is this crazy?

So As I drive my daughter to and from school I have several fast food joints that I pass by and they just are screaming at me for me to stop by. Just by driving by I think of the different items I would order at certain places. Mcdonalds has the best Dr. Pepper plus their large drink is only a buck, Subway has the yummiest cookies and so on. When I leave the house I am good and plan on returning home to eat lunch. However one I leave the house I end up there whiel I know I shouldnt be there. All my goals go out the window just so I can satisfy a craving. Its awful!

I was thinking I would try and list reasons why I shouldnt go there and when I am tempted I would go thru that list and maybe that would help me be not be so tempted. Is this a dumb idea??? I figured it was worth a try, I dunno. I just have to find a way to overcome these cravings while I am out of my house.


  • gina205
    gina205 Posts: 74 Member
    If it helps do it. Is there a different way tou can take your daughter to school so you are not tempted to stop at those places? You can think about having a longer, happier, healthier life watching your daughter grow up and do great things!
  • sarahtiano
    sarahtiano Posts: 78 Member
    just remember that those foods can actually KILL you over time.
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    Whatever keeps you away from them is not a dumb reason!!

    I decided I had 10 years of eating all I could and I want no more of hating the body I'm in. PERIOD. That's what keeps me in check.
  • jodygirl777
    Do you have a healthy snack you REALLY enjoy? Maybe you could try keeping such a thing in the car with you while you're out and about. Eat a good breakfast before you head out, take your snacks with you and just do your best. Maybe you should give yourself ONE day a week where you are allowed to stop at which ever fast food place is calling to you!

    (PS...its easy for me to say because I prefer diet soda, but if you could bring yourself to switch to DIET Dr Pepper you would save yourself HUNDREDS of calories each day. Of course water is better...but I have to have my Diet Coke every day so I cant talk!) ;o)

    Good Luck!!!!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    No easy answer.

    Start eating healthier ALL the time, and you'll eventually start realizing how gross fast food really is. Junk food is easy to get addicted to and we become desensitized to all the crap that's in it the more we eat it. I think the closest I come to fast food now is Subway or delivery pizza (which is always veggie - I don't like all that grease mucking up my food!). Every once in a very great while I get a *genuine* craving for fast food... and when I satisfy it, my digestive tract tells me off for about 48 hours.

    But honestly, you just have to stay away from it. Break it up - commit to not having any for a week and then go and get a HEALTHY sandwich (regardless of cals) from Subway or a yogurt parfait from McD's. If you can avoid the burgers, fish & chicken sandwiches, fries and desserts, you're ok. Then after 1 month - if you can avoid it for 30 days - go try a fast food burger... and pay attention to the layer of goo on the roof of your mouth (congealing grease) when you do. *shudders*

    Like animal smells in your house if you have pets, you become immune and don't notice these things. But if you go away for a week and then come home, you can suddenly smell what everyone else does..... food is exactly the same way. It's not easy.
  • AJ_West
    I feel you on this one. I actually was doing the same thing with Baja Fresh and Taco Bell earlier cause I REALLY wanted mexican food. I opened this mobile app and looked up the calories on the item I was wanting to get and realized I could do without using 1330 calories on a chicken quesadilla.... It has been tough but saying no once will start getting you in the mindset to just stop looking at Fast Food as good/what you want. Also, if you can cut out soda do it as soon as possible. I did 2 years ago and the cravings for it are gone and it just tastes bad once you go without it! Good Luck AJ
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    No way! Great idea. I have what I call my "why Board" on my dahs board (and at home on my fridge) It is pics of me skinny, pics of dresses I want to wear when I am skinny again, pics of my kids, all sorts of inspirational sayings. It is THE ONLY thing that keeps me from driving through the drive thru! It works!!!!
  • Lstrode
    LOL "lose" some McDonald's fries in the floor of your car and watch them... THEY DON'T ROT !!! That amazed me. Imagine how that affects our insides... all those preservatives. I'm bad about eating fast food, too. But I have cut back a lot. I try to remember those fries haha. Best Wishes!
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    What I did when I started was I made a video of myself on my phone. It's private, just for me. So I was honest with myself. It is "past" me talking to "future" me. I told myself all the reasons why I wanted to get healthy. I listed all the things that were difficult for me. I told myself to stay strong and to "not go through that drive thru." I make new videos every now and then making updates. They really do help.

    I know what you mean about those restauarants. The temptation is soooo strong. I used to love going to grab a steak, egg and cheese bagel meal from McDs after taking my kids to school. I don't do that anymore. I am stronger than those temptations. It's hard sometimes, but I have to stand my ground.

    So far, I've lost 43 pounds in 5 1/2 months. I still have a long way to go. I'm proud of what I've done. AND I am proud of who I was because of this: "past" me had the courage to finally change her life. She had the courage to finally say enough is enough! She had the courage to take that first step, sign up on MFP, start counting calories, start exercising, and get healthy because she wanted it, and she wanted to be there for her family. So I will not let "past" me down that made that decision. I will continue to be as strong as she was no matter how much the temptations call me.

    You can do this! I think the list is a great idea. You have to motivate yourself in whatever way works for you. You can think of how much money you will save by avoiding those places! Every time you feel tempted, put whatever money you might have spent there into a jar. At the end of the month, see how much $$ you have. Use it for some new clothes, or a pedicure, or new makeup, etc. Best wishes!! :flowerforyou:
  • katsmeow77
    I have a great love for Dr Pepper and Taco Bell. Eating out at fast food places was like my hobby. List or no list, the only way you will succeed on this site is if you can discipline yourself. I started at the very end of October 2010 and lost 21 lbs by the New Year. I still eat out on occasion, but I am very honest about logging my calories. I have almost given soda up completely, but if I have eaten well one day and I want a Taco Bell Pepsi, I get one. As long as you are aware of how many calories you have left for the day or are willing to exercise those excess calories off, you're good.
    Honestly, I am not currently exercising. I eat 1200 calories a day and sometimes I go up to 200 over, but I do watch what I eat. When I grocery shop I now look at calories and sugar/sodium content. It all helps because if you choose foods that are lower in calories and have less sodium and sugar then you will be able to eat more during the day. Also, I buy 100 or 90 cal snacks and keep them for when I am hungry between meals.
    My suggestion for you is keep some of those 100 cal snacks (which are really good) in your car so when you pass by those yummy fast food places you can reach for a snack instead to tide you over and away from the urge to stop or drive-thru. I promise you that if you make the choice to stay clear of those places (except for a treat yourself day here and there), you WILL see results within 2 months. I did without even trying too hard.
    You have to want this bad enough to sacrifice. I LOVE food and it is my happiness, but I also would like to feel attractive and good about myself. Soooo... it is a choice. I hope that my little message makes sense and helps you. I was really surprised how well MFP works for you if you work for it. Honesty really is important when logging calories, otherwise results won't ever come. One more note, you may lose inches before you'll notice the scale dropping. It is normal! Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • crlujan
    Make a rule for yourself: No eatIng at any place that has a drive-thru. Worked for me.
  • katsmeow77
    Kappyblu~~~ Very nice post:-)
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    Take a different route if possible to avoid those places. Eat before you go out. It's like they say about not going to the grocery store hungry.
  • kenliesmom
    I wish I could take a different route but every way has lots of fast crap (food). They like to have these places everywhere!
    I am going to discipline myself I am worth it and my children need their mom around so I am going to have to keep that in my head.

    You would think this would be easier for me with the fact that I almost lost my husband of 9 years to colon cancer just a few months ago (November). That was such a scary time for us... maybe I can incorporate that somegome in my lists or vids.

    I will be re reading these responses when I am weak... Thanks so much!
    I cant thank you enough for your responses I am really inspired!

    So many great ideas I am excited to start doing them...
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Seriously, after a while of healthy eating, you won't want it any more. I can't even comprehend how I used to put that stuff in my mouth! All I taste now is grease and additives - yuk.

    Why don't you home make some healthy equivalents? I make turkey burgers (so easy - just mince, an egg, seasoning all mixed up, shaped and grilled), so you could have that instead of fast food. Google some healthy cookie alternatives. Or get a salad at Subway, not a sub and cookies.

    Make a point of finding out the nutritional info BEFORE you buy - you'll soon be put off!

    We used to go to McDonalds every so often with my kids - they still like to go on special occasions (more for the free toy than the food!) but I don't even eat it then - it's awful stuff. I hate them eating it so I go home and they have fruit and veg all day to make up for it lol!

    If you like fast food breakfasts, make some pancakes at home - super easy and you can top with fruit/ yoghurt/ honey instead.
  • feelgoodoutside
    I find after not eating junk food for a few months the cravings completely disappear, just like with cigarettes and alcohol :)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Instead of thinking of what you can get at the fast food places, think of what you can eat at home that would satisfy those cravings. Fast food is bad. Stay away from it.
  • radwan_masri
    Take healthy snacks in the car & simply kick this out of your mind. Everyone without any exceptions have these cravings, if you wanna loose weight you have to be committed; this is not a one day journey its a life long journey.
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    I feel you on this one. I actually was doing the same thing with Baja Fresh and Taco Bell earlier cause I REALLY wanted mexican food. I opened this mobile app and looked up the calories on the item I was wanting to get and realized I could do without using 1330 calories on a chicken quesadilla.... It has been tough but saying no once will start getting you in the mindset to just stop looking at Fast Food as good/what you want. Also, if you can cut out soda do it as soon as possible. I did 2 years ago and the cravings for it are gone and it just tastes bad once you go without it! Good Luck AJ

    I totally agree.... I was really thirsty the other day and my bf had a mt. dew so i thought id just take a sip. I spit it out, checked the lable wth was this i was drinking? This is not the dew I love, but it was and it was disgusting to me.... loved that feeling "score 1 for the new me :love: "
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    Also, I posted this on another thread but honestly log it before you buy it just seeing the amount of calories some things have.... like the chicken quesadillas mentioned before can be enough to make you not want it. If not, look at this way .... think of the exercise you hate the most and think of how long or how many times you would have to do it to earn those calories to eat it.... is it really worth it????