So my stomach is shrinking....not in size but in appetite

Anyone else finding that? That plus *having to log in everything* is like a big turn eating! In a good way! And if my stomach actually shrinks down in size......well that would be a MAJOR BLESSING!


  • Enchantica
    Likewise - and I'm finding that because my diary is open for viewing to anyone I think twice about stuffing chocolate and other no-no's down my throat because every man and his dog can see what I've been upto. Mind you, that only works if you're honest and take care to list everything you're eating! But hey, no point having a diary if you don't do a blow by blow account of what you're consuming
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    yeah its a huge eye openner and the guilt kicks in and you realize that you could do so much better. by you i mean me. LOL i did. the change it hard and slip ups will happen but you'll find yourself appreciating smaller portions and feeling really bad when you over stuff yourself.
  • Carolinea20050
    I saw in the news recently that people who document what they each are more likely to lose weight and keep it off than those who don't. Love this site.
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    I have found the same thing and I also find it hard to make myself eat the calories I should be eating because I need to come back here and log everything. If that makes any sense. Although, with all the extra classes I've been taking, I've been forcing myself to eat but even that feels like hard exercise. lol
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Tonight my wonderful DH (dear hubby) said "you wanna try some of this Muesli"? No.

    "Come on, try some!!!!" No!!! Honey I don't want to have to LOG IN those cals!!!

    I think logging in everything is a HUGE!
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    Tonight my wonderful DH (dear hubby) said "you wanna try some of this Muesli"? No.

    "Come on, try some!!!!" No!!! Honey I don't want to have to LOG IN those cals!!!

    I think logging in everything is a HUGE!

    Agreed! I get the same thing with ice cream at home. " Oh come on hunny, I got your favorite flavor." *kitten*!!
  • himynameisnicola
    I agree, this is awesome! In the past few weeks I've noticed myself not finishing dinner, whereas before I would have eaten dinner and then gone and found something else to stuff in my face! haha.

    Also, I sympathise with the whole DH thing (except mine is a fiance). No matter how much times I tell him I don't want him to buy me any chocolate or fat things from the corner shop, he always brings me back something because he "feels bad if he doesn't"!!!
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    Tonight my wonderful DH (dear hubby) said "you wanna try some of this Muesli"? No.

    "Come on, try some!!!!" No!!! Honey I don't want to have to LOG IN those cals!!!

    I think logging in everything is a HUGE!

    Agreed! I get the same thing with ice cream at home. " Oh come on hunny, I got your favorite flavor." *kitten*!!

    LOL!!!! thats fantastic. I got some bad news last week and my roommates, to cheer me up took me out for chorizo burritos and ice cream. yeah suffice to say the next day i felt like crying. and my digestive system reminded me thats not me anymore. yeah lesson learned LOL
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    suffice to say the next day i felt like crying. and my digestive system reminded me thats not me anymore. yeah lesson learned LOL

    I agree. Even though I don't forbid myself anything, I still find that when I want to "treat" myself to something, I just don't enjoy it like I used to and my body just lets me know how much it does not appreciate it too. It's really amazing how little changes, like lower fat or salt intake can really be noticed.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I completely agree! I love MFP and logging meals has led me to eat really healthy

    Even if I allow myself a snack that's sinful, I at least know that by eating only a bit or 2 it will not sabotage my calorie total for the day, whereas before, I would eat the whole thing and not think about the calories I"m consuming. With that said, I think sometimes we don't realize JUST HOW MUCH we are consuming ..that bread basket that arrives at dinner, the alcohol, mid-afternoon snacks, etc.
  • helenamonks
    Tonight my wonderful DH (dear hubby) said "you wanna try some of this Muesli"? No.

    "Come on, try some!!!!" No!!! Honey I don't want to have to LOG IN those cals!!!

    I think logging in everything is a HUGE!

    Agreed! I get the same thing with ice cream at home. " Oh come on hunny, I got your favorite flavor." *kitten*!!

    LOL!!!! thats fantastic. I got some bad news last week and my roommates, to cheer me up took me out for chorizo burritos and ice cream. yeah suffice to say the next day i felt like crying. and my digestive system reminded me thats not me anymore. yeah lesson learned LOL

    OMG everytime I eat something I'm not supposed to I get sick! IDK if its guilt or actual sick, but it makes it happen less and less often.
  • Tasha1476
    Likewise - and I'm finding that because my diary is open for viewing to anyone I think twice about stuffing chocolate and other no-no's down my throat because every man and his dog can see what I've been upto. Mind you, that only works if you're honest and take care to list everything you're eating! But hey, no point having a diary if you don't do a blow by blow account of what you're consuming

    I agree, keeping your diary open is challenging, its a bit like bearing your soul (or stomach I guess) but it does make you think twice about making ridiculous decisions. In fact, today the idea of having to log it discouraged me from a dinner of frozen yogurt. haha