Are quaker oats steel cut?



  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    If I had to describe the flavor. Its a nutty, robust flavor and its not just soft and gooey. There is some texture there. It actually tastes like your eating something real. Imagine
  • dmmarie21
    dmmarie21 Posts: 254 Member
    Quaker does make steel cut oats. They come in a blue container, and I got mine at Kroger. They are only a little more than regular oats, and take 30-45 min to cook.
  • girlsaint
    girlsaint Posts: 209 Member
    I got mine at the Bulk Barn. Tried them for the first time this morning. For me, the preparation time was not worth it. Regular Quaker Oats would have been just as good, with MUCH less work.

    The texture was a little chewier, the flavor slightly nuttier, but almost 40 minutes to make breakfast? No way.

    Now if I only owned a horse I could get rid of the remaining Steel Cut Oats....
  • Just recently switched to steel cut and they are a lot better and more filling. I get the bobs redmill brand, they are usually with the baking supplies and flour. Not a bad price and so worth the extra few minutes they take to cook!!
  • They are usually in the health food isle. I make a weeks worth in tupperware and put them in the fridge.
  • They are usually in the health food isle. I make a weeks worth in single serving tupperware and put them in the fridge
  • Thanks buying in bulk is great but there are never instructions. Will try 4 cups water to 1 cup of steal cut oats
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    WOW! Thanks for all the excellent ideas! Going to go and get some this week at Walmart!
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