Anyone else 5'0???

jamebugg Posts: 10 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Just wondering if anyone else is short like me (5'0!) and if so what is your goal weight? I had originally set mine at 125, but then I saw a chart at my doctor's office that said the healthy range for my height is 97-123. I am 34 years old and can't even remember when I last weighed 97 pounds! Maybe when I was 10! I know I would feel MUCH better at 125 (I'm 157 right now), but am I selling myself short? Should I really do it right if I'm going to do it? Thanks! :bigsmile:


  • kez193
    kez193 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 4ft 4ins so you're quite tall to me!!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I think the 97 pounds is for really, really small framed petite shorties (I'm a shorty too at 5'2"). I say keep 125 as your goal and when you get there re-evaluate. My range is something like 110-136. I'll be happy to see 120 again. But this time it will be a healthy and fit 120!
  • Vtrembacki
    Vtrembacki Posts: 49 Member
    I think that what is recommended, is not really 100% for everyone, based on the way YOUR body is. If you are very athletic and/or have a lot of muscle, then I think it is really hard to go by those rules. I'm about 5'3 and in high school I was a big athlete and although I was in the best shape of my life, I was still considered overweight, which was completely ridiculous, and no one even thought I weighed as much as I actually did.
    My husband says, if you are really seriously concerned, you should get your body fat percentage checked out, and use that as your goal, not just the height/weight BMI rule.
  • I am 5'0 and currently at 179lbs so you're way ahead of me!! (I started off at 245 though!)

    I would keep going until YOU feel right, not when a doctors chart tells you you should feel right.... I think to be at the bottom of the range would be far to tiny anyway - i'd rather aim for the top of the ideal for the time being and see how you feel...

    Good luck!!
  • I am 5'0 and think I would look sick at what the weight charts say I should weigh. I like myself with curves. I know I should aim for the 115 mark but I will be honestly happy at 140 ish.
  • I'm 5'1 and following Weight Watchers and the range for your height is Minimum Healthy Weight is 102 and Max Healthy Weight is 128. I'd stick with your 125 goal!!
  • VibrantStar
    VibrantStar Posts: 8 Member
    I am 5 ft too! I think 125 is perfect. I weighed that much when I was a freshman in highschool and I look at pictures and it was the perfect weight (healthy too!) My best friend is 5 ft also, and weighs 99, and she is trying to gain weight cause she feels that is too skinny! I would LOVE to be that size again though... but im shooting for 150 for now. Still quite a journey. Good luck!
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    I think you should continue to lose weight and when you feel comfortable stop. You will know when you are at the right weight for yourself.
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I'm just over 5"1 and I started at 202.4 lbs.... my goal was 150 - then I saw that chart also!! I think that chart is for China where woman are so naturally tiny..... American women seem to be "healthier" =) I would like to be 135 - I really can't imagine myself being much smaller then that..... but we will see when I get there!! =) The scale said 170 this morning...... that is the lowest its been since I started my journey!! =)
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    i'm 5'2 and i have my goal weight set at 105, but i think i will probably settle at 110-115. i'm really more worried about how i feel in my clothes and how i look than how much i weigh! so i will see when the time gets here :)
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    When you get there see how you feel.

    I am amazed at how 2 people of the same weight and height can look completely different.My daughter is very fit, 5ft3 and is 108 pounds but although very slim is far from skinny, pics on one of the comparison sites of someone her height and weight showed someone that looked emaciated. I'm 5ft7 and shooting for 154 but I ill stop when I am happy with how i look no matter what the bmi chart says, hoping its within the "healthy" range just to shut Drs up but we'll see!
  • ailysys
    ailysys Posts: 25 Member
    :) I'm also 5ft tall!!! I'm currently 122 lbs and my goal was to be 115lbs. I was about 115lb before I had my baby, and that's kind of where I wanted to be. I think the best advice is to reach small goals and then see what you want to do. So get to 125lbs, then see how you feel. If you keep up with a healthy lifestyle, the weight might continue to come off anyway!!
  • sbranaghan
    sbranaghan Posts: 29 Member
    I would see how you feel once you reach your goal weight. If you still want to loose more, I say go for it! I am 5' 1" and my goal was 120 and now I am at 115..... Happy with my weight. I still have curves, which I think women should have!!!! Go with what you feel is best for you! I think we see women in hollywood and models and think that is what we are supposed to look like. But, reality is... thats not normal. Strive to be healthy and fit!!!!!!!
  • stephbraden74
    stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
    Im 5'0 and it is SO frustrating!!! You can see the SMALLEST gain, even a pound or two. I am at 130 right now, my pre-baby weight was areoun115 to 120 so that is what my goal is. I have been "trying" to get there since my second was born two and a half years ago!!!! I am ready to kick it into high gear though, since we have our vacation planned for the summer!!
  • hey I'm 5'0. My goal weight is 125(i'm 140 now), but i'm not so much worried about the numbers on the scale because muscle weighs more than fat.. mainly i'm focusing on losing some fat and hopefully gaining some muscle and as long as i'm in a healthy range for my height and I feel confident with myself then I'm happy. :)
  • I'm 5ft too - starting weight was 163, my first goal is 140
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm 5' tall, as well! It's nice to know there are lots of tiny ladies out there. I'm shooting for 117--several years ago I went from 142 to 117--then gained back to 132. Right now I'm at 129. The scale hasn't moved in weeks, but I've lost inches and my clothes feel better, so that's just as good!

    117 was about as small as I'd like to be; when I was a teenager I was about 110 and felt fat (how hilarious that seemed when I gained more weight in college and afterward)--I'd rather see higher numbers and lose some of the fat and build muscle instead. I am genetically disposed to cellulite-covered thighs, even when I was 110 pounds--so a future goal is to build up my leg muscles to reduce the appearance of that.
  • I'm 4ft 11in. As for weight goals, I think you'll know when you get there. My original goal was 120. Then I got there and I was a little too squishy. I was blessed with long legs for my height...but that comes with the curse of no torso...which make me prone to a squishy midsection.

    Then I got down to almost 100 last summer and...and while I wouldn't go so far as to say I was "too skinny," I lost my shape and started to sag in places (and my tits, which had stayed the same in 65 pounds of weight loss, deflated in those last 7 pounds...wasn't pretty...wasn't pretty at all!) Frankly, I'm too old to be that small!

    My weight goal now is to get down to either a svelte 105, or a muscular 108. Or a totally happy and healthy 110 with just a touch of a squishy midsection.

    I guess my point is that as you lose weight, your body will shift and change in ways that will be new to you, and you will get to discover and choose where you want to stop. And its hard to know what that will be at the outset. So just be open and enjoy the ride!
  • I am 4"10

    My weight goal is 150 lbs for now..
    Right now I am 173 lbs.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Every BODY is different. I'm aiming for 110 because that was a good weight for ME. Others may need to be aiming lower, others are going to lookin smoking hot at 125. :smokin: Aim for 125, then re-assess both how you look AND feel.

    Shorties unite! :laugh:
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