Fit By Summer - February



  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    I'm checking in to say hi and I stretched and toned today.Have a happy week everyone.:smile:
  • celticnew08
    Hi, my name is Kelly and I'm new to this website (just started yesterday). My goal is 15-20 lbs. by summer. Our neighborhood is putting a pool in and I'm going to have to wear a swimsuit in front of all my neighbors.
    The craziest thing I ever did was quit my job and drive across the country for 7 weeks. Maybe equally crazy I've never posted on a blog before.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morning all

    i love fridays it means tomorrow is saturday and i can sleep late instead of these horrible dark mornings taking kids to school.
    i have plans for walking again today i need to craft shop and buy valentines gift for hubby who has everything so in and out of way too many shops getting frustrated that they havent got what i want but i am going to persevere and keep thinking its walking its burning calories

    hope you all have a good friday
  • DrNiles
    Hi my name is. Joi and my goal is to lose 80 pounds by Aug . I am currently completing my PhD and I am a survivor of two types of cancer I live in Sunrise Florida.:happy:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Happy weigh in day everyone! Last week I scaled in at 259 , I just weighed myself and the scale said 255 WOOT WOOT. Despite not working out this week (so far I am gonna try to get my butt out there today) I did stay within my calorie goals for most of the week. I hope I lose next week.

  • dmkaiser83
    I'm in! My name is Donna and I would like to lose 50-60 pounds by end of summer! I'm a Navy wife and we just moved back to Mississippi. My husband has been home for 3 years and is starting back up with deployments in 11 months. I'm so out of shape it's hard for me to do anything really physical and with 3 kids, dogs, 3 acres, and life in general I need to be in better shape!

    My husband and I met in 4th grade, I moved away and moved back our senior year of high school. We started dating in september 2001 and were married valentines day 2002, 3 months before graduation! He left for bootcamp and we didn't see each other but for 10 days in the first year. It's been a wild ride!
  • oysterboy
    oysterboy Posts: 31 Member
    I lost 0.5lbs this week. Slow and steady is fine with me :smile:
  • OceanAddict
    OceanAddict Posts: 55 Member
    Holding steady this week - nothing lost, nothing gained. Given that I was sick a few days and unable to exercise, I'll take that.
  • xtina1982
    Welcome to February everyone!

    I'm Cristina; overall goal is to get down to around 130 by the end of the summer, but i'd like to be down to 135 by May for my best friend's wedding and look hot in a swimsuit for the rest of the summer. ;)

    Craziest thing I ever did...probably move from CO to FL to be with my best-friend-turned-boyfriend-turned-husband. We met on AOL when we were still in high school and it wasn't until we were a couple of years into college that we realized there was something very real between us; it took awhile to get it together, but I moved to FL in May 2003 and I've never been happier. So it was crazy, but I don't have a single regret - we've been married 5 years last october and together coming up on 9 years.

    Hit a little stumble this week. Monday's 60 min workout was good, but I had a visitor show up in the middle of the day and pretty much scupper all my usual workout plans for Tuesday. Wednesday I woke up with a sore throat and fever, but I was feeling better the next day so I did another 60 min workout Thursday. Half an hour of yoga today.

    Calorie counts have stayed good for the most part; after watching what I eat very carefully it seems that my body has accustomed to the 1200 calories and even if I don't track throughout the day, by the time I log everything at night I'm at or just under 1200.

    For Friday weigh-in, I'm down to 152.2 from last week's 152.6 (almost half a pound!) AND lost half an inch around my waist! It's progress in the right direction, so even if it's tiny - i'll take it. :)
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm at 201 this week for a total 18 pound loss. My first goal is to hit 199, so very close.
    In general, things have gotten much easier in week 5 of this new lifestyle. Working out seems routine, and not a chore. Eating the smaller portions makes me full, and I seem have far fewer periods where I'm starving and could gnaw off my own arm :laugh:
  • rdy2lose
    rdy2lose Posts: 106
    Hi ALL! I lost this week YAHOOOO. I have been stuck at 193.2 for several weeks (bad eating choices...) but this week I am 3 pounds thinner (either that or my scale is malfunctioning, I am going with the weight loss :happy: ).

    My goal is to lose 25 lbs for summer.
  • annalobdell
    annalobdell Posts: 201 Member
    Hello all. My name is Anna and my goal is to get to 270 by June 16th. Right now I weight 327. The most ridicoulous thing that happened to me was I was trying to put gas in my truck, and I couldn't figure out why the nozzle wouldn't fit in the hole. I then realized it was because I was trying to use the diesel nozzle. Good luck everyone.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hello friends, had another bad eating day and got to get that under control!!! Need to plan my meals ahead of time because when I improvise I get in major trouble. Hope all is well, gonna force my butt to get to the gym tomorrow.

    How is everyone doing so far?


    struggling to get back into dieting if im honest
    i starte dlast summer lost 12lbs using this site and exercising but then hit a plateau and xmas got close and i just stopped now me and my friend started again waite duntil feb 1st so all the xmas chocs etc would be out of the way but after no exercise and eating basically anything i wanted when i wanted im struggling i find myself at the end of the day 8pm feeling peckish and no calories left i could get my wii fit board out and earn some but by time ive done that and the exercise id need for a snack id probably be thinking forget it bedtime and i have already eaten a good sensible meal so its mor elikely to be boredom eating
    i need it to be monday so i can see a result on scale and feel all motivated because its working if that makes sense and i tried my loose jeans on today i couldnt fasten them :( incentive enough there i think roll on these last 20lbs gone

    I know it is really hard, I have always had a bad habit of being lazy but am trying to overcome it. Just remember tomorrow is always a brand new day!!!!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I lost 0.5lbs this week. Slow and steady is fine with me :smile:

    Congrats on the loss!!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hello all. My name is Anna and my goal is to get to 270 by June 16th. Right now I weight 327. The most ridicoulous thing that happened to me was I was trying to put gas in my truck, and I couldn't figure out why the nozzle wouldn't fit in the hole. I then realized it was because I was trying to use the diesel nozzle. Good luck everyone.

    Welcome to our little fam Anna we are here to support you along the way.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    I know it is really hard, I have always had a bad habit of being lazy but am trying to overcome it. Just remember tomorrow is always a brand new day!!!!

    thanks im not doing bad calories wise its like the adjust id usually eat around dinner time then maybe 5pm and again at 8-9pm now im having to eat in a morning dinner and tea it gets to 8pm and im feeling hungry and i want all the things thats bad for me
    that phrase chew my own arm off sums it up and its frustrating knowing if i eat it i wont lose weight but really wanting to lose when theres a diet that means i can eat everything i want and lose weight sign me up lol

    of course monday when i step on the scales im hoping it will all be worth it and it wont seem so hard at the end of the day.
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well, it definitley took me a couple of days to make my way over here...this week was just impossible for me. Anyway, I did lose one pound for my weekly weigh in, so that is good after a couple weeks with no true loss on the scale. Hopefully I will see continuation from here on out.
    Anyway, hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    So I got up really early today, I am usually not a morning person...we will see how long this lasts I am wondering when my lazy will kick in. But as for now I am getting my green tea in.

    How is everyone doing?
  • oysterboy
    oysterboy Posts: 31 Member
    So I got up really early today, I am usually not a morning person...we will see how long this lasts I am wondering when my lazy will kick in. But as for now I am getting my green tea in.

    How is everyone doing?

    Well afternoon now. How's the green tea working out for you? I tried it but it tastes too horrible for me to keep drinking.

    I'm doing good today. Just got back from an 11 mile run and it was the fastest I've managed in quite a long time. I'm going to use some of the 1200 calories burned on a bacon sandwich :happy:
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    So I got up really early today, I am usually not a morning person...we will see how long this lasts I am wondering when my lazy will kick in. But as for now I am getting my green tea in.

    How is everyone doing?

    shattered i wa shoping for a lie in but my kids had other ideas i love em to bits but please its sunday can i sleep past 7:30am lol

    i am being good kids want takeaway for tea i can order jacket potato or okra curry which i adore and okra is very low in calories a treat and not going overboard on calories and bad stuff love it its a high point to the week and tomorrow i will step on the scales and remind myself i did not gain this excess weight overnight so it isnt all going to vanish overnight either

    hope everyones having a happy sunday before back to work tomorrow roll on school holidays