able to still get it replaced or refunded. Can I ask which HRM you purchased so I know to stay away from it?

    Hang in there. People managed to lose weight fine before HRMs came along. As long as you're burning more than you're eating every day you will lose weight and you'll get to your goal. Use the chart online to estimate your calories burned - that's a fantastic idea! But hang in there. You will make it :)

    It's a men's sportline...if you're going to invest your money, spend a little bit extra. And make sure you do your market research...unlike that I've read the reviews and done a little bit of research, I should have never go the sportline. The polar's are a pain in the *kitten* too because you can't switch out the battery yourself, you have to send it to the manufacturer...there's tons of pros and cons for HRM...but like I said, do some research and get the one that's best for you...but not the sportline lol
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member

    It's a men's sportline...if you're going to invest your money, spend a little bit extra. And make sure you do your market research...unlike that I've read the reviews and done a little bit of research, I should have never go the sportline. The polar's are a pain in the *kitten* too because you can't switch out the battery yourself, you have to send it to the manufacturer...there's tons of pros and cons for HRM...but like I said, do some research and get the one that's best for you...but not the sportline lol

    I'll steer clear from that brand. Thanks for the tip. I recently bought a Timex HRM which is great at the heart rate stuff but not so accurate with the calories burned. The Timex does allow you to change the battery, which (along with decent reviews) is precisely why I bought it. However, there's no way I'm burning 600+ calories in a 30 minute jog/walk. So I don't trust the cal tracking. Additionally, though, I got a FitBit (arriving today!) to get more accurate calories burned. (hey, tax refund, right?)
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    What annoys me the most is the lack of common courtesy. It shows it’s ugly head everywhere, in the grocery store, people just stop in the middle of the isle, or at the end of the isle and either stand there talking to someone or leave their cart in the way while they stand and stare at the shelves like they have no idea what the heck it is they want. The next place is on the highway,,,,, did someone mention earlier they hate people riding their tail,,,,,, well get the heck out of the fast lane if you want to drive slow. I hate people that get in the left hand lanes (for this side of the pond) then drive at or below the speed limit. Like no one else is on the dang road and they have nothing better to do then back up traffic,,,,,,,, GET OVER.

    Oh and how can I forget people that have no control over their rug rats,,,,,, REALLY? It’s not ok to let them run thru the restaurant, or store. And it’s not ok to let them throw a fit in the restaurant of store either, and if you happen to be at a Whole Foods type store where they have bulk seeds, flour, etc, IT IS NOT OK FOR THEM TO RUN THEIR HANDS THRU IT.
  • RebeccaM2386
    Need to vent my neighbors are getting on my very last nerve.

    First they wake me up in the middle of the night being lound and disrespectful they know are walls are paper thin, Then they steal the know shovel ( we share it is the landlords) and the list just go's on. Well know the little 17 year old wants to come knock on the door and start running his mouth. Calling me fat and talkin crap to my boyfriend threating his dad on my boyfriend and his mom on me. The next time they do anything I don't like im calling the cops and momma will go to jail she is on Probation.
  • chicabean420
    chicabean420 Posts: 173 Member
    How did I not know this thread even existed?!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,434 Member
    So every week I play golf with a group of women who are pretty good friends of mine. I've told all of them about MFP, they've seen my progress and are pretty impressed so one of them decided to do it too. Well, it was too much work for her to log her food, she couldn't seem to find time to exercise so was starving on 1200 calories a day, complained constantly and so she quit. Now, I eat breakfast around 6:30 and don't get home from golf until around 1:00 so I bring a Clif bar as a snack. It's portable, doesn't melt and is fairly securely packaged so it's safe from the evil squirrels. EVERY FREAKIN' WEEK, she asks me for a bite or asks me if I brought one for her. And get this, she doesn't even like them!! When I give her a bite, she goes "ew, these are gross, how can you eat them?" So I have a choice of feeling stingy by not giving her a bite of my only snack that is perfectly portioned and easy to log or giving her a bite and having her complain! THEN, she'll ask in a snotty tone of voice (you all know that tone of voice) "are you going to put that in your fitness pal thing?". And I say "yes". O.K., I feel better. A little.
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    So I have already ranted about this before on this thread but once again she strikes!!! My friend who I have decided to not go to the gym with anymore (see prior post) pops out from behind the lockers today after my strength class. I was shocked and said hi.. She said where have you been? I said here everyday where have you been??? Oh I come I guess our schedules aren't the same though anymore..(Her guilt trip talk again) She says are you coming to yoga? I said no I was just in the morning a** kicking class and I am exhausted...Oh she says to me its my birthday tomorrow and you are coming with me to the bagel house.. I was like umm Ok but I cant have bagels or bread for that matter.. She had the nerve to say to me oh it's not like your making a difference doing what you doing anyways..Have you even lost weight?? :explode: I almost slapped her but said im about to drop 150 pounds real quick if you don't shut your mouth and I walked away...
    Now that feels better Im glad I ranted....
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    So I have already ranted about this before on this thread but once again she strikes!!! My friend who I have decided to not go to the gym with anymore (see prior post) pops out from behind the lockers today after my strength class. I was shocked and said hi.. She said where have you been? I said here everyday where have you been??? Oh I come I guess our schedules aren't the same though anymore..(Her guilt trip talk again) She says are you coming to yoga? I said no I was just in the morning a** kicking class and I am exhausted...Oh she says to me its my birthday tomorrow and you are coming with me to the bagel house.. I was like umm Ok but I cant have bagels or bread for that matter.. She had the nerve to say to me oh it's not like your making a difference doing what you doing anyways..Have you even lost weight?? :explode: I almost slapped her but said im about to drop 150 pounds real quick if you don't shut your mouth and I walked away...
    Now that feels better Im glad I ranted....

    Good for you.........I have a friend that really used to get under my skin like this. I made some changes this year and she was one of them lol.
  • kcphilly
    oh my goodness I am so happy I came across this thread!!

    Most of my vent needs come from my job. I hate hate hate it and have since the day I started nearly 6 years ago. I could write for pages on the reasons why.

    The environment is figuratively and becoming literally toxic with our ever leaking roof/ceiling that I'm sure is creating all types of molds. My boss is a hypocritical Bwitch. Underpaid/underappreciated the whole thing. I've applied for other jobs, had one interview last year, but still nothing.

    So anytime I'm out someplace/catching up with of their favorite questions to ask is "how's work?" or if it's someone I don't really know it's "what do you do, do you like it" and when I say no or it sucks I get the whole lecture on how I should be thankful to have a job at all right now. True, but why then are you asking me a question if you're gonna get all defensive if I don't give you the answer you want to hear? I guess I'm supposed to smile and lie and say I love my job all the time.
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    OK, here's mine.

    My DH is gone all week, and he is pretty picky about having a clean house. I am a mom of 3 kids, and I also work full time. We do what we can to keep the house neat. Sometimes it just isn't enough, but we do what we can.

    Anyway, when he comes home after being gone all week, he walks in to the kitchen and starts washing dishes. I think he must feel as if he is helping, but REALLY! It would be nice to get a "hello" first!

    That is my husband EXACTLY and it drives me nuts. Like it is crucial that those dishes get washed NOW. The sun would explode if he said hello, changed his clothes and put a smile on his face before heading to the sink. He says he just doesn't like the mess. I say it's a passive/aggressive way to say that he feels I haven't done my job. Hey, they get washed sooner than later; what's 10 minutes to a dirty coffee cup?
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    Oh I love this post.......what a great idea!!! My biggest thing that irks me to no end is people assume I am just a stay at home mom(with all 4 boys in school now). They don't realize we run 2 companies and its time consuming and very stressful. I start my day at 5am....Get my boys up at 6am.....Get boys off to bus at 7am......Workout.......take calls, make calls, fax, do laundry, feed myself, plan dinner for family, paperwork,clean, homework etc......I also have friends make comments about oh you look like you are losing weight. My reply oh I have been exercising.....Their reply oh I wish I had time to exercise. I MAKE TIME!!! I am so sick of people saying oh I would love to lose weight........then shut up and do it. I didn't lose weight thinking about wanting to lose weight. I have started losing weight by putting forth the effort to actually do so.

    And for what it is worth I don't let my kids have pop except for special occasions(friends over etc...)and my kids get fast food maybe (1)/MONTH IF THEY ARE LUCKY!! My kids like vegetables and fruit because thats how I raised them. Not saying they don't get chips and such because they do. But 95% of time they eat nutritious meals.

    PS It really pisses me off when my hubby stacks more and more on my daily and me feeling like I am wonder woman just say sure. I swear my name should be honey will you please........Some days I just want to hop in my car and take off for a week so him and my 4 boys can realize all the stuff I do do for all of them.
  • rachelnutting
    After every single test in my grad school program a few people in my class spend the next 2 hours complaining about the test and how the questions weren't fair and they were written poorly, on and on and on. This drives me crazy. If I get something wrong, I get something wrong and it is like beating a dead horse. I want to be like man up and get over it.
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    Oh I love this post.......what a great idea!!! My biggest thing that irks me to no end is people assume I am just a stay at home mom(with all 4 boys in school now). They don't realize we run 2 companies and its time consuming and very stressful. I start my day at 5am....Get my boys up at 6am.....Get boys off to bus at 7am......Workout.......take calls, make calls, fax, do laundry, feed myself, plan dinner for family, paperwork,clean, homework etc......I also have friends make comments about oh you look like you are losing weight. My reply oh I have been exercising.....Their reply oh I wish I had time to exercise. I MAKE TIME!!! I am so sick of people saying oh I would love to lose weight........then shut up and do it. I didn't lose weight thinking about wanting to lose weight. I have started losing weight by putting forth the effort to actually do so.

    And for what it is worth I don't let my kids have pop except for special occasions(friends over etc...)and my kids get fast food maybe (1)/MONTH IF THEY ARE LUCKY!! My kids like vegetables and fruit because thats how I raised them. Not saying they don't get chips and such because they do. But 95% of time they eat nutritious meals.

    PS It really pisses me off when my hubby stacks more and more on my daily and me feeling like I am wonder woman just say sure. I swear my name should be honey will you please........Some days I just want to hop in my car and take off for a week so him and my 4 boys can realize all the stuff I do do for all of them.

    I love it!!! You should do something for yourself!! Just reading I was overwhelmed I would lose my mind!! lol
  • amym9019
    [..I wish people would stop looking at me with disgust like I don't have to work for it...when I do../quote]

    Me too. Or catching flack for eating healthy foods/working out...."you don't need to lose weight, eat what you want." I may not need to lose a drastic amount, but I sure don't need to gain any. Eating right is what keeps me from being waaay overweight...I have awful metabolism & choose a lifestyle of healthy eating. I don't know why so many people see that as something negative.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I don't know why so many people see that as something negative.

    Because your success is showing a shortcoming in themselves that they obviously don't want to face. Be proud and do what you need to do for you! Good job!
  • amym9019
    Thanks, HMKan!