WII my body coach

OMG done about just over half an hour on this last night and i could barely get out of bed this morning i felt muscles i've never felt before .....its definatley a good workout, does anyone else have this game ? I only got it yesterday but i think its one i'm going to stick too you can change the music and gym scene too so that will keep my boredom with routine at bay !!! My muscles are only just getting back to normal after some deep freezeand a muscle soak bath lol! I guess its a sign of a good workout though lol !!!


  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    I've got my fitness coach dance workout for my wii its good too, been using just dance recently and love it :D
  • charmckay
    charmckay Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I am using Wii fit I get a good cardio workout and have a lot of fun
  • kidtechnical
    I have this and have burned approx 20 calories taking it off the shelf for a dust, LOL. I've used it a few times and never really took to it, it might be worth a revisit. My youngest got Dance Central for his birthday, I had a wee play when he went to school and it seemed to have worked my waist/sides... it's nice to feel muscles that have been neglected.
  • savagegirl
    savagegirl Posts: 33 Member
    i've got MFC dance workout too and i love it!!! :-)