Joined in August only serious since Jan 21

Hello everyone, I'm disappointed that I didn't get serious about this back in august but since I have been using the app actively I've lost 5 lbs not sure if it's the soda I cut out or the app with watching calories prob a bit of both. Looking forward to a great new year and glad to see this app is actually working for folks out there!! 31F username Murkle if anyone needs a buddy :)


    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    HEYYYY ME TOO! :) I was not serious until late October, then stopped early December & now I'm back to being serious! GO US! Foggetabout the past! :) New goals, starting now!! Welcome back.
  • Murkle
    Thanks!! No time like the present :) could you tell how you add info to you signature line as you have your goals listed?
  • susanac
    Hi Murkle,
    If it makes you feel any better - I joined in December 2009 and it took until last month when I got serious about it. Oops... but hey, better now than never, right?

    You can't sweat the past but you can make today great! Ok, sorry, sounding cheesy! :)
  • Murkle
    Not cheesy at all, we all have goals but sometimes life gets in the way :). Can u explain the abbreviations in peoples forum signature or tell me how to do one?? I went in help section and it said home then Settings then forum sig but that wasn't listed under settings ?
  • Murkle
    Think I figured it out!! Thanks for the help and welcoming me to the fight, lol!! Good luck!