Heart Health

Hello to all of my sisters!
(PLEASE be sure to click on the blue "See More" to read ALL the details of the event!)
I am writing this note for a couple of reasons...this will be my own personal social experiment of sorts...I hope you will participate...
1. February 4, 2011 is National Wear Red Day to promote Heart Health for Women. I hope that you will consider wearing red that day, even a scarf or mittens, to show your support.
... 2. We have posted secret messages as our status about the color of our bras, underwear and also about where we store our purses.
3. I am proposing that on February 4, 2011, your status be a word or phrase that describes your heart. Finish your status with the phrase "...and it's RED!" It can be anything...some examples: It's full of love...and it's RED!...It's huge...and it's RED!...It's broken, but mending...and it's RED!...you get the idea.
4. Please pass this along and tag your female friends and relatives...let's see if it takes off as well as the bra/purse status' did.
5. My purpose is to raise awareness of the importance of taking care of your heart. We are all aware of the effects of breast cancer to women...we need to reinforce the importance of good heart health to women also.
6. The month of February will also be a year since my "event;" what a difference a year makes...50 pounds lighter...100% stronger...physically and mentally. It takes a wake-up call to make you realize how precious your life is.
7. Consider this note my wake-up call to you. If you haven't had a physical recently, make an appointment. If you are over 40 and haven't had a stress test, ask your doctor to schedule one.
8. Make sure that you are your own health advocate, no one is watching out for you, but you. Remember that always.
9. I have learned quite a bit about myself and general well-being. Don't have a serious event be the catalyst to a healthier heart and lifestyle for you.
10. I have sent this note to you because I love and care about you and your heart. Take good care of you.


  • sicembears
    sicembears Posts: 77 Member
    I just had my cholesterol checked, but why a stress test?
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    You know Im not sure, I copied that from facebook
  • sicembears
    sicembears Posts: 77 Member
    Well, I appreciated the post. Heart disease runs rampant in my family, and it's something that I'm aware of for my own sake. Thanks for the info. Sending a friend request your way :)
  • jenhudgins
    I work in a cardiology office as a medical assistant. A stress test will tell you if there are any blockages in your heart valves and arteries. However, I don't think a doctor will order you one unless you are experiencing active chest pain. Instead, look around where you live for a calcium score test. It's a 30 minute, non-invasive test that can tell you how much calcium and cholesterol are in your arteries and it can give you a good idea about what your risk for heart disease is. I don't think they are free, but I know the ones our hospital has is like, $90. So if you have the money, you should invest in it just to get an idea of where you are heart-wise. Then, if the score is really high, I would go to your doctor and get further testing :)