
I was just working out my year weight loss goals and wonder how possible and realistic it would be to lose 10 pounds per month. I`m 250 right now so I was shooting for 160 by October 31st. Imput appreciated. Thanks.


  • kitta3
    kitta3 Posts: 84
    the average weight loss usually states its 1-2 pounds a week...
    so it could happen!!
    in my experience, you lose quicker at first, then slow down a bit
    and have to work harder and harder

    try measuring inches as well.. because as you tone up and gain muscle, the scales readings might not always be your friend
    and inches will be
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Starting out heavy, it is realistic to lose 10+ pounds/month for the first couple of months.
    That being said, once I hit 50 pounds gone in about 4 months, my body decided it was going to fight me for the other 50 -- I went from the weight practically melting off of me to struggling to get a pound a week.
    I think it is possible for you to reach your goal in that time, but it will take a lot of hard work and dedication -- and don't get discouraged if you don't make it, just focus on getting healthy!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You may want to aim for 6-8 pounds per month, as it is more realistic over the longer term. This will also give you a better chance of surpassing your goal vs possibly coming up short of your goal. MFP recommends 1/lb per week but says up to 2 is okay if you have a lot to lose. (the close you get to your goal, the smaller you should set your weekly loss goal too. So in 10 month you should be able to lose 50-75 pounds healthily, anymore and it may be too quick and you could risk losing muscle as well as fat.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    It's definitely possible, especially since you will lose more weight in the beginning. The hardest part will be sticking with it. Nevertheless, the weight will eventually coming off if you incorporate weight training and cardio into your weekly routine and have a good diet foundation.
  • alazanowski
    I am not saying its impossible, but you need to be very careful about losing too much weight too fast. Alot of the weight will dissapear quickly at first if you do a diet + exercise (assuming you were never doing that before) especially from water consumption. Keep up drinking water.

    Why i mention not to set the goal too high is alot of people lose a ton (like myself, over 45 pounds in 3 months) but then if they pause because they come down with a cold they skyrocket right back up to their original weight in no time. Its best to set something reasonable and keep with it.
  • VaporsWorld
    VaporsWorld Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks everyone. I was leaning towards a goal of around 8 pounds a month. Seems to make more sense. Before I weighed 280 and went down to 210 relatively quick but seemed to plateau there, then obviously gained almost all of it back. I believe at that point I will definately have to kick it up on exercise. Just doing treadmill a few times a week right now. Water consumption is a pain, I dont like to drink water. I am a diet mountain dew addict. Well there's the first step lolol. I am however for the first time feeling so very confindent in my ability to be healthy and get to a healthy goal weight. Best wishes.
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    I was told by a pro that when you plateau you have to do a drastic change to your workout regimine and dieting. you can do this! its a possible goal girl you just gotta work hard. if you plateau see if you can get advice from a nutritionist :)
  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    since you are 250 it is def possible to lose 10lbs in a month... ****, you can lose 20lbs in a month =) the heavier you are the more calories you burn while exercise