This is just so defeteing...

I swear...It feels as if I am never going to lose any weight....

I keep yo yo ing...


Anyone else think sometimes it's just hopeless??


  • GemFB
    GemFB Posts: 104 Member
    I swear...It feels as if I am never going to lose any weight....

    I keep yo yo ing...


    Anyone else think sometimes it's just hopeless??
  • dncr8707
    yes but you loose weight right and the beginning and think "woah, this is great" but for some reason it keeps getting harder and harder to loose no matter how hard you work.............but dont worry its not hopeless keep on working out eating sensibly and dont worry to much...........

    keep going........................

    dont give up..................

    you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • webebeer
    yes...12 days going between 156 and 154...never below......not giving uo though...friend said same happened to her....then lost tons...looking forward and staying off the scale......don't give up:bigsmile:
  • GemFB
    GemFB Posts: 104 Member
    I think that's my hardest part...Staying off the scale. I'm not sposed to step on it more than once a month to begin with...Long story.

    This site is actually very important to me...

    I need to do this the healthy way...I can't go back to the unhealthy way.

    I just really want to lose weight...
  • neverbeenskinny
    neverbeenskinny Posts: 446 Member

    I use to be 210, and I kept yo yo-ing for about 2 years. And finally got down to 155 pounds, 55 pounds later, and I thought it took me 2 years to lose 55 pounds, that's not enough. Until my doctor had me do a DEXA scan, which measures bone density, but it can also measure bodyfat. It came back at 18% bodyfat. I had been losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time. I am happy where I'm at now, I just need to maintain. And yes, I'm 5'2" and 155 pounds which doesn't sound like I've reached it, but working out added a lot of lean body mass on me. And I'm happy with where I'm at when I look in the mirror, I'm happy at a size 6 jeans, my family and doctor are happy because I'm healthy.

    So if you're working out, which most of us are. And you don't see the scale moving much...Please don't give up. You may be getting much better results than you think.

    Just don't live and die by the scale. Let it be your guide, but it isn't the be all end all of results.
  • GemFB
    GemFB Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you...

    I shoulda died by the scale. But I didn't. THis time I wanna do it right. This time I wanna be healthy...

    Thank you...
  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    Are you doing a lot of exercise? You might be replacing some fat weight with muscle weight even if you don't see the scales going down.

    In any event, don't give up! I doubt anyone here hasn;t hit a plateau of some kind. Speaking for myself, between the plateau effect and the holidays, I think I've been around 200 for 2 weeks or more.

    Now, the scale. It seems there are 3 camps that speak out on this. Monthly, weekly and daily. I happen to be in the daily camp. If you are only weiging monthly, is it possible you are missing a pattern of consumption where you are taking in too many calories?
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    I did efore I found this site!! I am determined to not let this get the better of me. This is not a diet it is a life change...I have 2 children that need me and for many years to come. My mom cme to visit over the Holiday and sad to say that is what and when it hit me. I can NOT get old and be that unhealthy and not care. She thinks it is all a joke...we have the youth gene in our family and I want my health to go with that gene! So hang in there and keep your head up if you fall pick yourself up and try again! We are here for ya and wish you the best!

  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    What Razboo said. You also may have hit the dreaded platue. Try to up your weight training and excersize. If you do the same thing again and again, your body gets used to that and will stop burning EXTRA calories and stay at the rate that it is at now. When you see this start to happen, it is time to jazz things up a bit. Try a new class, Add weight to your weight lifting, If you are stuck doing the same routine try it backwards so the first thing is last and the last is now first.
    :smile: We have all been there. You WILL get over the hump and be back on track again.
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    Think about a plateau as your body taking a breather. When you're hiking or doing any kind of physical stuff, you sometimes have to just plain stop and let yourself regain oxygen, get rehydrated and refueled. Well, you've been working REALLY hard and so has your letting go of pounds that it wants to keep. It's just taking a breather. You just keep on doing what you've been doing, and your body will catch up. Right now it's just getting ready for the next part of that mountain climb. You'll get to the top and when you do, the view will have been worth the climb. Hang in there my friend!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    There is this commercial (I can't remember for what) where this man steps on the scale at the gym, runs around like mad for about 5 minutes and then steps back on the scale, see's no change and looks sad and defeated. The commerical says "Need instant gratification?".

    I have to laugh everytime I see it because that's the way I feel. I went to the gym today and worked with a personal trainer. I did 20 minutes on the elliptical trainer and 60 minutes of circuit training. I was feeling so proud of myself and I was feeling STRONG because I made it through the session and was energized!

    Then I came home, got on the scale, and got all depressed! I got on this site and started reading posts and I'm feeling better. I just have to keep telling myself "it's a journey".

    So, you hang in there and I will too and we'll just keep coming to this site for encouragement!
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    tessarb84 I love that commercial too! I can't remember what it was for, but I agree, that's what we all want I think!