French toast? No thank you!

This morning while I was enjoying a delicious healthy breakfast (all natural Apple cinnamon pita, fruit salad, greek yogurt and an egg white), I watch my family scarf down French toast with too much syrup and little smokies sausages I realized that I did not want anything they were eating. This was not just because I'm changing my life, or because I'm a vegetarian, or because I'm a super human and don't have cravings. I did not want what they we're eating because I know what they were putting into their bodies - calories and chemicals.

A lot of people just don't have the information about what is really in their food. Soda for example, increases the risk of osteoporosis and damages your kidneys and liver.

What about the high fructose hype? The truth about aspartame, Formaldehyde anyone? Or why you should eat clean as much as possible? I've provided some links for y'all to read. Hopefully not only will this information help you become healthier but *crosses fingers* will help you reduce cravings through knowledge! I'm not saying I don't crave the good stuff - aka hershey's kisses haha- but a few here and there don't hurt, especially with all the other healthy cuts I've easily made! - talks about the toxicity of aspartame - do you know what the numbers mean on fruit and vegetable stickers?

I got all of my information originally from the book Skinny B*tch, I have even see something about Skinny *kitten* for men haha, but its a great book if you're looking for more info (you can find it online for like $4)


  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    I know! Once you start reading, and watching movies about the foods we put in our bodies it's so much easier to resist them!

    And the stuff we feed our children is just disgusting........also in their school lunches...

    It's all very sad, I wish more people would get educated on this subject. But most of them just don't want to hear it....
  • Kristyb1010
    Thanks for these links - have to comment so I can come back again & again!
  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    So so true! I think people underestimate how bad it is!
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Bump to read later...

    ... though I have to say that I've made a pretty clean version of homemade French toast. (Well, assuming people who want to can make even cleaner by buying the organic milk and free range eggs that I can't afford!)
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I'll have and enjoy my french toast, thanks.

    Farm-fresh eggs, home-made bread, and maple syrup. What's wrong with that?

    Oh and the odd bit of cinnamon or vanilla bean, yes please, none of that artificial vanilla extract thanks
  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    Ahhh I love that so many people eat organic! There's nothing wrong with French toast haha, but the way they ate it... Yuck! White bread, whole milk, vanilla flavor, regular eggs, aunt jemima syrup and smuckers strawberry syrup...I could go on! Lol the calories were outrageous, not to mention all the preservative, hormones, chemicals etc. GROSS!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I agree on the white bread, I went out to a restaraunt recently and they didn't give me a choice on bread for my french toast... needless to say I won't be going there again. I ate it but it seriously felt like eating cotton candy the white bread was so puffy and non-existant for "feeling" like I was eating something.

    Whole milk I choose to have regularly too, 1% milk is only 2% less than whole milk I just go easier on added fats from other areas of the diet and enjoy the taste of whole milk.

    Some of the other stuff though, yeah I don't know how that gets passed off as "food"... maybe foodlike?
  • KokomoJoe
    I occasionally make french toast use organic egg, 2 slices of sprouted grain bread, a little almond milk and cook in coconut oil. Add organic "real" maple syrup.

    If you use store bought white bread, and the maple flavoured crap syrup then I understand.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Nothing wrong with a French Toast here or there. Maple syrup has never been my thing and whole milk goes in my coffee religiously. But I do get that disgusted feeling when I see people chowing down a burger and fries from McDonald's. Even just the smell makes me want to gag.