What Are Your Favorite At Home Exercises?

Hey everyone! I hope you are all doing well.

For all of us trapped inside by the snow and can no longer get to the gym, I thought we could write out some of our best at home exercises. All I really can think of are jumping jacks, crunches and push ups. What are some good ones you know?

Good luck!


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    i love my dvds :)
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    Is getting up from the couch to get a beer considered an exercise, if so that my favorite!

    Seriously, my favorite excercises at home are:

    - shadow boxing
    - Walter Walking/Running
    - Kinect
  • lovemyhellokitty
    lovemyhellokitty Posts: 72 Member
    p90x cardio x and the biggest loser cardio max :)
  • amylynn96
    amylynn96 Posts: 114 Member
    P90x is great, a stationary Bike, Treadmill, and recently bought some boxing equipment and started boxing, my husband holds punching mitts and coaches me (hes incredable btw for helping me so much) but its an amazing full body workout and a total calorie burner. Plus being a girl and learning to Box FUUUN : )
  • Nataliethin81
    I love the Jillian Michaels DVD's!
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    Any of the Jillian Michaels DVD's. OH and even the Kim Kardashian one. (shhh don't tell anyone)
  • ColeyCannoli
    I love the Jillian Michaels DVD's!

    I've heard so many people talk about these! I really need to get some :happy:
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
  • ColeyCannoli
    P90x is great, a stationary Bike, Treadmill, and recently bought some boxing equipment and started boxing, my husband holds punching mitts and coaches me (hes incredable btw for helping me so much) but its an amazing full body workout and a total calorie burner. Plus being a girl and learning to Box FUUUN : )

    I box too! It's amazing! But I usually go to a gym to do it. I didn't realize you could do it at home. Nice ;)
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    I LOVE Michael Jackson the Experience for the Wii. It's more fun than exercise but I burn quite a few calories an hour, about 350, sometimes more depending on the songs I decide to dance to. I have Just Dance for the Wii as well and it's fun but it is a great workout.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    i mostly do DVDs at home, 10 Minute Solutions Kickboxing is my fav, but I have some walking ones that get the heart rate up. I am waiting on the delivery of my new elliptical. I should have it next week. :bigsmile:
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    If you have someone at home who can hold the pads then you can get a really good Boxing workout. A few that I use when my wife and I train at home:

    - Ten Punches: where you do ten punches medium height, then ten punches low, then ten punches up high. Do three sets of each.

    - Ten Punches with Exercise: Ten punches then squat 10. Ten punches then ten lunges. Ten Punches then ten burpies.

    - 21: You start with one punch each hand, then two punches each hand, then three punches each hand............ working your way up to 21 punches each hand. This is brutal.

    - Minute Jabs/Minute Cross: Do a minute of jabbing with your lead hand (pulling back into defensive position -keeping your hand up between punches). Then a minute of crosses with the other hand. The repetition with the same hand is hard work but great for building strength and speed.

    - Situps with punch: Ten situps with your partner holding the pads so that you Jab/Cross when you rise. You can also do a situp with a twist adding a left and right hook on at the end.

    Pressups with Ball - In your normal pressup position, but put a soccer ball (or medicine ball) under one hand and complete ten pressups, then switch hands. This varies the normal pressup slightly and forces you to go deeper on one arm than you would via a normal pressup. You can also take this further by putting the ball in your centre and placing both hands on it and doing a pressup, works a different range of muscles but helps with core strength and balance.

    - Punches with Weights: Get a small dumbbell (3-4kg) and do a minutes worth of jabs/crosses remembering to hold your form and to keep your technique sharp (Extending and twisting the arm, moving the body from the core, bringing hands back into defensive positions, keeping the hands up). The resistance for the weights are great for building power in your punches.

    - Numbered Combos: Ive also given each punch a number (1 Jab, 2 Cross, 3 Hook, 4 Uppercut, 5 Slip, 6 Duck) and get my 12 year old daughter to call out random numbers (while she watches telly!) that I use when shadow boxing!

    I hope the above helps, Id been keen to draw on any other exercises people use at home when boxing. :)
  • loriefolk
    I love the Jillian Michaels DVD's!

    Same! If you're looking for videos to work to, these are the best!
  • ColeyCannoli
    If you have someone at home who can hold the pads then you can get a really good Boxing workout. A few that I use when my wife and I train at home:

    - Ten Punches: where you do ten punches medium height, then ten punches low, then ten punches up high. Do three sets of each.

    - Ten Punches with Exercise: Ten punches then squat 10. Ten punches then ten lunges. Ten Punches then ten burpies.

    - 21: You start with one punch each hand, then two punches each hand, then three punches each hand............ working your way up to 21 punches each hand. This is brutal.

    - Minute Jabs/Minute Cross: Do a minute of jabbing with your lead hand (pulling back into defensive position -keeping your hand up between punches). Then a minute of crosses with the other hand. The repetition with the same hand is hard work but great for building strength and speed.

    - Situps with punch: Ten situps with your partner holding the pads so that you Jab/Cross when you rise. You can also do a situp with a twist adding a left and right hook on at the end.

    Pressups with Ball - In your normal pressup position, but put a soccer ball (or medicine ball) under one hand and complete ten pressups, then switch hands. This varies the normal pressup slightly and forces you to go deeper on one arm than you would via a normal pressup. You can also take this further by putting the ball in your centre and placing both hands on it and doing a pressup, works a different range of muscles but helps with core strength and balance.

    - Punches with Weights: Get a small dumbbell (3-4kg) and do a minutes worth of jabs/crosses remembering to hold your form and to keep your technique sharp (Extending and twisting the arm, moving the body from the core, bringing hands back into defensive positions, keeping the hands up). The resistance for the weights are great for building power in your punches.

    - Numbered Combos: Ive also given each punch a number (1 Jab, 2 Cross, 3 Hook, 4 Uppercut, 5 Slip, 6 Duck) and get my 12 year old daughter to call out random numbers (while she watches telly!) that I use when shadow boxing!

    I hope the above helps, Id been keen to draw on any other exercises people use at home when boxing. :)

    This is awesome! Thank you!
  • namrettik
    Dance Dance Revolution!!!
  • vikeschick42
    I like the Leslie Sansone walking DVD's. She herself is a little annoying, but the workout is good.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Jumping/skipping rope.

    I live in an apartment, so I don't have a whole lot of room. I've tried doing some dance DVDs, but kept running into my furniture. I never would have thought skipping rope would take less room, but it does! :laugh: Admittedly the rope tends to hit off the ceiling, but not badly enough to mess with timing.
  • Natolee72
    Natolee72 Posts: 122 Member
    NONE :grumble: just kidding :laugh: I love my treadmill :wink:
  • andrealgeiger