Help! Feeling Like a Failure!



  • I'm with everyone else - we're all here to help each other, and we're behind you 220%! I know how frustrating it can be, I think everyone here does too.

    For the knee, I will tell you what my physical therapist told me. My knees aren't quite right in the way they're put together, so I get tendonitis easily. Before you start to work out, warm your knees up with a heating pad or hot water bottle. Be sure to stretch before you start, then as soon as you're finished working out, put an ice pack on your knees for 20 minutes (no longer). It sounds weirdly simple, but it really does help!

    Hang in there, hope this helps!
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    If you're looking for people who understand how you feel you have certainly come to the right place. Most of the posters here are in the same battle as you. Quitting is easy for us, we have all done it many times. Sticking with it is harder, but the only way to success.

    I understand your knee pain and how scary it can be. You can modify most exercises to ease the stress on your knee. Jumping moves can be done on a mini trampoline. A folded blanket can cushion your knees for modified push ups. Naproxen or ibuprofen can help. I am going to try the suggestion to warm the knee first, I had never thought of that.

    One of the best things you can do is go for a walk. I vote for walking outdoors. Sunshine & fresh air can do wonders for your mood, especially in winter. I bundle up really well and have walked in all sorts of winter weather. I look forward to it every day.

    Good luck to you, you CAN do it.
  • We have all felt that way at one time or another. I am so glad to have joined MFP and finally feel I can make change in my life, but only because of the new found help and support. I am here for you and would love to support you on the journey to prepare for your wedding day. Keep the faith. You are beautiful and you can do this..... we all can. :flowerforyou:
  • uncie
    uncie Posts: 2
    Hey Hony

    WELCOME TO MY WORLD!!! You sound like I did 1 year ago. I was 116kg. I suffer from severe Arthritis and I just could not see me gettting back from where I was. I have had 5 operations on various joints.

    Well I started at only being able to walk for about 7 minutes because of joints and my size. I often fell back into hating myself and continually hit my rock bottom. My negative thoughts and feelings about myself just made me eat more, do ess and feel even worse. I like you was told to get in a pool to train but that to me was even more daunting and less inviting. So I walked every day for seven minutes and then after about two weeks (and oh my god sore sore feet and shins)I managed to waslk ten minutes. Finally after a month I was able to walk for 20 minutes.

    Long story short - you can do anything if you want it bad enough. I am now 90kg and I train for up to two hours. I am medication free and my joints some how just feel normal again. I still have my desease, the diference is I no longer use it as an excuse to do nothing - I use it as a motivator to KEEP MOVING.

    I do not go to fancy gyms I do my training at home, in my local park and on the streets. Trust me you do not need facny gyms all you need it YOU, your motivation and the belief that YOU ar the most important person and can DO anything

  • What I have learned I hope will help

    1. Allow yourself a treat at the end of the day.
    No one can just go cold turkey. Have a reward for the hard work you have done. It may be a bowl of ice cream, candy bar, what ever you want.

    2. Have a cheat day once a week.
    Say on Sunday you can eat what ever you want as long as you are in your range of calorie count. Just make sure you don't go over board. I find when I "fall off" I want to just quit. But have a day to cheat helps me throughout the week knowing that I can save my craving that I am feeling for that one day. Looking down the road can just be toucher. So just be human.

    3. Plan ahead.
    Say on Sunday, your cheat day, spend it weight out and bagging fruit that you like. That way you can have it there ready for a week moment or NO TIME moment! Grab it and feel stratified. I always ALWAYS add 2 packages of Truvia and shake! You can also take those bags and throw them in the freezer, that way all you have to do is throw it in a blender add lemon or what ever, and there is a low calorie sorbet! I also go ahead a cook about 3-4 3.5oz pieces of chicken. I put them in bags and throw them in the fridge. It's very easy to grab and snack!

    I say on my diet by trying new food. Trying new ways to cook it. That way I have something to be excited about and helps with the mundane diet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Hope this helps...Amanda

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  • Anne this post makes me sad!! you can do it!!! if you ever need to call me or text me DO!!! I am free every night!!! I don't like it that you feel this way because I know that you are a very strong girl and you can do it! Love you!!
  • ultimategar
    ultimategar Posts: 96 Member
    The fact that you've already lost 14lbs is proof you can do this! Diet is the hard part, exercise is easy - you don't need to kill youraself to burn calories.
    If you're having persistant knee problems talk to a physio - it may be something as simple as getting inserts in your shoes.
    We all have bad days, but you know there's a huge (no pun intended) group of people here supporting you.
  • You will still lose weight without working out, just won't be as toned. Yoga and pilates are great for strengthening. Maybe skip the plus size dvd and go with the regular one, I have the jillian michaels burning yoga something and its awesome.

    Also, walking does wonders, throw an ace wrap and walk around the block, or hell, walk around the mall for that matter!

    don't give up! it's not worth it!
  • jittythekitty
    jittythekitty Posts: 62 Member
    Don't. You can do it --- I know the other day I was almost in tears when I realized how bad I had gotten during my depression.

    So I woke up at 7:30 --- and worked out. Any time you feel bad, you feel you can't do it --- go work out.

    Don't forget to log your exercise and be sure to eat all your calories. XD
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    Oh, I have been where you are and I am also there myself some days. I have lost 70 lbs and still don't feel like I am where I "should" be, but I am a long way from where I was. You just keep on going. No matter how you feel, you keep going. Little by little it will become more of a habit and less like a battle. When I started 2 years ago I literally was only exercising 15 min 3 days a week. Now I do 45-60min 5-6 days a week. Its my therapy, I love working out. It feels good and helps with the depression. You can do this! And this community is perfect for you to lean on b/c we are all at different places of the same journey. Some of us are just starting, some of us are starting over, some of us have beat the battle of the bulge and are just working to maintain and keep at it. But regardless of where you are, if you keep going you WILL be one of the ones who is giving advice to someone who is where you are at now. The only constant in life is change. So either change for the better, or change for the not-so-better. Its your choice, and we are here for you!! ((HUGS))
  • sairanasir
    sairanasir Posts: 54 Member
    Please dont hate yourself, you are beautiful and you will make it. why dont you try and do the Leslie Sansone work out DVD's you can start with a mile a day - they cost about 12:00 from walmart. give that a try and you should be fine, dont be too hard on yourself.
  • Your doing awesome for losing 14 pounds already!

    I also have a bad knee. I have delt with it since I was in 5th grade. I cant run on treadmills or outside. So I use the elliptical at my gym. i belong to golds gym and it doesnt cost that much and as free classes, free daycare and a pool. Its 30 a month.

    But something to think about you dont have to work out at a high rate. To burn calories from fat your heart rate only needs to be at 60-70% of you max heart rate. Thats pretty low. You do 220-age=max heart rate. so i am 28 so my calories from fat range is 115-134.

    standing doing punch is great way to get your heart rate up!

    Also try 30 day shred. You make that as hard as you want. I have been doing that since jan 3rd and lost many inches. And I have gotten ALOT more stronger. Got my hubby doing it too!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I repeat what has been said by at least one other person, you DO NOT need to exercise to lose weight. Every single thing I have read in the last several years about weight loss says the same thing, diet is far more important than exercise. I have heard 80% diet, 10% exercise, 10% genetics. I have no idea where those numbers come from, but those who run weight loss programs are moving more and more toward emphasizing diet and less and less exercise. I exercise, not to help lose weight, but to get my heart and lung and body strong and healthy.

    In my limited experience the only way to have tendinitis heal is to rest it. Concentrate on your diet. Concentrate on learning to eat healthy foods that will help you establish a healthy lifestyle, and don't worry about the exercise. If you have a lot of weight to lose, you will find that as the weight comes off you will want to become more active because you are not carrying around all that useless fat.

    Take a deep breath. You are not a failure. Skip the exercise and concentrate on diet. Let your knees heal well.
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    Thank you everyone for you support. Last night was a definite is a new day and thanks to all of you and your kind words and encouragement...I'm feeling a little better.
  • Don't give up! Take baby steps and keep going. Your not a failure because your here posting, sometimes we feel like we're never going to loose weight but if you keep trying pretty soon you'll see improvement and you feel good that you didn't give up. Keep going, you can do it!
  • Whenever you have a bad day, just remember how fortunate we are that we get a fresh start every day. You can do tomorrow right and then the next day, and the next!
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