Using exercise calories?

I have read a few posts re using exercise calories and I am still unsure as everybody seems to have a different opinion. Is there anyone who has done the research and what is your opinion?


  • sherri31
    I never thought about till i read a post yesterday. But most days i use my workout calories cause i was told to get as close as possible. I have lost 10 lbs in about a month so it must be working for me. But im going to try this week not to use them and see what happens. Good luck
  • kjsweigart
    I have never used exercise calories, and usually exercise twice a day. I have lost 75 lbs, so it is working for me. If I get in a plateau, I just add 200 calories to my 1200 daily calories
  • tiffsNEWlife
    I got this information from a very smart MFP's whom I thank everyday for their wonderful advice!!
    "My suggestion to you would be to:
    (1) Add fiber to the things that MFP counts (in addition to protein, fats, carbs) ... if you haven't already done so.
    (2) Eat as much whole, fresh food as you can, being sure you eat plenty of fruits(at least 3 a day) and veggies (at least 5 servings a day).
    (3) Aim for a fiber goal (which, by the way I set at 30 grams a day).
    (4) Don't eat your exercise calories until you have reached three or four consecutive days of exercise. Then eat only that third or fourth day's exercise calories (some or all). "

    Basically what she said to me was, you are not going to hit starvation mode unless you are consevtively going DRASTICALLY under 1200 calories and exercising like a maniac. So, if you are eating a certain amount of calories a day you don't neccasarly NEED those exercise calories to keep your body going.
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    i eat half or sometimes none at all.
  • amyjthomas
    Thanks for the advice. I am new to this and was confused about my exercise calories. 10 lbs in a month, how wonderful. Congrats. I think I am just now getting use to things, I have only lost a small 1 pd.

    How do you put on your page SW,CW mini goal, long term goal etc. I would love to have that visual.

  • luvlys05
    Thanks for the advice. I am new to this and was confused about my exercise calories. 10 lbs in a month, how wonderful. Congrats. I think I am just now getting use to things, I have only lost a small 1 pd.

    How do you put on your page SW,CW mini goal, long term goal etc. I would love to have that visual.


    1 pound is a pound on your way!! To add the goals, go to "signature" and write them in. Then anything you post will have that attached. Good luck and happy losing!!
  • AnitaAntone
    AnitaAntone Posts: 177 Member
    This is a reacurring topic that got me thinking so I asked my health professional about this and showed them this site. After sitting up an account and reviewing program they were very happy and satisfied with the site and guidelines in general. About the extra calories,,, total calories consumed shouldn't be under 1200 for day , so if you are under 1200 net for day you should eat a portion back. Also because of calroies burned estimate might run higher than they actually are I was told to only eat half the" earned calories" back in general. I was suggested to keep a track of my calorie deficit for the WEEK and results I was achieving as another way to gauge if I was doing what would be more succesful for me as an individual and for times when I might start to plateau.
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I am also cautious about eating ALL of my exercise calories. I eat into them by a couple of hundred calories every now and then, but otherwise try to stick with my recommended 1200. Why? Two reasons:

    1-- Most people tend to underestimate the calories they consume. I'm no exception, especially since I do general measures and don't weigh EVERYTHING.

    2~ It''s also known that the cardio machines I use at the gym overestimate the calories I burn. Those calculations are based on big, muscular men, not shorter, chubby women. So, I remain cautious.

    With those two issues in play, I use my exercise calories as a buffer against miscalculating.
  • avalanche1973
    Calories are calories if you are truely burning them exercising you need to know what they are so you don't go into "plateau mode" and can restore them.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Calories are calories if you are truely burning them exercising you need to know what they are so you don't go into "plateau mode" and can restore them.

    I have no idea what this means. "Calories are Calories." Yep. That is true. :huh:
