Feel like I'm starving!

jessit72 Posts: 15
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I need some ideas on how to stay full.I gave myself 1400 calories to eat a day, plus I exercise one hour every night, but I always feel hungry. I know on some days my meals are a bit higher on the calorie side, so I've tried cutting down on those a bit to have extra room for some snacking, but I always feel so hungry. Any ideas anyone!?!


  • ems152
    ems152 Posts: 46 Member
    Soup soup soup! Soup is the dieters friend! I started nearly 4 weeks ago and have soup around 2-4 times a week. There are lots of really good soup recipies online or I have just got a soup cookery book. The soup fills your stomach up and keeps you fuller for longer. You can make really low calorie soups by just using veg or you can add protein as well e.g. chicken and veg soup.
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    You can burn a lot of calories in an hour! Are you eating all your exercise calories? Feed those muscles you're building!
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I'm on 1400 also. If I don't take in a minimum of 80g's of protein a day I will eat everything in sight! Make sure you are getting enough protein. It will keep you fuller longer.
  • Definitely more protein!
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    are you eating 3 large meals or 6 small meals? if you spread it out throughout the day you should be ok. Plus are you drinking enough water? You should be drinking at least 2 litres of water a day.
  • I appreciate all the feedback! Also I guess one more question then, my diary always says I'm "over" my protein which is frustrating cause I'm hungry! But I do exercise nightly for an hour like I said, I just have a hard time eating afterwards even though I'm alloted those, because I feel like I just worked off the daily calories!
  • ems152
    ems152 Posts: 46 Member
    I go to the gym after work and then eat my dinner. You carry on burning calories after you exercise! It's fine as long as you aren't eating a big meal late at night otherwise you don't digest it!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I know *exactly* what you mean.

    Here's my list of what I do:

    1. Kosher Dill Pickles - like 0 calories. High in sodium but still, they CAN fill you up.

    2. Popcorn - apparantly there's bags that are 100 cals ea you can buy. I make my own though at home with just a tinge of olive oil & I put taco seasoning on it. I use the top of the plastic thing to measure, it comes out to 2 cups popped (low flame), and it fills me up. About 150 cals, but you can have just 1 cup for 75 cals.

    3. I drink 2 oz or 4 oz of Odwalla juices. I pretty much stay with B Monster & Superfoods, but you could drink either. 2 oz is 73 cals of B Monster, 2 oz of Superfoods is 62 cals.

    4. I make my own tomato soup in the blender - I use chicken broth, roma tomato, 1 thin corn tortilla, cilantro, a garlic clove and a tinge of onion in it. Cals = 150.

    My food diary is open in case you or anyone wants to look at it. The 1300 - 1400 range gets me to lose weight and I love it.
  • gch9v3z
    gch9v3z Posts: 2 Member
    I like to have snacks between my meals this helps me stick to healthier eating. Otherwise, I am starving by the next meal and grab anything and everything in front of me. I always keep fruit and veggies, apples, oranges, baby carrots and lemons or limes. If I get a craving for something sweet I'll grab a fruit. If I get a craving for something salty I grab some baby carrots and squeeze some lemon juice and add a touch of salt. The crunchiness from the carrots and salt help with the junk food cravings. I also use light ranch with the carrots. Hope this helps.
  • SoFancySoBlessed
    SoFancySoBlessed Posts: 224 Member
    I am on 1200 calories a day and I drink lots and lots of water and nuts are good too. Try switching up your meals that helped me with my food cravings when I first started my journey a few weeks ago!!! Good Luck!:happy:
  • emsmith217
    emsmith217 Posts: 1 Member
    My uncle gave me the tip to eat beef jerky. Very high in protein and more filling that other snacks. Higher in sodium tho, so watch that.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I am on 1200 calories a day and I drink lots and lots of water and nuts are good too. Try switching up your meals that helped me with my food cravings when I first started my journey a few weeks ago!!! Good Luck!:happy:

    Have to disagree about nuts. Each nut is 30 cals. 10 nuts (about a handful) are about 300 cals. Love 'em but if I eat them (like I did the other day) I go WAY over....
  • All of you guys are fantastic, thanks for all of the tips. I really like the lemon and salt on the carrot I'll have to try that.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    slice up a bunch of veggies and keep them ready to grab from the refrigorator. This way if you want to grab something and eat it, its not going to be bad for you. Also try to spice it up with some greek yogart or vinegar or some homemade dressing. The same things over and over can get boring so keep as many healthy things laying around as possible. If you get all the junk out of your house then you will have a hard time eating bad things. I had to get rid of so much stuff!!! BUt now when I want to snack I have no choice but to grab something healthy or not eat anything. Def eat if you are hungry though, dont starve yourself. Your body knows how much it needs and if its not getting enough calories it will start storing them... DONT WANT THAT!~!~! I also feel like when I started eating smaller meals I was always hungry, but then I just got used to it, almost like my stomach shrunk? Whatever happened, it worked!... just stick with it, snack all day, just be smart with it!~!
  • Oh my goodness I just browsed through some of your food journals for ideas, and I think I see my key problem, high calories snacks, and not filling meals... mhm
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    Change your protein levels by going back to goals and hitting custom. MFP uses the miminum averages (that a female should intake). Up it to 30%-40%. See if that helps. just make sure your proteins are good proteins! :)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I am on 1200 calories a day and I drink lots and lots of water and nuts are good too. Try switching up your meals that helped me with my food cravings when I first started my journey a few weeks ago!!! Good Luck!:happy:

    Have to disagree about nuts. Each nut is 30 cals. 10 nuts (about a handful) are about 300 cals. Love 'em but if I eat them (like I did the other day) I go WAY over....

    NO. This is not true. I don't know where you got the idea that nuts are bad, or contain that many calories, but that is not true. Even the highest (calorically) nut (macadamias) are 200 per ounce. almonds are much lower, and nuts are full of the good fats that you need. Nuts, olive oil, avocadoes, these are the fats that you want.
  • I am on 1200 cals. I jog everyday and that usually takes me to around 1400 cals. I have 2 tricks to help with staying full.

    1. Water. Drink heaps and when you feel hungry just drink another glass. If you get a bit bored add ice cubes, lemon, mint leaves or some chlorophyll which also helps your body cleanse itself

    2. Salad. Add a salad to every main meal. I even do this for breakfast. Either:

    1 slice of wholemeal toast with a poached egg topped with a salad salsa or
    1 slice of wholemeal toast with beans and topped with salad salsa

    You're plate will look so full. It will take longer to eat and you will stay fuller for longer.

    Salad Salsa:
    Fresh corn cut off the cob
    Tomato diced
    1/8th Red onon diced
    1/2 an avocado diced
    baby spinach leaves/rocket/kale

    This makes a small bowl that is about 100 calories. I only have half for breakfast and half with lettuce and tuna/poached chicken for lunch. Tastes delicious and you are getting some good fats from the avocado.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    1) Are you eating your exercise calories halfway back? If you don't eat at least 1/2 of them back your body will be getting less calories then it should and be in starvation mode.

    2) In the very beginning I was hungry ALL THE TIME (even 20 minutes after eating a meal). It was because I had stretched my stomach out so far from eating huge portions that I had to give my stomach time to shrink because I was now eating smaller portions. It stopped after about 2-3 weeks. It will go away with time once your stomach gets used to a healthier portion size and not being stretched at every meal.
  • miznel80
    miznel80 Posts: 46 Member
    I love grapefruits! If you peel it and then peel each slice, it'll give you time to feel the hunger go away. They are 100 cals each.
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