Net calories

I started going to the gym to do cardio & strength training on Wednesday. I've done the elliptical every time & plan to do at least the elliptical 6 days a week for 33 minutes (including cool down time) & I avg 455 calories burnt in that time.

Since I work in an office all day & mainly sedentary, my goal is 1,840 calories to avg 2lbs / week.

My question is if I consume on average 1,500 - 1,600 calories / day with the exercise, is this too little calories?

Today for instance I consumed 1,512 & burned 455 for a net of 1,057 thus I have 783 calories left.


  • heb14
    heb14 Posts: 42 Member
    The rule of thumb is to not dip below 1200 calories for too long, otherwise your body will start to go into starvation mode and hang on to every calorie consumed. I thought a 1,000 calorie diet would work, but actually, once I "upped" my calorie intake to what MFP was telling me, the pounds started to melt off.