Hasta La Vista Facebook

Thanks for reading, I'm kind of just going through some thoughts & figured someone MIIIIIGHT feel the same, so I'm sharing.
So, I am like completely addicted to facebook. I use it ALL the time. Sometimes I just pull it up on my phone, randomly and look at the same status updates that were there 5 minutes before. Every now and then I catch myself being logged into facebook on the laptop, while its on my lap and then I grab my phone...TO...check....facebook? Yyyyyeah- Weird.
So I've kind of gotten to the point where I'm OVER facebook and I'm kind of annoyed with it right now. I feel like having no facebook makes me a much more productive employee, girlfriend, mom & MFP member. Since I've deleted my account I've been able to focus more on losing weight, which is great. I'm not sure if other people have this same problem or not, it just seemed like it was controlling so much of my life and I was spending all this time...doing....NOTHING essentially. Another one of my annoyances with it is that I feel like SO many people know things about me that they PROOOBBBAAABLY either 1. Don't care to know or 2. Don't need to know. So for now its deleted, you should try it sometime I'll probably add it back again after I lose XX amount of weight I have to figure out what XX is. :) Any thoughts? Discussion? Lemme hear it.


  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    pretty much same here. i keep it because i do have family i cant talk to any other way, i have some pages im fans of, and a lot of people i work with are on there, so i kind of have to keep it. but ever since being on MFP ive been on it sooooo much less. i am on here a bunch, but this is healthy for me and it helps me keep track of things and talk to people that are in similar situations and get encouragement. i get on there like once a day, just to see if any of the people i talk to are on there, ive pretty have hidden everybodys status updates haha, but again, i dont really go on there either.
  • Paccie
    Paccie Posts: 47
    I'm so with u on the Facebook thing. I've do the same thing. Good luck on your journey. Feel free to friend me.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Mmmm, I know the feeling. I would LOVE to delete my Facebook. I can't delete mine, unfortunately. Well, I *could,* but I'd get a lot of flack for it from my family and my in-laws who live on the other side of the country and like the ease of getting pictures of the kids and hearing how our day is going. So... I'm kind of stuck. But yes, I'm a total addict. I've gone on internet "fasts" before, where I just don't touch the computer for a month, and I'm considering doing it again. But then, I'd have to give up MFP temporarily, and I kind of need it right now. Blargh.
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    Ive thought about deleting it soooo many times!!! The main reason for not deleting it is because I have a photography business and it is very helpful with my business. I find though that since I joined MFP that i spend less time on it. However Im still addicted!!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    You won't believe it, but I am NOT on Facebook and your post is one of the reasons. I've heard too many bad outcomes from it, so I decided not to register. It has not been easy, but ultimately I'm glad I made that decision. Glad to hear you are getting positive results!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Before I started my weight loss journey I spent a lot of time on Facebook. I would log on if I was bored and would stay on late into the night and I felt guilty for being on the computer when i knew I should be doing something.. I love my friends and family on there but I was not happy with myself and knew I had to do something about it. Ironically, it was a Facebook friend that told me about this site and I decided to check it out. I figured I spent so much time at the computer I may as well. I did and I am so glad I did! I still have my Facebook account but I spend more time on here gathering info to better my weight loss and if I feel crappy about things I just log on to here now (instead of FB) and read success stories or occasionally vent. I also do not feel guilty if I spend time on here because it is usually AFTER I get my exercise or chores done for the day.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Well if it makes anyone feel better when you cancel your account you can select "this is temporary, I'll be back." I'm really not sure if I'll get it back though. I just feel like its a complete waste of time...and I don't really miss it. I have an 8 month old lil girl and my mom kind of gave me crap for it because of the pictures, but she knows I'm really hard headed so she left it alone. Anywhoooo...Yeah I'm just WAY OVER the social networking thing, except for MFP because I'm actually getting something accomplished.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I find it funny how many people are addicted to FB. I have an account and I check it fairly regularly, but I'm not addicted. I find it the funniest thing! My mom gets more up in arms about stuff my "ex"-best friend says on there than I do. Nor do I understand the people who constantly need to tell people where they are and what they are doing - 1. because who cares? and 2. uhm safety? like the homes that get broken into because of people telling where and when they are going places. You are in control of what info is out there. Just because FB asks you all the info doesn't mean you have to give your birthday, home phone, and address. :noway: But that's all a different topic. haha

    So, props to you for recognizing the problem it was causing you. I hope disconnecting from FB pans out well for you and you can find the successes that you are seeking. :)
  • Binturong
    I see you point and agree with the addictive part of Facebook. However, I use FB to report daily to the friend who pointed me to MFP on how I am progressing. It's kind of my way to work on a mini-diary and I get responses to questions I might have, or pick me ups if I'm feeling down or need positive feedback. Of course, she doesn't read my posts daily, but knowing she's there to support me is great for me. Every so often, we get to chat not only about fitness and healthy living but other things as well. We live very far from each other and both have very busy lifestyles, but this gives us a moment to share on common things and has strengthened our friendship.

    Now, I have found the MFP community to be very supportive and look forward to continued success. There are many amazing success stories which help you understand that it is possible to accomplish your goals if you put your heart on it and get friends on your back to push you when you falter, to answer your questions when you need them, and to share the joy of those pounds gone from your life.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Acceptance is the 1st stage of recovery. :)