hello! suggestions for a girl that just got dumped?



  • bahrainbel
    go out! you're embarking on a healthier lifestyle - everything in moderation is part of a healthy lifestyle. denying yourself, will only lead to other issues, in my opinion.

    bacardi and diet coke
    vodka and diet coke
    gin and slimline tonic

    none of those ^^^ are anywhere near as bad a beer or cider. being dumped is horrible, go have a goodtime with your friends. just don't drink 10 pints of cider and have a kebab on the way home, lol. dance! mega calorie burner, and good for the soul too.
  • mistryB
    mistryB Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the suggestions! I ended up going with bourbon and a few beers. Physically, I feel great today, but I am about to go to the gym to blow off some steam..
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    I strongly advise not to do it! Drinks have a horrible amount of calories and they are empty. Also, you don't want to see the ex around town and be the same weight or a couple pounds more do you? Keep on track and lose weight and show him the hot girl he is missing!!!

    i agree with the above, i was dumped on the 7th of Jan and while i missed the ex for a while i decided it was beta to concentrate on bein better for me and eventually that if i see him around he wil b shocked n disappointed that he walked away :D

    best wishes hon, keep ur chin up

    Kirstie x

    ps feel free to add me xx

    i agree as well...while i can understand wanting to drown your sorrows, u wanna be able to run into him a few months down the road, get those compliments and turn him down walking away with your head held high....revenge is a dish best served COLD!!!!
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    SORRY lol...guess i missed the train lol....:laugh:
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    First of all, don't even worry about him "crawling back" or seeing you around town. He made a decision and it was a bad decision. He may realize that bad decision at some point, but you should remember that your life is about YOU and NOT about him.

    Go out for a jog. Or cook something yummy and healthy. Or go out and buy a new outfit. Or call a girlfriend and go to a movie (no popcorn and soda!).

    Next, get online and find a hobby. A community ed class in pottery or whatever. These things will all help you get over the guy who didn't deserve you enough to stay. That's right...he left because he didn't deserve you, whether he knows it or not.

    Take care of you emotionally, physically and mentally and there won't be a need to wonder what to do the next time you and a guy break up. You'll just be able to take control of your life.

    I highly recommend signing up for Rorie Raye's relationship coaching email newsletter. It's pretty eye-opening. You can just Google her and find her web site. She also sells a bunch of workbooks kits and books and stuff, but I don't buy those. The emails are enough to help me see what I do and what I should do.

    Anyway...just remember...this is about you, loving you and taking care of you. And once you do that, you'll find a man who can't resist you and doesn't want to stay away from you!
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    Guess I missed the train there as well!

    Anyway...keep it in mind for the future. Don't sell yourself out!
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    why the either/or? why not do both, workout FIRST, bet you won't feel like blowing it afterward, but if you do, you've done your damage control in advance
  • jayd007
    I'd go to the gym. Whenever I go through a breakup and the initial shock wears off I always consider that I may have (most of the time I definately have) given way too much of myself to the other person. The whole time I was so worried about their needs and not making sure my own were met. Here's that time for you. Time to take care of yourself and be the best you that you can be FOR YOU. Call it your selfish pleasure. Get some good music, go to the gym, blow off some steam and when you see him around town you'll think "really? I was gonna ruin myself over that??" LOL. Be the girl he wish he would of fought for. I'm sure you are :D

    Wow... I am in the same situation. I was dumped on Jan 8 and I had been feeling like complete crap. The advice that was posted above is some that I am going to take to heart and hopefully you will to. I am ramping up to start running in just a few days. I know that will not only help me lose some weight but also help me release some of the stress I have put myself under since being dumped. Focus on moving forward...I wish you all the best..
  • lizvanb
    lizvanb Posts: 66 Member
    I can see this from both perspectives. On the one hand, I can tell you that when I was first dumped all I felt like doing was vegging on the couch, in my bed, at my computer, pretty much do anything that didn't involve going outside. It may not make you feel better in the long run, but for that moment it feels better than anything. I started going out and drinking more, but for all the wrong reasons (drowning my misery) and ended the night even more depressed than I was at the beginning of the night.

    However, I can also tell you that a few days after that, while I was still really down on myself and still miserable, I started going to the gym hardcore. Doing that made me feel 10000x better than chocolate or alcohol, because of all those awesome endorphins, but also because I started looking awesome. There's nothing better than seeing him again and looking fantastic while he feels stupid. Don't know if that's what you want to happen, but I know it's a great feeling :)