Busy student... healthy eating whaaat??

Hey all,
I am a 22 year old college student trying to find my groove in eating healthy and staying active. I too gained the freshman 10 or 15 and I'm mostly interested in shedding that fat and toning up while eating healthier and finding ways to cook healthier (which will be a challenge since my boyfriend and his two daughters are VERY picky!) I am constantly eating on campus (spending way too much money) and I need to figure out how to bring my own food (that tastes good and can be kept outside of a fridge). My boyfriend and I have a membership to a really nice gym here in town and next week we plan on going into town around 7am after we drop the girls off at the bus and working out before I go to school and he goes to work. I am really looking for any friends at all, whether our goals are the same or not, I know support always helps and I'm excited to help others as well :)
Take care.



  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    this site is pretty cool, welcome! feel free to friend me
  • jshordon
    Welcome to MFP!
  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    welcome! I managed to lose weight in my first year of school.. ahh to have that motabolism again! I didn't eat often, but all i ate was junk from the food court! It's challenging, but so worth it!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Hey, welcome to MFP. I've been on here since last June and have found it really useful.
    Feel free to add me as a friend :) I'm a student too so need to find some healthy foods to take with me - I usually just eat there when I get hungry :/
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    feel free to friend me too xxx
  • Justyne88
    I am in the same boat as you. I am a student and have two children. Finding balance between what is good for me and meals they will eat has always been difficult. My approach has been to have the kids help me in picking out recipes from healthy cookbooks and making them together. I have found that if my kids have a say in what we eat they are more likely to try it. I also have the three bite rule. That ways if they truly do not like it they are not forces to eat it. Nothing worse then eating a plate of something you do not like. My kids are 2 and 6 and there is always some part of dinner they can help with. Hope this helps.
  • royam01
    royam01 Posts: 123
    I really struggle to find healthy stuff to pack when its going to be in my book bag until lunch... so i know what you mean! I usually take granola bars, almonds, apples, bananas... just easy portible stuff. My school has a subway on campus so I end up spending money there :( I really try hard to pack but some mornings I just cant get myself to do it!
  • lizvanb
    lizvanb Posts: 66 Member
    I feel ya girl. Feel free to add me, and good luck with your goals! :)
  • raiderette34
    That's a great idea! I can never keep up with what the girls like and don't like, and it always changes! I think I will look for a healthy cookbook because I know they would LOVE to help me! Thanks for your input! :)
  • kelseyyoki
    I am a freshman this year, and I have been trying to improve my eating habits immensely. My boyfriend and friends call me the "health nut" because of how many fruits and vegetables I end up coming home with after a grocery shopping trip.

    I do not know where to tell you to think about starting...but try to buy more foods from the produce section and health foods. Yes, they are expensive but in the end, they may start to save you in the money with health insurance because being healthy and fit means less doctor visits and health problems.

    I usually try to pack foods that don't need to be in the fridge, but we are lucky to have a "vending machine den" that has 2 microwaves which we can us. I usually bring a Select Harvest soup by Campbell's (they are very good from what I have read of the labels). Other foods I pack: PB&J (natural) on whole wheat bread, string cheese, apples, bananas, baby carrots (and other veggies), cheese and crackers, pita or pita chips with hummus, or yogurt with granola. Those are just a few thoughts! Feel free to contact me!
  • lindsay1888
    lindsay1888 Posts: 8 Member
    I graduated from college last May but always had the same problem while I was in school. I work long hours at my job now and usually don't get home until after 9PM so it's really hard to get motivated to workout and cook healthy meals (especially when my boyfriend eats a LOT more than me because he has a bigger frame and when my coworkers constantly get fatty greasy carryout everyday!). I don't have too many friends on here so I added you! I'm around the same weight as you too, started out at 175 and am now down to about 153 with my goal to lose about 15 more lbs.