Quickest way to lose pregnancy weight!!

While pregnant, I gained 59 lbs. I went from 143 lbs to 202 lbs. I am now 165 lbs. I have lost 37 lbs in 10 weeks. Is that good?? I feel like it is horrible considering the first 30 flew off a week after I had my daughter, which probably consisted of water, placenta, etc. The way I look at it is I have lost only 7 lbs in 8 weeks or so! I was eating horrible while pregnant, (which shows with a 60 lb weight gain pretty much) and I was not exercising! Now, for the past few weeks, I have been exercising every day for about one to two hours and on a diet plan that my trainer put me on that averages out to be about 1200 calories a day! So wth?? ugh! What have you found to be the most effective way to drop 20 to 30 lbs quick or after baby??? Please help! It is NOT coming off like I want it to & I want to be skinny again by summer!!! That is less than3 to 4 months away !! :-(


  • daltoncrystal81
    Before I got pregnant with my third child I was 165, I was 185 when she was born now I'm down to 170. I would like to get down to 150. I am planning my wedding this coming October and I am excited to be able to fit in clothes and be comfortable and confident with myself. I'm hoping to find people who have struggled like me and can be a support and so I can be a support for someone too.:smile:
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Girl, I checked your profile----ummm you have some experience at this----You have done an awesome job in your past! Congratulations to you! I know you can do it again, and this can be a piece of cke for you.
  • kpagilagan
    I was able to lose some weight pretty quickly through breastfeeding, but I know that's not everyone's choice or ability. I am still trying to lost the last 10 lbs, so with MFP, I am working on eating right and getting some exercise in every day. Walking during my breaks at work, playing with the kids at home, going to the park, etc. I also manage to get some Wii Fit time in on occasion. Good luck!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I think you are doing awesome.

    With my first I went in weighing an extra 50 lbs and 2 years later still had that same 50 lbs. I didn't lose any weight right after having the baby. You would have thought I would have at least lost the baby's weight.

    I say keep up what you are doing. It will come off. Your body changes after having a baby, hormones etc, so just keep up the work.
  • sm26davis
    Im right there with ya. I also nurse and I have only lost 8lbs since by baby was 7 weeks and she's now almost 5 months! I have to admit in the begining I would make some chocolate chip oatmeal cookies and eat more then I should have. I was trying to master my husbands gmas recipe using light butter, splenda, and dairy free chips!! (baby has an alergy to dairy) They are so yummy. But I haven' had any for months. I workout like a mad woman most days. Im in my 5th week of p90x and I haven't lost much poundage but have lost inches
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    What's the rush? :)
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    Not sure what to say...check out my profile. I gained pretty much as much as you during pregnancy and most of it came off right after but the rest that remined stuck for about 9 months.

    Granted - I was so tired with the baby and all I didn't even care about losing weight. But once I started watching my food intake and with minimal exercise - it started coming off fairly quickly.
    So with your rigorous plan, I am sure you will have all the weight off in no time.

    Good luck!
  • mislove68
    i am in the same boat. Its not easy because there is alot of physical changes that go on with your body. I think 2 pounds a week is great. And if thats your goal you will look AWESOME by summer. Thats my goal by 4th of july to be at my goal weight.

    And remember it took 9 months to gain baby weight it probably will take 9 months to come off or longer!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I looked at your profile too...and looks like you are on the right track, now if you can just be patient! It's amazing how much weight you lost before, and now you are making great progress again! I don't really have any advice because after my first son was born (I gained 44lbs) I only lost 30lbs before getting pregnant again. I'm 5 months along now, and once the baby is born I will breastfeed again and incorporate a healthy calorie range and exercise. Baby weight always seems to take longer to come off. I wouldn't stress if I were you, you are doing amazing thus far!
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    i took you 10 months to gain it. it is not gonna come off over night.
  • asliter12
    asliter12 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you guys! I just now noticed your replies! :-)
    It took me close to six months, but I did finally lose the rest of the pregnancy weight. I think I was just wanting it to happen overnight and my body needed time to heal and boost back to what it had been. My advice would be, (And I need to take my own) don't rush weight loss no matter what your reason for weight gain might be. It will come off when your body is ready for it to. Don't give up either, just keep pushing forward and everyday works towards your goal, even if you don't see results in the first day or week. If you keep exercising and watching what you eat, you will lose at your own pace..I had to learn this the hard way, because when I didn't see results on the scale in the time frame I anticipated that I would, I would say, "Screw it"and make poor eating choices. It was a cycle, a cycle I had to break in order to reach my goal. Now, as I start my new weight loss journey, I will keep this advice for myself when I get discouraged or want to quit. :-) Good luck on your journey to success!