Funky Fresh Fat Fighter.... aka I'm new here :p

FITLoni Posts: 5
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hey whats up! I'm 18 and well.. I used to be in, not gunna lie, really good shape. Long story short.... I'm here haha. I've put on weight and- i like everyone else in the world who has had the not being able to zip and button their fav jeans experience- HATE IT!!! Time for it to go. Time to say goodbye to my lazy couch potato existence. Time to get back into the body I want! Looking for some friends for support/competition.. And ya know I'll drill sergeant you back ;p


  • HappyRN
    HappyRN Posts: 27 Member
    Hey there and welcome! Good luck on your journey! It really helps to have a group of positive like minded individuals around you. I am sending you positve vibes!
  • Hi & welcome! I've only been here a little over a month & could use the support back. Good luck to you on your journey! Friend request sent!
  • jlsironen
    jlsironen Posts: 39 Member
    I can now proudly button my pants again without endangering those around me with the possibility of a high speed flying object to the head ;) You will get there too! This is a really good site, we'll be watching! Just no cheating on posting food and do the workouts/week you put in for and it'll keep you right on track!
  • Hi all! I have been on here for about 2 weeks and I love how motivating everyone is. Good luck to everyone with their weight loss journey! It is a tough one but definitely rewarding in the end!
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