PLEASE HELP-Why am I NOT shedding any pounds????

lEEAVii20 Posts: 50 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
For the past 3 weeks I’ve been going to the gym daily incorporating at least a 45 minute workout to the most an hour and a half. I have lowered my calorie intake tremendously as well and joined MFP on 27 Jan. to keep track of my intake in a more organized manner. I feel like I’m doing all the right things, but for some reason I am not seeing the results I want! I have been at the same “estimated” weight of 175 for 3 plus years now. When I did my weekly weigh-in for last week, I was 171. BUT, yesterday when I stood on the scale I weighed 175.0 EXACTLY. This is soooo beginning to irritate me. I do not know what to do to get pass this plateau. I am crying out for your help and any suggestions. Thankss.

Leea :smile:


  • knighttrain74
    knighttrain74 Posts: 125 Member
    It took my body about three weeks before I started losing weight so don't worry, you can do it!
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    Happens to me all the time. Supper strict and exercise and no results. Measure yourself and work through the plateau. I only average about 5 lbs a month. Everyone around me is doing alot more. The way I see it trying is better than not trying.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Here's a link that was passed down to me. Hope this helps.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Your body weight fluctuates. Thats why its called "weekly weigh-in" and not daily weigh-in. You can weight yourself more than once a week, but sometimes, depending on TOM, sodium and water intake, carb intake, strength training workouts, you can be a few lb heavier one day and back down the next. I never weigh myself the morning after i do circuit training bc I know i'm 2 lb heavier bc my muscles are retaining water. I only weigh myself after rest days or elliptical workout days.
  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member
    Exercise is great for overall health issues, but your diet is actually the most important!!
    I just took a peak at your diet. Doritoes, popcorn for breakfast, fast food and that was only 3 days that I looked at.
    You need to stop eating that crap. There is no nutrients in it. You really need to take a look at what food you are putting in your body.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Girl you like those Doritos, don't you. LOL. So do I. Start tracking your sodium.
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    hmmmm, are you being honest with your food intake? I mean, every.single.bite needs to be charted. We are all guilty of forgetting that one little cookie or that one bite of this, that, etc. Also, I checked out your food diary and you seem to be eating a whole lot of empty calories, pre-packaged things----not trying to be critical but trying to help you out. Maybe try switching to a more whole foods approach. Try eating a lot more lean protein, veggies, fruits, whole grains. We're not all perfect at the diet part but maybe try to switch a meal at a time? Just trying to give suggestions. Great job with the exercise, sometimes that's the hardest part. You will get there. I've heard a lot of people say the same thing when they initially started and then a month into it, they start dropping.
  • Halochic
    Halochic Posts: 12 Member
    I would say it sounds like your body is used to a routine, therefore you are simply maintaining your weight or only losing a few pounds. I would try something different. Instead of going to the gym, jog or bike outside a day or two a week. If you usually use machines at the gym, try taking a class. You have to surprise your muscles because they get used to the same exercise.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    In my opinion, it takes more than just tracking calories and exercising. I think you need to make better overall nutrition choices. Eating more lean protein and lots of veggies--staying away from those processed carbs. You can eat so much more food in a day by doing this, too. Also make sure you are eating frequently, about 6 times a day. Good luck!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    another thing that is key....really measuring and weighing your food, not just adding what is in the database regardless of what you really measured or weighed out. I think a lot of people are guilty of that. No matter how many times I have eaten chicken or turkey, I still weight it! I want to make sure I get the right amount. Invest in a nice food scale for your kitchen so this can be accomplished. I
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    While simply cutting calories will work if you have a lot of weight to lose, at some point it is more about WHERE those calories come from. As someone already pointed out, weight loss is more about WHAT you are eating, not necessarily how much you exercise.

    Your diet should be based on whole grains, low fat dairy, lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies and healthy fats (nuts/avocado/etc.). Unfortunately, that doesn't leave a whole lot of room for things like Doritos...@ least not on a daily basis.
  • Have u tried Bikram yoga? I couldn't lose weight to save my life! I have lost 20 lbs and kept them off! Try it out! You need to stick to it... exercise at least 5 times a week!

    PS: it's not an easy workout or the religious like or nothing weird! It's a 90 min workout that will give u results! and I am NOT paid to do this! I simply have do it so I know how great it is!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Exercise is great for overall health issues, but your diet is actually the most important!!
    I just took a peak at your diet. Doritoes, popcorn for breakfast, fast food and that was only 3 days that I looked at.
    You need to stop eating that crap. There is no nutrients in it. You really need to take a look at what food you are putting in your body.

    What she said. Doritos for breakfast?? Popcorn for breakfast?? Kettlecorn chips?? Seriously, you have to know that isn't going to do it. You aren't giving your body anything to work with and sustain itself. Lower calories is only part of the equation. Quality lower calories coming from fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins are the other half. Once your body is getting fed with quality food, you'll start to see a difference.
  • you need to up your water intake when i went to the gym i gained wieght they told me muscle weight out weighs fat.
  • I always like to look at the raw veggie and fruit content of my diet when I'm having issues.
    Do you have any side issues? Thyroid? Gluten sensitive?
    Raw fruits and veggies, not canned or frozen, can be a world of goodness to your body.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member

    This is great
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    Hi, unfortunately we can not eat total junk on a daily basis and expect to be fit and lean. I won't say to completely cut it out of your life since once we forbid something we tend to want it even more. How about picking a day/meal where you can indulge and the rest of the week you make healthier choices. Also, I noticed that you are using pretty much all your calories, including those you have burned in your workouts. Maybe cut that back just a bit. Time to readjust. Good luck to you.
  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member
    I do not mean to be disrespectful to anyone. So please take no offense.

    For the people who are telling her to change up her exercise is a great suggestion IF
    she was eating healthy and is a plateau. She can exercise all day long, but if she is not fueling her body with the
    proper nutrients etc, the exercise will not do a thing for her.
  • You mentioned that you significantly lowered your calories. That's one of your problems! If you consume too few calories, you will NOT lose weight and are likely to gain vs. lose.

    Take your weight and multiply by 10. That's how many caloriess you should consume (along with half your weight in ounces of water).
  • I started dieting after I had my first baby and It took me about a month before I saw a difference in the scale (I was noticing a difference in my clothes, however). So I wouldn't worry to bad. I know it can be discouraging not seeing any results, but stick with it and you'll start seeing the numbers you want. Good luck :-)
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