New to the site! LOVE FOOD!

Hi my name is Jennifer, I am new to this site and so far I am loving it! I love food way too much and have been trying to stay focused and lose weight for too long. I get very bored with exercise and become very unmotivated very fast. I am hoping to stay encouraged with this site and work and learn with many other people!


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member

    I used to love food, too. It used to be the center of my universe. But no more. I have learned how to be healthy with the help of this awesome program I am on.

    Good luck.
  • doesgo
    doesgo Posts: 15 Member
    I love food too, but my entire attitude and outlook has changed over the past four months and I'm finding I now eat to live rather than live to eat. I still like it, I still get plenty hungry, but I find fruits and veggies more satisfying than ever before, and as much as I want pizza and ice cream, the desire to eat well (usually) overcomes those "evil" desires. Stick with it, you'll change over time.

    Remember: eat bad > feel bad, eat great > feel great!
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    I love food too, the secret is to love yourself MORE than food & understand what your body needs in the way of food. I never deny myself any type or group of foods because I have learnt that if I do I crave it..if I must have it I work it into my calorie allowance. So I still love food..and still intend to..but I make wiser choices now!!
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    There is nothing wrong with loving food. I love to cook. I love to eat. But I've learned to do so in moderation. I'm trying to lose the last 10 (but being 58, it's a little harder than it was when I was 28!! LOL).

    But if I want cheesecake, I go to the store where they sell slices and share one with hubby. I've learned to cook using more fresh veggies (roasted veggies!! YUM!!!). And I just watch my portions.

    Don't give up loving food. Your "diet" will become bland and then you'll be inclined to "cheat."

    Just my two-cent's worth.... :)
    Best of luck....
  • Nemlein
    Nemlein Posts: 168 Member
    I definitely relate. I love food too, and my husband is a chef, so he doesn't really understand deprivation... or even moderation! It's really difficult to say "no" to food so often but I find its getting easier as I go on, and I'm learning to work his lovely meals into my calorie count when he insists on cooking. Best of luck to you and welcome!
  • luvtowalk
    luvtowalk Posts: 14 Member
    I feel the same way, It is so easy to not exercise