Please help me with weekends!

WHY WHY WHY do I lose my willpower on the weekends? I hate that I eat and drink more and then I don't track my calories and then I think "well, if I'm not tracking or watching what I eat or drink then I'm not working out!" And why do I eat more when I don't work out? Believe me, I HATE doing this!

I can be okay sometimes on a Saturday but then come sunday all bets are off. I need HELP! Am I the only one?????? I guess I'm just scared to track my weekend calories because I don't want to know. And if I don't see the amount then it's not real. I don't know. I'm just mental about the weekends.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


  • carolinegeorgia
    know the feeling, have to make plans, have something to do Sat & Sun, more on Sun if that's your worse day, and log your food, it don't matter if u go over, u can learn from it, good luck :)
  • dawnslaughter
    if you cant be good at week end change your calories to maintenance for saturday and sunday stick to thos higher calories you can still have a chinese meal, a drink or chocolate but make sure you log it dont go over those calories or you will put weight on. then on monday switch back to whatever level of weigh loss you have been following. what you need to remeber is that any net calories you are under is your daily calories that you are under so even if you have a blip at the week end you wil more than likley come in on target
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    You sound identical to me.. I'm SO good all week - Plan my meals, work out.. then the weekend comes and I almost dread it because I go from one extreme to the other....... I really REALLY want to be good on the weekends but for some reason I'm not. I would help with this too if anyone has any insight!!
  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    Same here - I know I have to keep myself busy but the weekend is there to NOT be busy!!!!
    And then come Monday, I am mad because I feel I pissed away all the hard work from the week! I do work-out though, but even that can only do so much if you have a cocktail or two...
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Make Saturday and Sunday your rest days. Still log whatever you eat and try to be sensible. I try to watch what I eat all through the week and stay active with my workouts. But Saturday and Sunday are my rest days. I don't worry about it, just try to keep it below maintenance levels. Everyone needs a break now and then to ward off the binges!
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    Log, log, log on the weekends. That way you know how much you've eaten so you can improve what you eat/do on future weekends.
  • pinktreehands
    Oh, good lord, ME TOO! I am TERRIBLE on the weekends!! My social life is WAY too active! I am really wanting to do well, so this weekend I am making plans that don't involve alcohol and PLANNING meals! I MUST get past this weekend issue!!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Great article about healthy weekends. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

  • mayburcm
    I find the weekends are hard because I am often in the house and the kitchen is just so convenient for snacking. It is also the time of the week when I'm off work and I'm not in the same schedule as I normally am in.

    I find the best thing to do is track your calories anyway. If you're terrified to find out how much they are, that's all the more reason to do it. Writing down what you're eating makes you aware of not only what the problems are but also how much of a problem it is. What I do is I write down my calories for the day and each time I eat something I subtract the amount of calories I ate so I know exactly how many calories I have left. Another thing I do on weekends if there's something I want to eat I do some extra exercise to kind of "earn" it. A few weeks ago I wanted to eat take out one day, so I went for an extra run. There's lots of little things you can do to make it easier on yourself so that every weekend doesn't sabotage your work from the week.
  • promiseskept
    I struggled with this, I find I choose one big meal within my calories, for my days like that, that way I can eat out or hang with my friends but still maintain my eating habits. If I get to suggest a place to eat, I do, that way I know what is on the menue within my eating capabilities. I think it is a mental thing to not let yourself just go "free" and not document what you eat. Its a lifestyle change and you have to navigate the ship girl! :)
  • brittanysummerlin
    So I just sat there looking at my food log and finally convinced myself to put in the actual amount of a snack i had as opposed to the smaller portion I entered earlier. Its totally okay if you mess up on the weekends, we all do it.

    My suggestion, and what works for me, is to schedule two not stressful things on the weekends around a bit after noon. Then you can sleep in, but have to get up and do something - I think its the monotony and schedule of the week that makes us stay on track. Its easy for me to log my food when I'm sitting at my desk and go to the gym before work because I don't want to be sweaty after work - it's that consistent existence of something I have to do in the middle of the day that keeps me on task. Don't beat yourself up about it, make some changes, and put things like the phone App so you can track things on the go. This website isn't judging you for having an extra serving of something, so put it in! It's not any good if you can't look back and notice where you need to make changes.

    I love to have a couple (okay, more than a couple) drinks myself - Ive found that besides Ultra light beer (55-70 calories and CARBS), the best drink is red wine (pinot noir) - It's around 85 calories, high alcohol content, lower sugar and low carbs. I am diabetic so trust me on this carb/sugar stuff.

    Stress adds to weight. Relax about the weekends. besides,if you want to party, get up a bit earlier and do an extra long workout to offset the calories from being out and eating/drinking.

    I'm sure none of this is new to you but thought I'd add anyway!
  • jenikkinicole
    Oh, good lord, ME TOO! I am TERRIBLE on the weekends!! My social life is WAY too active! I am really wanting to do well, so this weekend I am making plans that don't involve alcohol and PLANNING meals! I MUST get past this weekend issue!!

    I with both you guys! Weekends are so hard, mostly because I still like to party, lol. :)) I don't really have any advice other than, log your meals so you know what you ate, and learn from them.

    Good Luck!!
  • BeTrue2Yourself
    BeTrue2Yourself Posts: 9 Member
    I also have problems with the weekends. BUT I allow myself 1 splurge day and usually take it on the weekends, chosing a day depending on my plans to eat whatever I want. I also try to plan ahead by putting my "anticipated" meals/drinks into myfitnesspal ahead of time. For example, lets say I know I am going out to eat on Friday night and will have a few cocktails. If I know what restaurant I am going to, I enter the meal and then determine how many drinks I can have based on leftover calories. I know its pretty analytical but it helps me stay on track.

    One splurge day satisfys your hunger for "bad" food and it really doesn't mess up your plan as long as you are still exercising.

    Good Luck!
  • bigbunions
    bigbunions Posts: 2 Member
    I've had a very similar issue myself. I found (like BeTrue2yourself) that I have to plan up ahead for the weekend. During the week I kind of have very similar things and enter what I eat as I have it. As the weekends were turning out to be very random, I planned for Sat & Sun on Friday. I have a long run and make space for the odd extra glass of wine (or two). I still occasionally go over but never over my basic weight maintenance calorie intake. So it's a bit like a day off the diet but not off the logging.

    I tried having the weekend off from logging but had to give up on that idea as I then abandoned the whole thing. The only way the weight loss works for me is for me to know exactly what's going in, even if it's shocking.