Following Atkins for 2 weeks to kick start?

sldsld Posts: 13
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Have any vegetarians (or those who follow a primarily plant based diet) had success in following the Atkins plan for eating JUST to INITIALLY kick start weight loss? I considering doing it for 2 weeks, since their philosophy aligns with advice I received from the Precision Nuturition program which (to simplify) states that for weight loss you should replace carbs (even the good ones) with green leafy veggies. Obviously, this is in combination with an exercise regiment and healthy life style.


  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    My brother lost over 100 pounds with Atkins. Having no or barely any carbs sucks though. Makes you tired.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    My brother lost over 100 pounds with Atkins. Having no or barely any carbs sucks though. Makes you tired.

    That's because carbs are our body's fuel. Trying to go without them is like trying to drive a car with no gas.
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    I managed it for one week then put the weight back on again. I tend not to eat animal products on a normal day. I tried the Dukan diet too with the same consequences! I think when you eat a bland diet like Atkins, you just end up bingeing afterwards because all you can think about is carbs!
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    My parents went on the Atkins diet, lost a lot of weight. BUT as soon as they starting eating regular food again, they gained it all back plus more! Don't care for it myself.
  • Eat to Live by Dr Fuhrman is a great kick start for any vegetarian.
  • Jaypea15
    Jaypea15 Posts: 71 Member
    Stay away from those faddy diets. Didnt Mr Atkins die of a heart attack?
  • superbeffie
    superbeffie Posts: 93 Member
    I'm not a vegetarian, but I did South Beach (similar to Atkins but more erasonable) for a month before I started this. I did well and kept off the weight, but I decided to switch over to calories after the initial phase.
    The best thing I found for it is that it broke my carb cravings and so it has been easier to eat better things, eat less, and avoid some of the junk food.
  • My suggestion is to not do the Atkins diet. It is a disaster for your body long term. Your goal would ideally be to be fit for life. Just set your weight loss goal at 1lb per week. Decrease the amount of food you eat to be within the calorie goal myfitnesspal sets for you and increase the quality of the food you eat. Watch the pounds peal off and you will set yourself up for a lifetime of controlled intelligent living. G
  • sldsld
    sldsld Posts: 13
    That's what a trainer at my gym told me too. He said that I should consume carbs, but do it early in the day.
    I think I'm going to follow the consensus and just keep eating healthy and going to the gym and be patient.

  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    The dude died of a heart attack aged 49, due to high cholesterol and hypertension I don't understand why you would want to do this diet!
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Have any vegetarians (or those who follow a primarily plant based diet) had success in following the Atkins plan for eating JUST to INITIALLY kick start weight loss? I considering doing it for 2 weeks, since their philosophy aligns with advice I received from the Precision Nuturition program which (to simplify) states that for weight loss you should replace carbs (even the good ones) with green leafy veggies. Obviously, this is in combination with an exercise regiment and healthy life style.

    Also this Nutrition programme seems a bit flawed telling you to replace carbs with veges given that vegetables are where you should be getting around 35% of your daily carbs from anyway ..... So you aren't "replacing" carbs but eating veges, veges are carbs :)
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    That's what a trainer at my gym told me too. He said that I should consume carbs, but do it early in the day.
    I think I'm going to follow the consensus and just keep eating healthy and going to the gym and be patient.


    Nice option :) Good luck x
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I like to say carbs before workout and protein after. I think Atkins is stupid. Whether my brother does it or not. Yes you can lower your carb in take, but to have none or barely any at all is awful.

    Carbs are good for you. GOOD carbs are. Whole wheat, brown rice, fruits, veges, etc.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    The dude died of a heart attack aged 49, due to high cholesterol and hypertension I don't understand why you would want to do this diet!

    Not even close.

    On April 8, 2003, at age 72, Dr. Atkins slipped on the ice while walking to work, hitting his head and causing bleeding around his brain. He lost consciousness on the way to the hospital, where he spent two weeks in intensive care. His body deteriorated rapidly and he suffered massive organ failure.
  • aeevr
    aeevr Posts: 34
    The dude died of a heart attack aged 49, due to high cholesterol and hypertension I don't understand why you would want to do this diet!

    Not even close.

    On April 8, 2003, at age 72, Dr. Atkins slipped on the ice while walking to work, hitting his head and causing bleeding around his brain. He lost consciousness on the way to the hospital, where he spent two weeks in intensive care. His body deteriorated rapidly and he suffered massive organ failure.

    It's sooooo annoying that this myth has to be cleared up every time Atkin's comes up.

    It would be ever so nice if people who don't actually know anything (hearsay doesn't count) about a topic, would stop chiming in.
  • OMG...Dr. Atiins was WAY over 49....he was 72. PLUS...he did not die of any sort of diet complications...geesh...some people are so annoying...
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    It would be ever so nice if people who don't actually know anything (hearsay doesn't count) about a topic, would stop chiming in.

    Agreed!! As a physician I am dismayed at what I read on these forums and the 'advice' that people give each other that borderlines on practicing medicine without a license which is even more dangerous than misquoting Dr. Atkins cause of death. I'm almost to the point of trying to dispel certain myths as it is just too overwhelming sometimes. Please everyone, don't believe everything someone tells you.
  • aeevr
    aeevr Posts: 34
    It would be ever so nice if people who don't actually know anything (hearsay doesn't count) about a topic, would stop chiming in.

    Agreed!! As a physician I am dismayed at what I read on these forums and the 'advice' that people give each other that borderlines on practicing medicine without a license which is even more dangerous than misquoting Dr. Atkins cause of death. I'm almost to the point of trying to dispel certain myths as it is just too overwhelming sometimes. Please everyone, don't believe everything someone tells you.

    It's ever so heartening to get someone's agreement here.

    The worst that I have seen several times on this board is someone saying "I'm taking a nutrition course" or "Or I'm a certified physical trainer" and saying things that are blatantly wrong/easily disproven with a quick google/wikipedia search.

    Trust no one people and do your research!
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