Determined to do this but need some support

amyjthomas Posts: 35
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I am determined to get healthier and reach my goal of shredding 70 lb by September. I need to do it for not only myself but for my children. My motto is one step, one meal, and one day at a time. Any advice to help this journey, I would greatly appreciate.



  • sure, what are your demons? The things that keep you from losing. It is about changing our behavior whether it be lunch with friends, eating in front of tv, emotional eating, etc. remember, if it ain't in the house, you can't eat it! I suggest one change at a time and stick with it. Pretty soon, you won't be longing for those evil nutritionless foods. Oh, you will want them, but be able to resist.
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Join our daily check in group -

    You can do this :flowerforyou:
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    Great motto. . .mine is don't dney myself anything. . .if I want to be bad and have that McD's one day, I'm not gonig to berate myself, I'm just going to try and make sure even with those calories I don't go too far if at all over my goal for the day. I have allowed myself three bad things since I started: A local small hole int he wall pit beef BBQ lunch(had to guess at the calories there) and two pieces of celebratory cake here in the office. . the last two, I went home and did an additional 20 mins on the bike and didn't gain weight ;)

    One day at a time. .
  • i think you can accomplish that goal, that is a little over 8lbs a month and 2 pounds a week is a healthy goal. you just have to stay on top of it. watch what you eat , keep up your work outs and keep a positive attitude!!!!! it won't be easy but if are determined you and God can do anything. i will be yoru cheerleader. first mini goal for me at least 5 LBS BY FEB MAY 8TH MOTHERS DAY 20 LBS......BY AUGUST 11TH 35LBS THAT WOULD PUT ME AT 148........WILL DEAL WITH THE SECOND HALF OF THE YEAR WHEN WE GET THERE......

  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    We're all here to help you, send me a friend request : o) I love this site and the support I've gotten and been able to give. Best of luck!
  • You can definitely do this! Just keep focused and your motto is the perfect way to go. One step one day at a time!
  • You can do this! I love this site because of the accountability it gives you. I have several friends that help to make sure I track, exercise, get plenty of water. etc. I do the same for them. Send me a friend request if you like, I will more than happy to offer support.
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