New to mfp!

Hey everyone! I'm new to myfitnesspal, so I'm still learning my way around the site and how to use all of the tools, but so far I'm liking it!

I started to make a change for the better in October 2010 and have gone from 225 lbs to 212 lbs in that time with the help of my blog ( I'm hoping that this site will help me to get rid of the rest of the excess fat on my body :)


  • leb89
    leb89 Posts: 54
    Welcome! Good job on the weight loss already :)

    and I have a tumblr so I'll be following you soon :D
  • FITLoni
    Hey ey! I'm coming out of the most unhealthy couch potato year of my life and so i am here. Haha all i got for christmas is an extra lump for my fat suit :p Anyway, time to get skinny again! Here's to the day people will stare at us the way we stare at those dang twig girls who can seemingly eat everything. Man i want that lol. Friend request sent, lets get zip those skinny jeans future support buddy! :D
  • Dmonique85
    Welcome! Hope you love it. Noobie too & I am so past ready to be thin. I am really enjoying the community on here. Great ppl.
  • inspirashley
    Hey! Welcome to the site! I just joined a few days ago myself and I LOVE it! Its the best fitness related site Ive ever encountered, and its FREE! Keep up the good work! Its encouraging to hear other people's successes!