Hello I just signed up!

I'm an emotional compulsive eater and finally ready to deal with my life long problem before real health problems start occuring,


  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Welcome! I think you'll like this site. I've had a lot of success. By the way, I love your name!
  • Spetite
    Best of luck to you! I have been on this for 11 days and already lost 4 lbs! YAY! It sure makes a difference being accountable for EVERYTHING you eat! I was frightened tracking my first day, but now have found myself being under calories the last few days! God bless!
  • bigfannygranny
    Thanks so much, it fits me to a tee. LoL So excited about finding this site
  • bigfannygranny
    Wow thats fabulous ! Congrats! I think I'm gonna love doing this and finding friends along the way. :>)
  • naivenitara
    Welcome to the club! I just signed up a week ago and I love it and I know you will too! it's so easy and it will help keep you motivated. Good luck and you're gonna love fitting into your skinny jeans again...or at least some smaller ones! ;)
  • TiredOfBeingRound
    TiredOfBeingRound Posts: 41 Member
    hi! and welcome!

    i agree with "Spetite"...i'm on my 3rd week and i've lost 6lbs already!

    lots of positive supportive people here. for me, once i started listing everything i ate and seeing the calorie count, made me want to eat less. i'll already getting used to eating less (and feeling full!)

    you can add me as a friend if you'd like.

    you can do this!!
  • Jacobsgal
    hey mom glad you joined!! welcome to your new mfp fam : )
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    This sight is great. I've been with it just over a week and the moral support system alone is amazing. Not even including the knowledge base at your finger tips.
  • KimKelly65
    Hi and welcome!! I love your name. I have been on the site about three weeks or so and have lost 11.5 lbs and made lots of new friends. Good luck!