Can you say FRUSTRATED???!!!

From 6-27-08 to 7-13-08, I weighed 180
From 7-14-08 to 8-7-08, I weighed 179
From 8-8-08 to 8-12-08, i weighed 178.5
From 8-14-08 to 8-14-08, I weighed 176.5
From 8-15-08 to 8-21-08, I weighed 175.5
From 8-22-08 to 8-31-08, I weighed 177.5
From 9-1-08 to 9-4-08, I weighed 177
Today I woke up and weighed 178.5

I have been exercising more than ever, took up bike riding, staying in my allotted calories which is 1350, and i'm gaining weight??? Yes, I eat most of my exercise calories, I have a HRM monitor so I'm not over estimating, I count everything I put in my mouth, I don't eat late at night. I am 41 yo, female, 5'7", my BMR is 1500.

So, as you can see from the numbers above, I have lost in almost 2 1/2 months 3 pounds if you don't count the 1 1/2 pound gain this morning. WHAT in the world am I doing or not doing???


  • PhotographerOfNature
    From 6-27-08 to 7-13-08, I weighed 180
    From 7-14-08 to 8-7-08, I weighed 179
    From 8-8-08 to 8-12-08, i weighed 178.5
    From 8-14-08 to 8-14-08, I weighed 176.5
    From 8-15-08 to 8-21-08, I weighed 175.5
    From 8-22-08 to 8-31-08, I weighed 177.5
    From 9-1-08 to 9-4-08, I weighed 177
    Today I woke up and weighed 178.5

    I have been exercising more than ever, took up bike riding, staying in my allotted calories which is 1350, and i'm gaining weight??? Yes, I eat most of my exercise calories, I have a HRM monitor so I'm not over estimating, I count everything I put in my mouth, I don't eat late at night. I am 41 yo, female, 5'7", my BMR is 1500.

    So, as you can see from the numbers above, I have lost in almost 2 1/2 months 3 pounds if you don't count the 1 1/2 pound gain this morning. WHAT in the world am I doing or not doing???
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Hmmmm....maybe you are just stressing about it too much....
    You could be putting on muscle mass, you said yourself you are working a lot harder.
  • PishPish97
    Track your measurements to see if they are changing. If they are going down, then I would think you are replacing the fat with muscle.
  • PhotographerOfNature
    To continue on with my frustration, this morning I woke up and have gained another 1 pound. Even though yesterday I walked hills for 1 hour and burned 600 calories. So, in 2 days I have now gained 2 1/2 pounds.

    I'm going to Village Inn this morning. Heck with it. I can eat fun fattening foods and gain 2 1/2 pounds just as easily as I can watch what I eat and exercise and gain 2 1/2 pounds.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    You've got to be retaining fluids, and you know that! You can't gain that much in a few days unless it's fluids.

    Another thing I'm checking with my doc this morning is how pre-men might play into my frustration with my slow loss. I've not lost anything in a week again. I'll let you know what she says--got appt. at 10 today
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Just checked my reports on weight loss for this month--talk about frustrating.

    I went 19 days and lost NOTHING!

    Then I dropped 4 pounds in 2 days.

    Then nothing for the last 9 days AGAIN.

    That has been the routine since Mid-June--the same thing over and over--weeks with nothing. Big drop for few days. then Nothing for weeks....:angry::angry:

    Flying Nun not happy.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    ok. so I have not lost any weight since 8/15. My size 12 pants that I bought at that time are loose.
    So I have a theory.

    We gain muscle weight, which takes less room than the fat we had before.
    We do lose fat that is forever (if we keep it up)
    We then gain our wonderful feminine water weight which goes away and BAM 3 lbs-or what ever

    I know the point is to lose weight, but we have to think of this as a marathon, not a sprint.

    You are healthier now no matter what....and the weight will come off if you cont the way you are.

    Of course-I did try a banks buster and had a cheeseburger and worked!
  • emikarls
    emikarls Posts: 1,058 Member
    Scales Lie.

    I did not lose any weight for 2 weeks but I lost 1 whole inch off my waist.

    "It's normal for your weight to fluctuate during the day, even by as much as 4 to 5 lbs. The scale weighs everything, including foods not yet digested, fluids you drank, and solid waste. Just 2 cups of water weighs 1 lb, so if you're retaining fluid from eating more sodium or carbs than usual (or if you are constipated), your weight will rise. But body fat changes slowly over time. Keep it in perpective this way: To gain 1 lb of body fat you'd have to overeat by 3500 calories. For consistency, try to weigh in just in the morning and look for a pattern over several weeks"

    THAT article helped me a lot. I was obessed with the scale and I let it dictate my mood. I stopped weighing everyday and started paying more attention to inches lost.

    Keep doing what you need to do...:flowerforyou:
    GOod luck!
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have the same problem, I'll go down 3 pounds and then back up 2 and then nothing for a couple of days and then maybe another pound lost. I'm wondering if it is the age? I'm close to 50 and I think you ladies are around the same age... The other thing is every body reacts a little different, plus with all the diets I have done in my life I think I messed myself up quite a bit and have to suffer the consequenzes. I still weigh myself almost every day but I don't stress it if there is a small gain, as long as it goes no more then 5 pounds up I don't worrie about it.
    Photographer of Nature I think youre not too far away from your goal weight, so your body might be comfortable at that weight and doesn't want to loose any more? and since you are working out more you should be getting more muscle weight too.
    Shorerider did you ever find out what was wrong with you the other day?you have lost a lot of weight and maybe one of your meds is out of whack? I hope your doctor can find the answer...
    For me , I just keep on. I'm hoping we'll get a little more cooler weather, in this heat I can't do much exercising(don't have airconditioning in the house yet) . So I do what I can and don't sweat it , I a lready can walk up stairs without it hurting my knees so I know I'm on the right track....
    I hope that helps a little:drinker:
  • johnsscarlett
    johnsscarlett Posts: 109 Member
    From 6-27-08 to 7-13-08, I weighed 180
    From 7-14-08 to 8-7-08, I weighed 179
    From 8-8-08 to 8-12-08, i weighed 178.5
    From 8-14-08 to 8-14-08, I weighed 176.5
    From 8-15-08 to 8-21-08, I weighed 175.5
    From 8-22-08 to 8-31-08, I weighed 177.5
    From 9-1-08 to 9-4-08, I weighed 177
    Today I woke up and weighed 178.5

    I have been exercising more than ever, took up bike riding, staying in my allotted calories which is 1350, and i'm gaining weight??? Yes, I eat most of my exercise calories, I have a HRM monitor so I'm not over estimating, I count everything I put in my mouth, I don't eat late at night. I am 41 yo, female, 5'7", my BMR is 1500.

    So, as you can see from the numbers above, I have lost in almost 2 1/2 months 3 pounds if you don't count the 1 1/2 pound gain this morning. WHAT in the world am I doing or not doing???

    I feel your pain. I have only lost 7 pounds since May. I wake up every morning feeling like I'm in a nightmare I can't get out of. Menopause is the devil! I started when I was 38 and ever since then I have gained weight and struggled to get it off. I am about 20 pounds lighter than I was at my heavyest. My daughter says I should throw out my scale because she says I am looking so much better and I shouldn't pay attention to it. I go to the gym 6 days a week, eat my reccomended amount of calories, have a heart rate monitor and still here I sit. I have 3 lousy pounds to lose to be in the normal BMI range and it might as well be 100! I have sat at this stage for months now. It is very depressing. Sorry I'm on a rant. I keep hoping that one of these days I will get on the scale and by some miracle I will drop like 2 pounds. But I refuse to give up! I will continue to exercise and eat smart and maybe one of these days I will have a win! I love this site and am on it all the time looking for inspiration. For the longest time I thought I was the only one who could not lose weight, now I know I am not alone and that there is support and ecouragement here. For now it will have to be enough.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Yep, I'm the same way. Haven't lost since May. I pretty much lost steadily off and on from Sept of last year until May. Then nothing. I'm going to the doctor on the 17th to see what he says. I'm a little young for menopause, so I know that's not it.

    I do know that you will gain water weight the day after a hard workout - especially if it uses strength training.

    If I can go 3 months without losing and stick with it, you can go two weeks, right?

    Hang in there.:flowerforyou:
  • pecksun8
    Yes I can! Sounds like me! Just keep it up, like shore wrote, you could weigh yourself in two days and be back down...just keep swimming...(Dory, from finding Nemo)
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Yep, I'm the same way. Haven't lost since May. I pretty much lost steadily off and on from Sept of last year until May. Then nothing. I'm going to the doctor on the 17th to see what he says. I'm a little young for menopause, so I know that's not it.

    I do know that you will gain water weight the day after a hard workout - especially if it uses strength training.

    If I can go 3 months without losing and stick with it, you can go two weeks, right?

    Hang in there.:flowerforyou:

    According to my doc, women as young as 35 can begin to have pre-men issues without actually being in pre-men. Might want to ask your doc about it just in case.
  • greenbean
    greenbean Posts: 17 Member
    are weighing yourself only once a week at the same time? Women fluctuate a lot becuase of may also want to check if you have been eating more salt on those weeks. I too fluctuate a lot when I work out. I have not seen a "satisfying" number on the scale, but I have gone down 2 sizes. If you still feel like you are doing everything your "supposed" to....a trip to the Dr. might be a good idea - so they can check your thyroid. Hang in there! :flowerforyou:
  • summer2984
    How much water are you drinking? I hear the body needs tons of plain old fashioned water with nothing added to it to flush fat... just a thought. I totally understand your frustration though...



  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Someone else on here stated that their doctor told them they were premenopausal and this could account for the lack of weight loss. I know that some people get it early. Have you talked to you doctor about this? I am only 32 so I dont know much about premen but it could be something to check out.
  • PhotographerOfNature
    Hi guys! I'm back. I took a couple days off after my tantrum, ate food that I wanted and didn't really watch it. The crepes I had at Village Inn were incredible! To answer a few questions from your comments, yes, I weigh the same time everyday, always between 7 a.m and 7:30 a.m. Always after going potty and with no clothes. I had an unexpected complete hysterectomy last November, so I'm not sure if I will still go through the menopause thing or not. But, I don't think I have the monthly weight gain/bloating anymore. And I don't miss it either. :bigsmile: That's interesting what one of you wrote about water weight gain after a severe workout though. I didn't know that. I would love to have a sudden 4 pound weight drop. That would be nice, but I don't seem to be doing anything. But, tomorrow I will be back on MFP putting all my food in and tracking it again. I have to keep going.

    Thanks Everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Hi guys! I'm back. I took a couple days off after my tantrum, ate food that I wanted and didn't really watch it. The crepes I had at Village Inn were incredible! To answer a few questions from your comments, yes, I weigh the same time everyday, always between 7 a.m and 7:30 a.m. Always after going potty and with no clothes. I had an unexpected complete hysterectomy last November, so I'm not sure if I will still go through the menopause thing or not. But, I don't think I have the monthly weight gain/bloating anymore. And I don't miss it either. :bigsmile: That's interesting what one of you wrote about water weight gain after a severe workout though. I didn't know that. I would love to have a sudden 4 pound weight drop. That would be nice, but I don't seem to be doing anything. But, tomorrow I will be back on MFP putting all my food in and tracking it again. I have to keep going.

    Thanks Everyone!!! :flowerforyou:

    Nothin wrong with that.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member

    According to my doc, women as young as 35 can begin to have pre-men issues without actually being in pre-men. Might want to ask your doc about it just in case.

    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    I think, as a woman, I have enough to deal with! :laugh:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    About the fluid retention from exercise--it's definately possible! I had discussed it via PM with Banks, as I noticed that after my weight training days at the gym is when I would stop losing for several days. Banks said something about muscles holding onto water after working-out. Check with him for me information on that. My doc confirmed what Banks said, too!

    Anyway, check out my thread on the diuretic my doc gave me. She said she could tell by my legs that I was retaining, and boy was she right! After 2 days on diuretics, I've lost 4 pounds!

    It's about being pre-men, too, Causes slow metabolism fluid retention, that might be an issue with you as well.