Peanut Butter diet?



  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    how much PB are you talking about? Fruits, veggies, PB and egg whites? I would be bored the first day
  • AndreaRu
    AndreaRu Posts: 3 Member
    I have no doubt it would work. I did low carb for a year and ate all kinds of high fat foods I wouldn't dream of touching now (along with lots of veggies and fruit), lost 45 pounds easily, and was much healthier for it. So yeah, if all you're worried about is effectiveness, then sure. Eventually I stopped low carb because I missed the big wide world of food. If all I could eat were the foods on your list, I would probably spiral into a deep depression!

    I have nut allergic kids so I can't have PB anymore and I can tell you that there isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss and desperately wish I could have peanut butter ALLL THE TIME... but even I couldn't force myself to get 80% of my calories from peanut butter. Plus, on your plan above, I would seriously, seriously STARVE and would probably eventually be missing a lot of nutrients, too.
  • smashpants22
    smashpants22 Posts: 33 Member
    i highly doubt it would work.. and you'd get sick from just eating that!
    its almost certain to fail since you're gonna be like "blahhh peanut butter AGAIN" and youll want to snack on other things.
    Just do it sensibly by eating regular healthy meals.
    You'll feel so much better for it :) even if peanut butter is crazy delicious haha
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    I am on a quest to drop down to 165 from 180lbs. I am sticking to a daily 1500 calorie limit. I have seen alot of articles about peanut butter being good for weight loss, yet it is high in fat. My question is if I eat 1200 calories from peanut butter and the rest coming from eggs(white only), fruits and vegetables, would this help me lose weight? I am not a nutritionist and the "fat" in peanut butter concerns me.

    You can lose weight with any food/diet/etc as long as you are running @ a caloric deficiency.
    Check out the twinkie diet:

    "He's not the first person to lose weight on an unhealthy diet. You could eat all chocolate cake and lose weight as long as you didn't eat too much of it. Staying on this diet forever and he'd have some unpleasant consequences,"

    A calorie is a calorie so if you are burning more than you are eating you WILL LOSE WEIGHT.
    Looking past this, however, nutrition comes into play. I would try to come up with a better plan that will form good habits.

    Don't starve your body to burn fat!
    Properly fuel your body and create your caloric deficiency via the metabolic boost that comes with exercise.

    Good luck!
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    Even with the multivitamin, I'm predicting severe vitamin deficeincy as a result of that diet. This is a fad diet - sure it'll help you lose weight, but the moment you stop it you're going to gain it all back.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Yes you can lose weight eating at a calorific deficit with a terrible food choice ie. twinky or pb. I am pretty sure the objective is to actually lose FAT not just any weight. Lose muscle mass, lower BMR, go back to eating normal, put on fat = yoyo diet.
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    Yes you can lose weight eating at a calorific deficit with a terrible food choice ie. twinky or pb. I am pretty sure the objective is to actually lose FAT not just any weight. Lose muscle mass, lower BMR, go back to eating normal, put on fat = yoyo diet.

    Totally agree!
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I lost a ton of weight on a "single food" diet and lived to tell about it. I have relapsed because 1) Losing the weight doesn't fix the emotional parts that got me fat in the first place. 2) Quit smoking & didn't up the exercise enough. I would LOVE a PB diet, but frankly, PB is part of what got me the 30-40 pounds I need to lose now. How much PB would 1200 calories be - probably not enough for me! ;>
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    I love PB but a whole diet? No thanks. If a whole community of people striving to be healthier and happier, tell you it's a bad idea, then it really *really* is a bad idea. Nobody on this site will try and persuade you to do anything that is unsafe because we're all after the same thing -- a lifestyle change because there is no magic pill. So, choose more nutritious foods, burn more calories than you take in and remember to vary your meals. You'll only end up in a frustrated heap after eating the same meal for a few days in a row. (Been there, done that).

    Stop trying to cut corners with a fad diet and just do it the healthy MPF way.
    Yes, it is hard but it is worth it, you only have to read the success stories to see that!
  • mrscjwilson
    Where the vegetables, the protien?
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    If you look at the the macro nutrition's of this diet:
    ~60% fat 30% protein 10% carbs

    It falls right in line with a ketogenic diet. (

    Obviously it isn't being used for it's recommended purpose and there is risk involved, but this type of diet has been recommended to individuals with certain medical conditions by trained professionals since the 1920s.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    WOw, I can't believe there is an actual Peanut Butter diet. That is insane. I wouldn't do it.
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    "A ketogenic diet is suitable for some people – but most definitely not all. Depriving the body of carbohydrates can place significant strain on the body – particularly liver and kidney function. Many people will feel considerably fatigued during the first few weeks of ketosis – the body is trying to adapt to using ketones as a fuel source" -

    Liver and kidney function seem important to me...
  • chaeid
    Ok, so I have decided to go with this peanut butter idea starting Wednesday. Here is what my daily diet would look like...

    2 hard boiled eggs (white only)
    3 cups of fat free milk
    2 bananas
    3 fuji apples
    6 tbsp of Jif Peanut Butter
    1 oneaday multivitamin

    The macro nutrition's of this diet are 56% carbs(143g), 21% protein(52g), and 23% fat(58g). The total calories sum up to about 1230.

    I know it's a little lowin calories so I may eat another banana and/or another apple sometime during the day. Also while there is a lot of fat, only 15g are coming from saturated fats. On the plus side, it is low in cholesterol and sodium while being high in potassium.

    The only other glaring standout is the amount of sugar (94g). However most of it is coming from the bananas and the apples.

    This diet seems pretty balanced to me but maybe there is something that MFP is not telling me? Please let me know if this seems like a liable diet as I am trying to lose weight.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Did you just skip the last two pages?

    What are your stats now?

    Read this.

    I don't think anywhere in there will tell you to eat 6 tbspns of pb and some fruit per day.
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member

    This diet seems pretty balanced to me but maybe there is something that MFP is not telling me? Please let me know if this seems like a liable diet as I am trying to lose weight.

    Okay then. Obviously you're determined to do this no matter what you're told and have chosen to put the blinders on when reading others responses ... if you even read them. Enjoy your yo-yo diet.