Help!! Heading to a Super Bowl bbq...

I'm super nervous about heading to a super bowl bbq. Any encouraging words? Advice? I don't want to blow my whole week with this one, but these types of gatherings are usually my downfall. You know the snacking, yummy foods, etc.


  • dianeboehm
    I always bring a healthy salad to share and keep the snacking to a minimum. Good Luck!
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    There have been a couple of these threads today! LOL. Lots of nervous people out there.

    I'll give you the same advice I gave the others. Two words: tight jeans!

    And yes, have fun. No one wants to feel as though they're being deprived of having a good time. But who needs to over-do?? Not you, not me, not 99.9% of the people here!

    Go Pack!!!
  • steampunkgirl
    Don't let one meal blow your entire week. No matter what happens you can exercise. Do some cardio before you go if you can so your metabolism is up. Drink lots of water so you don't overeat and you will feel fuller. Its ok to have a little of the BBQ but try to eat more of the veggies and fruits if you can. I had a big lunch with low cal foods. Celery, tuna with greek yogurt etc.. Even if you go over your calories today just pick up your workout tomorrow! Its going to be ok just don't give up and moderation is key.
  • juleslianne
    Go slow. When you see the snacks decide which ones you want and how much of each you are going to eat before you actually do. If you can't resist the "non healthy" option, have a little! It won't kill you. As long as you are conscious of what you are putting in your mouth and not just eating mindlessly you should be fine! Good luck! :happy:
  • steampunkgirl
    There have been a couple of these threads today! LOL. Lots of nervous people out there.

    I'll give you the same advice I gave the others. Two words: tight jeans!

    And yes, have fun. No one wants to feel as though they're being deprived of having a good time. But who needs to over-do?? Not you, not me, not 99.9% of the people here!

    Go Pack!!!

    Great idea!!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Self-control...! & have fun!
  • jayshann
    jayshann Posts: 39 Member
    Same for me...I am going DOWN...LOL
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Don't sit in front of the food. Lol.

    Still, just because you're at a Superbowl BBQ, that doesn't mean there can't be a somewhat healthy incorporation into what you eat. If you happen to partake in the food, consider it protein and enjoy the food. If there are vegetables and/or a salad, load up your plate with those and keep the portions on your plate as half of it veggies, 1/4 meat, and 1/4 bread. Then stick to only one plate and keep cheering and socializing in between bites. That will give your stomach time to digest keep it satisfied.

    And lastly, if you give into the temptation of pure indulgence, don't regret it. Just get back to your normal routine after today. It's not like Superbowl parties are happening all the time.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Before you go, have a snack high in protein, along with a little good fat. That will keep your blood sugar steady and the fat will keep you satisfied. Remind yourself you have made a commitment to better health and that you don't want to undo all your hard work. Focus on the game, the commercials, the people, the ceiling(?:wink: ) ANYTHING but food.

    Avoid overdoing the alcohol, if possible, as it can cloud your judgement, which can lead to uncontrolled nibbling. Besides, if you go easy on the alcohol, you can save some calories for guacamole, which has good fat in it. Look for veggie items, fresh veggies in guacamole is a better bet than chips. If there is bbq'd anything, leave off as much sauce as possible--usually loaded w/sugar. Drink lots of water. If you put a lemon in water, or sparkling water, nobody can tell if you are drinking something stronger and more calorie-laden.

    Since lots of the things commonly served on game day are high in sodium, a little extra water will help you flush it out.

    And despite what you may think-probably nobody really CARES what you are drinking, because they are too busy drinking themselves and pigging out at the food table. People-watch and think how much better YOU are going to feel come Monday, because you had a plan, you took control, enjoyed the game and the company, and still stayed on track.

    I know I said ignore the food, but pay enough attention to it so that you can see if there is something REALLY good that you want to have a SMALL portion of, and then plan for it. With careful planning, you can still enjoy some food you don't ordinarily have and not undo the progress you have made.

    So let's say you are "good" and on Monday you are weighing--if you are up a pound or two, don't flip out and assume all is lost. Sodium takes a day or two to flush out, so up the water, keep eating healthy and it will only be a temporary bump in the road.

    Enjoy the game.

    Go Packers!!!! Go Steelers!!! Since I have no particular affinity for either team, I am just looking forward to a good game!!

    BTW, it looks like there are good suggestions prior to my post. Although when I started writing, there were no other responses, by the time I finished the "novella" others jumped in, so if anything I say is redundant, that is why!!
  • ccg0222
    Thanks everyone! I appreciate the advice! Think I'm going to make a big salad to take with me to the party. That way I'm contributing AND helping myself stay on track.