New and have fibromyalgia and neck problems

Anyone know how someone with fibromyalgia and neck problems can do aerobics safely? Have been told NO aerobics of any kind!! Besides swimming - no pool close to me and have problem walking ... so how can I exercise with all these issues?


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I also have fibromyalgia. I had trouble walking and doing almost everything when I first started. I was just determined to do it. I started swimming and walking as much as I could (at first it was only around the block) I just did a little bit more increasing very slowly (if I overdo my body it completely shuts down). then I added bike riding ( I still cant go very far) and wii fit, also videos at home, but I can still only do 30 mins at a time. Just do what you can pushing yourself to do a ILITTLE more without over doing it. Just do what you can. pay attention to what you eat. You will get there if you really want to. I started in mid july and have lost 54 lbs so it can be done but it is not easy at times frustrating. feel free to add me. You can do it
  • Cloe
    Cloe Posts: 435
    I have fibro and neck and back injuries from a car accident. What I find is really great is aquafitness. Work outs in the water is much easier on the body but the resistance of the water really gives you a workout. I have even done aqua boot camp, good workout. I'm very limited to what I can do otherwise but I find aquafitness is great. Hope this helps. And good luck!:flowerforyou:

    Just realized you said no pool close, sorry this is not much help. :frown:
  • Chad45
    Hello, the safest way to do any exercise while you have an injury or condition is to know your body and its limits…. You can certainly do aerobics if you adjust the intensity or movements to protect your body… So for example if your instructor has you jumping on a step really quickly, instead of jumping up and down on the step per se, just step up on it. You can modify nearly all exercises to do them safely with an injury.

    Exercise can relieve the pain from Arthritis and many other pain conditions and issues like Depression & Fibromyalgia, so the best thing you can do for yourself is stay active and not let a painful condition get you down. By exercising your body will release endorphins and those are the body’s natural pain relievers. This also will help you with any weight issues you may have. Becoming over weight because of inactivity will exacerbate any pain condition you may have. So you don want to be left doing nothing if you cant make it to swim.

    Also be aware of any medications you are taking that may cause painful side effects that mimic pain syndromes. An example is I was once taking a prescription heartburn medicine that caused my hips to ache all the time. I suffered for months until I ran into a nurse who just happened to have heard that from other patient taking the same drug. I stopped the meds and the hip pain stopped! Instead of just taking another pill for acid reflux I decided to lose weight.

    On final piece of advice I’ll give you regarding your neck and Fibro is that YOU have to find out how to treat yourself and CANNOT solely depend on a Dr’s advice for everything. Dr’s are there to help, but many times they aren’t sure how to treat pain disorders or other injuries. Especially complicated back and neck injuries. I have bulging discs in my neck and back and spent years going to Dr’s getting pain medications that didn’t work and listening to their advice to no avail… I also attended physical therapy, that didn’t help. Nothing did till I read online how other people with the same problems found relief… Two years later I was back lifting weights and boxing! So don’t give up hope, you condition and injuries are not life enders! Good Luck!
  • rachpiper720
    Hey! I have fibro and have had neck problems in the past with severe whiplash. Before the fibro got really bad, I was extremely active, but once it set in, it set me way back. I ended up going to the physical therapist for some exercises to strengthen my neck and back. I started biking a ton because it wasn't so jarring on my knees. I just kept working at getting back into running and I just don't have the stamina. Instead, I have worked at strengthening other parts of my body through circuit training and intense interval training. I have even been able to do P90x. It has been a very long road working up to where I am now, but it comes down to definitely listening to your body and finding if an exercise makes you spiral down, then just don't do it and find something that works. If you're just starting out, pick some things that are very low intensity like walking very slowly, biking on a stationary bike, yoga, or aerobics where you modify to your level. Modify, modify, modify! Also, start out a few minutes at a time, and work your way up for longer intervals, then work on increasing intensity. Good luck, and feel free to add me as a friend if you want!