Go Ahead Crispy Slices

Just wanted to say AVOID AVOID AVOID!! They have been giving me the most terrible bloating and putrid wind ever! I forgot all about the wind/bloating thing when i bought my multipack - until i started trumping away again.......



  • StarryEyedGirl
    what are they exactly?
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    They are reduced fat "healthy" crispy biscuit slice things that come in different flavours. The one's i've been munching today are orange and sultana flavour.
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    oh dear, cant say that ive had that problem and I eat them a couple of times a week, is it just one particular flavour thats an issue or all of them?:blushing:

    *they are a type of biscuit very crispy with a layer of fruit between, very yummy, especially the yoghurt coated ones, make a nice lower fat alternative to biscuits.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I always have these before I go to the gym with a coffee.
    Works wonders for me. Keeps my energy up.
    Can't say as I've noticed any side effects though. LOL
  • princess_f
    try alpen light chocolate & fudge, 69cals and gorgeous! They do other flavours but ive not tried :)
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    Hmmm..... perhaps it's just me then!! It seems i always get this problem when i eat them so i will have to look for something else to have instead. Will deffo try Alpen bars too - they sound lovely!
  • dream_litotes
    I tried some of the yoghurt covered ones a couple of weeks ago and I didn't like them at all! There's a "cheesy" taste that lingers after them, which I really don't like (I don't eat cheese), plus their list of ingredients is obscenely long and full of things I can't pronounce. I didn't notice any particular bloating or anything, but I definitely wouldn't recommend them anyway.