no weight loss

blackjag1 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
What am I doing wrong? I am not losing anything I never use all the calories, and sometimes carbs and fats. I lost 5 lbs which was water I'm sure. Help me before I get discouraged.


  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    We need more information. How long have you been at it? What is your current height/weight and goals. Your food diary is not public so we cannot look at that. How many calories are you eating? How much are you exercising. You say you haven't lost anything and then say that you have lost 5 pounds. We cannot help you without more information.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    We can't help if you don't make your journal public.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    I have sent you a friend request. You are a similar age to me so perhaps I can help you.
  • Ah, we'd have to see your journal...also, if everything turns out to be fine there, do you have a thyroid problem? I got diagnosed with one about six years back, they put me on medication for it to adjust my hormone levels and I lost a good ten pounds from just that.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I never use all the calories, and sometimes carbs and fats.

    If you are eating under your suggested calorie goal and working out each day you may be eating too little.

    Make your journal public and we can probably get a better idea and offer some advice.
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    I am having the same problem..(now yesterday I did go over on my calories) but for the most I have some calories left. The first week I lost weight but now I am at a stand still:(
  • goohan
    goohan Posts: 155
    perhaps its pre menstral weight, i get that...
  • RGonVSH
    RGonVSH Posts: 44 Member
    Eating too little or skipping meals can cause your body to go into starvation mode, and you will not lose weight... Be sure you are eating regular small meals, but also be sure you are getting enough calories.
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Please go back on this site and put in the correct information as to starting weight, future goal weight, in your personal life answer question are you active or sedentary, or moderate in your activity. How much weight do you want to lose a week. The most practical approached will be no more than 1-2 pound a week. Yes you do lose water weight at first, but remember the more the water you drink the more water you lose. Our bodies is made up of 70 percent water.Are you exercising? You do not have to run a 5-mile K. Thirty minutes or 15 min a day is ok my friend. I can not see your diary, it may not be the calories that is the problem, but what are you eating.Last thing if you eat too small amount of calories(in which this site will calculate accurately for you) than your body will feel that you are going to starve it so it will hold on to the fat. I hope i did not over do it with information. Please accept my request for friendship. Together and many more of us will help you get through this. DON'T GIVE UP!!!
  • The best thing, is to eat every two to three hours. If you eat for fuel then your body will burn fat. Larger meals should be about 300 calories and snack under 200 calories. For me I dont eat dairy(I'm allergic) and I dont anything white or made with white flour. I only eat brown and all the other colors! I stay away from sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Unfortunately its found in a lot of so called nutrition and fiber bars. Lots of protein(only poultry) and plenty of veggies. Always look at your ingredients on anything you plan on eating. Sodium is a big issue too, be careful of it! Its hard at first to become a label reader, but eventually it's a new habit. Your body is your temple. Only put pure and goodness into it. Last but not least drink water like its going out of style! Most water bottles sold at the store are 16 oz. That is two cups of water. Make a conscience effort to drink five of those a day or the equivalent of. Water is the best way to flush out your body and really see a difference in metabolic rate. Also do a little research on CANDIDA. You will be very fascinated on how yeast attributes to a lot of weight issues and we all have too much of it in this country because of the way the USA companies over processes food. I know its a lot of info but I hope this helps. I have lost over a hundred pounds following my rules and have done a lot of research. I continue to educate myself daily about health and nutrition. It has inspired me to go back to school to become a Nutritionist. :) Good luchk and message me anytime you have questions, I'm here to help!
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    Had a look at your food diary & it appears that you are making really good food choices on the whole. You have gone below 1200 on some days which you should try not too. You have not got any exercise calories logged so you need to put those in & eat the calories back so you don't go under 1200 net. You just need to be patient & keep going. It takes us time to put the weight on...and in the same wy..time to get it off. Keep going though..we'll get you there!!!
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