Changes bring new life.

Hi name is Craig. I am a native Texan and am currently living in San Antonio. I've recently been through some changes in my life in the way of a divorce. Not wanting to completely take what I've been handed as a negative I've decided to look at it as a new start in my life. A chance to make changes in me and my life to become the person I feel has been lost for some many years. I've also been dealing with high blood pressure so in taking it all in one of the things I've wanted to do for myself is get healthier. I'm not really looking into losing weight as I am more into eating bettter and getting back into shape. So far I've enjoyed the app on my phone, comes in really handy in tracking my progress. Through this whole process I'm hoping to join a gym here and hopfully make some new friends a long the way. So in all...Hi everyone!


  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Good luck on your health and emotional journey. This site is truly wonderful and the ppl on here are amazing!
  • Capirossi
    Capirossi Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Craig. I've just found this forum myself, so we can be newbies together! It sounds like you are in the right frame of mind for getting the 'real you' back, and this is half the battle. Good luck with it all. Have you put together an eating plan, or are you just going to eat clean for now? Sorry to hear you've been through a rough time, but you sound really positive so you should do just fine :wink:
  • hotllamarama
    hotllamarama Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome! Hope this site serves a great purpose as you bring new changes :happy:
  • thisis4me
    thisis4me Posts: 219 Member
    Welcome and good luck to you!! This is a wonderful site!! Best wishes to you!! :)
    AkBUTLER Posts: 107
    Hello from another fellow Texan. You've come to the right site. You're gonna love mfp.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    BBRRR, what a day we had here in SA, with the ice and all.....Hello and welcome, Im from SA, and thought I would say hi and wish you wishes......Lloyd
  • cmann1071
    cmann1071 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't really have an eating plan per say but I have been doing a lot of studying and reading on what foods are going to help me better my life. I've been doing exercises here at my apt complex but I feel I'm ready to take that to a new level.
    Thank you all for welcoming should be quite an interesting journey. Always glad to know you have company.
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    Welcome to the site. I am not a native Texan, but I now reside in Austin, and I am also trying to make a change for a brighter future and healthier lifestyle. Good luck to you. Feel free to add as a friend if you would like.